Siheyuan: Xu Damao wakes up in the world

Chapter 260 Liu Lan: I’ll collect the money

Chapter 260 Liu Lan: I’ll collect the money

"Hasn't Liu Lan been looking for you in the past two days?" Xu Damao asked.

"No, I've been waiting for Liu Lan. I wanted to ask Liu Lan, but I remember you asked me to keep a low profile, so I didn't dare to go to Liu Lan for fear of getting into trouble." Liu Haizhong said hurriedly.

Maybe it's because Director Li hasn't decided yet. In this way, I will first say hello to Liu Lan and ask Liu Lan to ask Director Li, and then I will call Liu Lan back to my home. "

"Second uncle, you go to my house quietly after dinner in the evening. I will let her wait at home at night. You two should explain this matter clearly and don't be vague. After all, there will be no such store after passing this village. Maybe in the future There won't be such a chance. Second uncle, be careful in everything, remember to enter from outside the courtyard, so that the people in our courtyard will not see and gossip." Xu Damao said.

"Don't worry, I understand." Liu Haizhong left after saying that.

Xu Damao didn't ask Carpenter Zhou at all, but put the two knives directly into the infinite dimension ring. Xu Damao only cares about whether these two knives are easy to use and practical, and doesn't care about other bells and whistles at all.

Xu Damao then found Liu Lan and told him about Liu Haizhong. Liu Lan's eyes lit up and she knew that her opportunity to make money had come. She quickly ran to Director Li's office and told Director Li about the matter.

"Just tell Liu Haizhong to calm down and wait patiently. The results will be available before the holiday at the end of the year." Director Li said.

"Then can you guarantee that Liu Haizhong can become a director?" Liu Lan asked.

"Of course! In the steel rolling mill, there is nothing I want to do but can't do. Aren't I just a small director, or the kind of work-for-work type? If I can't even do this little thing, I might as well go back to work. Stay home." Director Li snorted and said disdainfully.

"Okay, tonight I'm going to ask Yi Zhonghai for money. I'm going to ask for one thousand six hundred, Xu Damao and I are four hundred each, and you are eight hundred each." Liu Lan said.

"Just take care of this matter yourself, and don't rely on facts and evidence." Director Li coughed slightly and said.

As the industry conscience of the steel rolling mill, Director Li still understands and respects rules. He doesn't care at all about Liu Lan's commission-taking behavior. Instead, he believes that the more rules are followed, the better.

This is Director Li's subconscious behavior and cognition. As a senior leader, Director Li naturally and subconsciously hopes that his subordinates will abide by the rules as much as possible. Only in this way can he manage and carry out his work.

Liu Lan left with a smile.

When it was time to get off work, as Xu Damao expected, Director Li had another treat. Naturally, He Daqing, Liu Lan and others couldn't leave, so they stayed to speculate on Xiao Zao.

In this case, Xu Damao simply didn't go home and had his evening meal in the cafeteria.

Qin Huairu did not go home after get off work. Instead, she came to look for Ma Hua outside the cafeteria.

Although He Daqing recognized the MCA, he promised to only teach the MCA how to cook big-pot dishes to fill the hole left by Silly Zhu. The MCA did not need to cook small-cook dishes, so naturally he did not need to stay and work overtime.

In fact, MCA wanted to stay and work overtime yesterday in order to learn more skills, but the fat man drove him away with scoldings.

When MCA saw that He Daqing did not express his position, he understood that He Daqing acquiesced in this situation and had no choice but to go home as soon as it was time to get off work. Fortunately, MCA has a pretty good character and is not a white-eyed wolf. He does not resent He Daqing because of this, but is very grateful to He Daqing.

After all, He Daqing began to teach him cooking skills systematically and promised to teach him how to stir-fry on a large stove, which made Ma Hua very grateful.

Qin Huairu easily blocked Ma Hua, and when she learned from Ma Hua that there was another small stove in the evening, she was extremely happy. Qin Huairu knew that there was rain and she could not enter the canteen, so she Shi Shiran went home and prepared to ask He Daqing for a lunch box like yesterday.

He Daqing and others waited until Director Li and his entourage had left after having a full meal, then they began to clean up the reception room and distribute the leftovers.

Just like yesterday, when He Daqing left the factory, he first came to the gate of the security department of the steel rolling mill, smiled and exchanged cigarettes with the guards, then chatted for a few words before leaving and greeting them. When he went to the No. 1 canteen to get food, he would Looking for the window where MCA is located, He Daqing said that he had told MCA that he would take more care of the brothers in the security department.

Although it can't be as obvious as when Sha Zhu served Qin Huairu before, he still has the small privilege of serving more dishes and serving more soup.

The sedan chair is carried by everyone. It is convenient for others and it is convenient for oneself. Amid waves of enthusiastic greetings, He Daqing and his party left the steel rolling mill.

"Yu Li, Yu Yu, and Liu Lan, please learn more. I'm not worried about Fatty. I'm just worried that you won't be able to lose face sometimes."

"Whenever Uncle He is not here, and you encounter a situation like today, you should be like Uncle He. If you don't have a cigarette, say a few nice words, so that you can be good to me, everyone is good," Xu Damao said.

"You still need to say that? Isn't it just a bit of human sophistication?" Liu Lan said, rolling her eyes.

"It's good to understand. It's not shameful to say a few nice words. It's really good when you get the benefit." Xu Damao said.

After Xu Damao and his group left the steel rolling mill, Fatty sent Liu Lan home first. Xu Damao rode his bicycle carrying Yu Li and He Yuyu and left first, while He Daqing walked slowly behind.

When Xu Damao, Yu Li and He Yuyu came to the entrance of the alley, Xu Damao saw the shadow of Qin Huairu hiding aside.

Qin Huairu just hid, but he looked at the entrance of the alley and saw a street light. The street light illuminated Qin Huairu's shadow.

Xu Damao chuckled lightly, didn't take it seriously, pretended not to see anything, and roared away on his bicycle.

"Boy and a bitch! Xu Damao, this old pervert, must die a good death." Qin Huairu felt itching with hatred when she saw Xu Damao's proud expression, hugging him from left to right.

Qin Huairu thinks that she is not bad, why doesn't Xu Damao provoke her? If Xu Damao provokes her, she will hit the snake and follow the stick, and suck Xu Damao's blood.

Fortunately, it would be nice to be able to suck He Daqing's blood.

Qin Huairu came out early this evening and was already very cold. Qin Huairu came out so early because she was really afraid of missing He Daqing.

Qin Huairu endured it for the sake of the lunch box.

It didn't take long for Qin Huairu to see He Daqing's figure.

"Xiao Qin, I increased the quantity when cooking Xiao Zao this time. The leader left a lot, a big box full." He Daqing directly stuffed the lunch box into Qin Huairu's hand without waiting for Qin Huairu to speak.

As soon as Qin Huairu took it, she felt that the lunch box was heavier than yesterday, and she couldn't help but feel happy.

"Thank you so much, Uncle He. Uncle He, will I go to your house to wash your feet tonight?" Qin Huairu said with a pretending to be shy.

Qin Huairu was addicted to washing He Da's feet. She could earn two yuan in an hour and a half, and she wasn't tired at all. No fool would do it.

As for cleaning He Da's feet and humiliating people, Qin Huairu didn't care at all. Besides, no one knew about it.

"No, let's wait for two days." He Daqing said.

He Daqing is acting according to Xu Damao's plan. Xu Damao once said that this kind of thing is like hunting. You can't always be tense, but you have to be relaxed and orderly, and you have to be patient...

This time it was Qin Huairu's turn to be dumbfounded. Qin Huairu thought that he could earn another two yuan, but he did not expect that He Daqing refused.

"How can he refuse? This is two dollars, not land, one dollar and ninety-eight cents, it's the same..." Qin Huairu blinked and couldn't help thinking.

"Why don't you let me... wash your feet, Uncle He?" Qin Huairu said subconsciously, except for the words "Why do you want me to make money?" Fortunately, she woke up in time and finished her words. past.

(End of this chapter)

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