Siheyuan: Xu Damao wakes up in the world

Chapter 368 BangGeng was treated with electric shock

Chapter 368 BangGeng was treated with electric shock

Mourning is greater than heartbreak. This is Qin Huairu's state at this time.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. If Qin Huairu was still an unconditional and unlimited spoiler, Yi Zhonghai would have to leave the courtyard at any cost. Fortunately, Qin Huairu didn't do that.

Xu Damao glanced at Qin Huairu in surprise after hearing Qin Huairu's words. Xu Damao thought that Qin Huairu would continue to protect Banggen, but he didn't expect that Qin Huairu would cut it off and send Banggen to a mental hospital again.

Now that Qin Huairu has made a decision, Xu Damao is naturally willing to help Qin Huairu. Xu Damao immediately left the courtyard, went to his unit and made a phone call to the mental hospital.

Not long after, Xu Damao and a group of doctors from the mental hospital came to the courtyard, and the leader was Dr. Yang.

"Director Xu, let me tell you, I am becoming more and more confident in electroshock therapy. Under my kind of treatment, Mrs. Jia Zhang has become much more well-behaved and is no longer like before." Dr. Yang said with interest. Said enthusiastically.

"Jia Zhang's case is just a case. You can't treat a case as a rule. Now there is another case. You can try again, treat more people like this, and then find the cause and effect from the rule to achieve a complete cure. Effect." Xu Damao said with the same enthusiasm.

"Director Xu, you are so right." Doctor Yang became even more excited.

After Doctor Yang and his party arrived at the courtyard, Qin Huairu pointed at the door, and these people immediately rushed in.

At this time, Bangge was lying on the bed looking forward to a beautiful and happy life in the future, but he was restrained by a group of big men. BangGeng suddenly realized that these burly men looked familiar. He could tell at a glance that these burly men were from a mental hospital, and he couldn't help but become anxious.

No matter how anxious BangGeng is, he is no match for these people.

These people are very experienced in how to treat patients like Banggeng. They first block Banggeng's mouth, and then tie up Banggeng's hands and feet, just like tying a pig. They tie up Banggeng, then insert a stick and use force. Once lifted, Banggeng was carried to the car outside the yard like a pig.

"Give, give, give..." He Yuyu smiled happily, very happily.

Because Banggeng's mouth was blocked, he could only glare at He Yuyu. The angrier Banggeng became, the more He Yuyu smiled happily. He Yuyu not only laughed happily, but also jumped up and down happily.

"Da BangGeng squeaked, the scenery here is so beautiful, the sky is beautiful, the ground is beautiful, and there are happy friends together... BangGeng, when you get to the hospital, have fun playing with your happy friends. Okay." He Yueyue said with a smile.

Banggeng was so stimulated that he almost went crazy. However, his mouth was blocked and he couldn't make any sound. He could only signal Qin Huairu to save him with his eyes.

Qin Huairu waved her hand directly without even looking at Banggeng, and then hid in the house.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai came to the front, pretending to be sad, and said in a low voice: "Banggeng, you stay in there for two days, and then I will advise your mother. It's not a big deal. Just explain some things clearly." Oh, Bangge, you have been smart since you were a child, and you will do great things in the future, we are all counting on you."

"Don't worry, just wait calmly. Your mother is also very excited. When she calms down, I will give her some advice." Yi Zhonghai said pretendingly.

How to treat a person cruelly is to give him hope and then give him despair. What Yi Zhonghai is doing now is to give him hope first.

Yi Zhonghai would not persuade Qin Huairu to let go.

When people are drowning, they will instinctively and irrationally grasp at any life-saving straw. Obviously, Bangge took Yi Zhonghai's words as a life-saving straw and pleaded with his eyes.

He hoped that Yi Zhonghai would save him, but unfortunately, Yi Zhonghai wished that Bang Gang would die. Yi Zhonghai shook his head, slowly turned around and left, and Bang Gang was taken away by the doctors in despair.

After Bangge is taken away, he will definitely receive electric shock treatment from Dr. Yang.

As soon as the sticks were taken away, everyone in the courtyard was celebrating. He Yuyu even lit all the firecrackers left over from the New Year. Amidst the bursts of "cracking~" sounds, He Yuyu looked up to the sky and smiled.

"Brother Damao, let's go see Banggeng tomorrow. I can't wait to see what Banggeng looks like when he is treated." He Yuyu said.

"No problem, we'll go early tomorrow morning." Xu Damao said.

Compared with the happy atmosphere in the courtyard, Qin Huairu's mood inside the house was very complicated. Qin Huairu knew that Banggen was not popular, but she didn't expect that Banggen was so unpopular.

Almost everyone in the courtyard was looking forward to Banggeng being taken away. For a while, Qin Huairu lay on the bed tossing and turning, feeling both distressed for Banggeng and feeling relieved after getting rid of Banggeng. In short, Qin Huairu was worried about gains and losses now, and was in a very sad mood. complex.

After all, Qin Huairu is Banggeng's mother. Rationally, it was a wise move for Qin Huairu to send Banggeng to the hospital. However, Qin Huairu couldn't bear the thought of what Banggeng would suffer if he went to the hospital.

"I'm doing this for his own good." Qin Huairu thought to herself.

In the end, Qin Huairu affirmed her heart with this sentence, yes, I am just for him. Qin Huairu began to hypnotize herself and kept repeating this sentence. Slowly, Qin Huairu thought that she was really doing it for the club. Good joke.

Early the next morning, Qin Huairu went to the Publicity Department to find Du Wei and Master Ma, saying that Bang Geng was ill and that he had sent Bang Geng to a mental hospital. You can't be like patients and this matter should be turned over.

Du Wei and Master Ma looked at each other. They didn't expect Qin Huairu to be so cruel that she sent her son to a mental hospital.

Master Ma was also speechless. They had already exterminated their relatives and sent their son to a mental hospital. If you insist on holding on, that would be too much.

Just as Master Ma was about to speak, Du Wei spoke.

"Master Qin, since Banggeng has entered the hospital, he probably won't come out for a while. Banggeng is not a formal worker and does not enjoy the treatment and corresponding medical protection of a formal worker. So, Banggeng, the apprenticeship position , do you want to keep it or..." Du Wei said.

Some things cannot be said clearly, and there is no need to say them clearly. Qin Huairu instantly understood what Du Wei meant. Du Wei wanted this position.

"Let's leave this matter to Chief Du. Chief Du also understands the situation at that time and believes that Chief Du will not treat me badly." Qin Huairu said.

"Okay, leave this matter to me. Don't worry, Lao Ma. You don't have to worry about anything anymore. Everything has changed. By the way, this is the five yuan that the finance department deducted from you yesterday. I will pay you back first. , we’ll talk about the rest at night,” Du Wei said.

"Okay." Qin Huairu nodded and left.

"Master Ma, I will give you all the expenses during your hospitalization tomorrow." Du Wei said.

"How can this cost Chief Du? Besides, there isn't much money." Master Ma said.

"Just take it if it's for you. Don't worry, I can't suffer the loss. Nowadays, a workstation is very popular. Many people break their heads and can't get a workstation, let alone the projectionist's workstation. Don't worry, everyone will suffer." No." Du Wei said nonchalantly.

Qin Huairu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after dealing with the stick issue.

"Actually, it's good for Banggeng to stay in the hospital honestly. He won't cause trouble for himself and is quite quiet." Qin Huairu comforted herself in her heart. Qin Huairu did feel very good and relaxed, as if a huge burden had been lifted off her, but Banggen was unlucky, to be precise, extremely miserable.

Last night, Banggeng was taken to a mental hospital and locked up in his former small house without anyone caring about him.

Early the next morning, a group of doctors and nurses, led by Dr. Yang, came to Banggeng with great enthusiasm.

Banggan, who was not afraid of the sky or the earth, felt inexplicably frightened when he saw the eyes of these people headed by Dr. Yang.

Banggeng wanted to struggle, but his whole body was tied up with many kinds of ties; Banggeng wanted to shout loudly, but his mouth was blocked...

Doctor Yang waved his hand, and a group of big men came over. Without saying a word, they carried the stick into the treatment room just like they did with the pig yesterday, fixed it on the special treatment chair, and removed the rag that blocked the mouth of the stick. Take it out.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Let me go! My mother is Qin Huairu. She knows many old leaders. They will deal with you. Let me go..." Banggeng shouted hysterically.

"Alas, I still can't understand the situation clearly. It seems that there is something wrong with the fool." Doctor Yang shook his head, nodded to the nurse under his command, and then adjusted the voltage himself.

"Ah!" Banggeng screamed hysterically.

"Let me go, let me go! You bastards!" Banggeng yelled angrily amidst the screams.

"Oh, you are so angry and still have the energy to scold us. It seems that the treatment is not strong enough." After Dr. Yang finished speaking, he turned up the voltage again.

Banggeng let out hysterical screams again. Banggeng was worthy of being a stubborn breed. Even at this point, he yelled and cursed with all his strength. He stared at Doctor Yang and others with hateful eyes, wishing to eat them alive. , crushing bones and raising ashes.

At this time, Xu Damao and He Yuyu came to the hospital and saw Bang Jie's eyes.

"That's the look in your eyes. I hope you can keep it longer. The longer you keep it, the doctor Yang will intensify his efforts to treat you." Xu Damao said with a smile.

When Doctor Yang saw Xu Damao coming, he did not stop what he was doing, but nodded to Xu Damao as a greeting.

Xu Damao naturally didn't mind, and together with He Yuyu, they happily watched Bangge being tortured, no, it should be said to be treated.

"Uncle Damao, save me quickly, Aunt Yuyu, save me quickly, Aunt Yuyu, I will never call you to pay for your goods again, I will never steal from you again, save me quickly, they are going to kill you Come on, help me." When Banggan saw Xu Damao and He Yuyu coming, his eyes lit up and he shouted desperately.

"Oh, poor baby, we are doing this for your own good. You are sick but don't know it. Doctor Yang is an authority in this area. He is trying to save you. You have to understand that your mother and The good intentions of the doctors.”

"Good medicine tastes bitter and is good for the disease. You have to be patient for a while. After a period of treatment, the disease will be cured. Then you will realize our good intentions." Xu Damao said in a serious tone, "We are doing it for your own good". said.

"If I let you out, there is no door, if I don't make your shit fly, and if I don't teach you to behave well, wouldn't this be a failure of our good intentions." Xu Damao thought to himself.

He Yuyu is direct and abundant.

"Banggen, aren't you awesome? Why aren't you awesome now? You deserve it! Damn it! The more you act like this, you damn eunuch, the happier I am!" He Yuyuji said with a smile. .

"He Yuyu, you loser, just wait for me, wait until I get out...ah! Ah! Ah!" Before Banggeng finished his harsh words, Doctor Yang increased the voltage and started.

Banggen is stubborn, especially in front of Xu Damao and He Yuyu, which makes Dr. Yang have to increase the voltage. After all, Banggen is a body of flesh and blood, and does not have any firm confidence, so he cannot bear it at all.

Then, Banggeng cried and shouted, begging desperately for mercy, but Dr. Yang was unmoved and continued the treatment. He must complete today's treatment.

He Yuyu smiled happily. What could be more enjoyable than torturing the enemy?

Persuading people to be generous and letting enemies go, etc., only when you can't deal with the other party, can you comfort yourself and compromise like this? If you have the ability to deal with the other party, why not deal with it?

Banggeng was finally stunned, which provided Dr. Yang with good data and experience, which gave Dr. Yang an idea. So, Dr. Yang personally brought a basin of cold water, poured it on Banggeng's face, and put Banggeng into it. Wake up and continue treatment.

Since Dr. Yang knew it well and would not adjust the voltage to a value that would stun Bangge, Banggeng was never able to avoid treatment by being comatose.

Bangge could only say good things during the treatment break. Unexpectedly, this not only did not make Dr. Yang stop, but instead allowed Dr. Yang to continue the treatment.

"It works. It works. It means this method is effective. I will continue the treatment." Dr. Yang said excitedly.

When Banggeng heard this, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Banggeng couldn't help but curse.

"Oh, it turns out it was just an act. Fortunately, I had expected it." Dr. Yang said unmoved, and then continued to treat Bangge.

In less than an hour, Dr. Yang made the stick submissive.

Of course, both Dr. Yang, Xu Damao and He Yuyu knew that Banggeng was just faking it, but Dr. Yang didn't care. After a few more courses of treatment, Banggeng would become real even if he was just faking it.

"People like Bangge should be sent to a mental hospital and let the doctors give them good treatment." He Yuyu said.

"Actually, it's not just Bangge, there are many people like Banggen who have to be sent to the hospital. Dr. Yang, I hope you can mature this treatment system quickly so that I can report to the superiors. In the future, criminals who cannot be reformed well in our unit will be sent to the hospital." I will send them all to you, hoping that through treatment, they can be rehabilitated," Xu Damao said with a serious face.

"It must be done. Speaking of which, I have to thank Director Xu. If Director Xu hadn't sent two cases, I wouldn't have been able to start this work." Dr. Yang said.

Later, Xu Damao and He Yuyu, accompanied by Dr. Yang, went to see Jia Zhang. Now Jia Zhang was extremely well-behaved. The sinister look in her sinister triangular eyes disappeared and was replaced by numbness.

Now Jia Zhang will do whatever you ask her to do.

"Brother Damao, tell me, is she really cured, or is she just pretending?" He Yuyu asked.

"I don't know, I'm not sure, but we can test it." Xu Damao said.

"How to test?" Dr. Yang became interested and asked excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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