Siheyuan: Xu Damao wakes up in the world

Chapter 290 Qin Jingru cries in anger

Chapter 290 Qin Jingru cries in anger

"Pork and cabbage stewed with vermicelli! There are also big white steamed buns that are enough to fill your mouth! Such a big piece of fat meat can be stewed as much as you want. However, Brother Damao doesn't seem to like eating fat meat. He only eats lean meat. He removes all the fat. It’s in my bowl.” Qin Jingru licked her tongue and said with endless aftertaste.

Qin Huairu's taste budged when he heard this, and couldn't help but said: "Then...does Damao's family have any leftovers?"

"No!" Qin Jingru said.

"No?" Qin Huairu said in disbelief.

"Really not. Brother Damao didn't eat much, Sister Yuyu and Sister Yu Li didn't eat much either. Uncle He only drank too much and didn't eat much. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu ate a lot. They even finished the leftovers. ." Qin Jingru said.

"That's right, I'm so young, I'm going to die for it. I didn't expect Xu Damao to take care of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's food. Jingru, look at me, my monthly salary is so small, and I was deducted 17 and a half yuan, and I only got 10 yuan." , can you help sister and bring back stick noodles, white noodles, eggs, pork and the like from Xu Damao's house?" Qin Huairu said with a smile.

"Sister! You want me to steal something from Brother Damao's house, no! No matter what you say! Children of our old Qin family, who walk and sit upright, would rather starve to death than steal." Qin Jingru shook her head quickly and said .

"Jingru, why are you so stupid? How can you call it a thief among acquaintances? You want to take it." Qin Huairu continued.

"Sister, you go and get it yourself, I won't take it." Qin Jingru said with a start.

"Okay, if you don't want to take it, don't take it. Then if there are any leftovers at Xu Damao's house, you can bring them back to my sister to eat at night." Qin Huairu continued.

"No, Brother Damao said that if you can't eat it at night, you can continue eating it tomorrow morning. It's winter anyway and the food won't spoil." Qin Jingru shook her head and said.

In short, no matter what Qin Huairu said, Qin Jingru remained unmoved and resolutely stated that she would not take a single step from the Xu Damao family.

"Only a fool takes it. Five yuan a month and three square meals to eat. Where can I find such a good thing?" Qin Jingru thought to herself.

"Jingru, can you bear to see my sister in such trouble? Didn't you say that Xu Damao will give you three yuan every month, and my sister will save it for you." Qin Huairu rolled her eyes and said.

"No, I'll just ask Brother Damao to hand it over to my parents when he goes to the countryside to show a movie." Qin Jingru continued shaking her head.

Qin Jingru is also a little selfish person, so she naturally understands that only the money she holds in her hands is real, and asking Xu Damao to give the money to her parents is just an excuse for Qin Jingru.

Of course Qin Jingru wants to keep the money in her own hands.

Qin Huairu's face suddenly darkened, this damn girl is really incompetent. Suddenly, Qin Huairu's eyes lit up. Qin Huairu found that Banggeng had quietly come behind Qin Jingru, and Qin Jingru happened to put the snacks behind her.

"Jingru, you can't live and eat at my sister's house for free. In this way, if you give me two yuan, it will be considered as paying rent." Qin Huairu knew that Qin Jingru would not agree, so she said deliberately in order to attract Qin Jingru's attention. .

Sure enough, Qin Jingru became excited when she heard this.

"Sister, why do I have to live and eat at your house for free? I also help you serve Banggeng. Banggeng is a disabled person and needs help when going to the toilet. When did I not help him go there?" Qin Jingru was excited. said.

"You are the cripple!" Banggeng said angrily, and then pushed Qin Jingru hard, causing Qin Jingru to stumble.

At the same time, Banggeng grabbed the snacks, hurriedly tore open the package, grabbed the snacks and stuffed them into his mouth. Xiaodang and Huaihua also rushed over, picked up the snacks and stuffed them into their mouths.

"This is the snack Brother Damao gave me!" Qin Jingru was anxious and rushed forward to grab it. "What's the big deal? Isn't it just a pack of snacks?" Qin Huairu quickly stopped Qin Jingru and said nonchalantly.

"That's right, you stingy man, you are eating and drinking at our house for free, what's wrong with us eating your snacks?" Banggeng mocked.

"Banggen is still a child, Jingru, you are his aunt, why would you be angry with a child." Qin Huairu still said unhurriedly.

"Wow!" Qin Jingru suddenly burst into tears, then threw Qin Huairu away, ran towards the gate of Xu Damao's backyard, and patted the gate directly.

Qin Jingru was so speechless and in pain not because she felt sorry for Dianxin, but because she was afraid that Xu Damao would kick her out and stop her from working after he found out about it.

"Qin Jingru, why are you crying?" Liu Guangtian couldn't help but ask when he saw Qin Jingru when he came out. Then he opened the door and led Qin Jingru into the courtyard.

"Brother Damao, that bastard Banggeng stole the snacks you gave me. You said that the things you gave me cannot be given to others. I really didn't give them to Banggeng. It was Banggeng who stole them away. I want to take them back. , My sister is still stopping me, Brother Damao, you won’t stop me from working, will you?” Qin Jingru said crying.

"What a big deal, you keep coming tomorrow. Then again, it's my fault too. In this way, I'll leave you a cabinet in the east wing and lock it for you. You can keep the key. From now on, you can put your things there. It's in the cabinet, don't take it back to your sister's house, lest it be robbed by their family." Xu Damao said nonchalantly.

Tonight, Xu Damao deliberately gave Qin Jingru a bag of snacks in order to make the Qin sisters fight among themselves.

With Qin Huairu and Banggan's insatiable greed, it would be strange if Qin Jingru took a bag of snacks back and they didn't grab them.

"Thank you, Brother Damao." Qin Jingru was happy when she heard this, as long as she didn't drive her away.

"You're welcome, I don't blame you for this." Xu Damao said with a chuckle, and then winked at He Yuyu.

"Jingru, come here, let me say a few words to you." He Yueyue pulled He Yueyue over, and then brought He Yueyue to Yu Li's room.

"Jingru, although Damao doesn't care about this matter, you have to care about it. Now, do you know who your sister's family is? They are just white-eyed wolves. If nothing else, I will ask you, where are you? not angry?"

"That's right, if you take these snacks home for your parents to eat, your parents will also say that you are filial, know that you are filial to your parents when you have good things, and you can block something if necessary. Don't say that your snacks are taken away by Bangge. Well, just give it to Bangge. They will never say hello to you, but will scold you for how you got such a little snack." Yu Li continued.

"Yes! Your sister's family is just a bunch of white-eyed wolves. Keep this sentence in your heart. As for whether what we said is right or not, you just have to pay more attention in the future. One thing you have to remember is that you can't afford the monthly money Damao gives you. Never give it to anyone, keep it in your own hands." He Yuyu said without leaving a trace.

"Jingru, your sister Yuyu won't harm you. You already know what Brother Damao is capable of. We don't like your money at all, but just because we don't like it doesn't mean that your sister doesn't. In this way, You know how to sew, I'll find a piece of cloth for you. When you come here tomorrow, don't do anything but sew a pocket in your underwear first."

"Brother Damao will definitely give you red envelopes during the Chinese New Year. Then you should hide the money in your underwear pocket to avoid being snatched away by your sister. If she can snatch your snacks, she can snatch your money," Yu Li continued. .

He Yuyu and Yu Li started to PUA towards Qin Jingru, a local girl.

"Thank you Sister Yuyu, thank you Sister Yu Li." Qin Jingru nodded excitedly. Qin Jingru thought that He Yuyu and Yu Li were doing it for her own good, so they gave her advice.

"By the way, Banggeng still needs to be dealt with. How are you going to deal with Banggeng?" He Yuyu narrowed his eyes and asked without leaving any trace.

He Yuyu and Yu Li laid the groundwork for a long time and finally entered the theme.

(End of this chapter)

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