The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1022: Perfect the method of body refining and go to the giant barbarians

Chapter 1022 Perfect the method of body refining and go to the giant barbarians...

Legend has it that in the wild lands outside Kyushu, there are some human remnants who escaped from the ancient tribal era, also known as barbarians or giants. Most of their creatures are one foot tall, and the best among them are even more astonishingly tall.

The barbarians live in a harsh wilderness and own a divine tripod, which is said to be one of the nine tripods left by Emperor Yu.

As soon as a barbarian baby is born, he will be sent to the barbarian temple. After being baptized by the divine cauldron, he will be considered a true barbarian if he survives.

Such cruel rules and the natural choice of the best from the best and the strongest from the strong have created the strength of their bloodline and the tyranny of their talents.

Any barbarian who has been baptized by the divine cauldron to become immortal will possess astonishing power when he reaches adulthood. Even the most ordinary barbarians are as strong as first-class warriors, and their lifespan is limited to two hundred years, which is comparable to the innate warriors of Kyushu.

In addition, among the millions of barbarians, there is one innate state barbarian for every ten thousand people. Among the nine states, only one innate person can be found among nearly ten million people.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that martial arts in Kyushu are not popular.

The vast majority of the people are just harvested leeks and have no qualifications to have access to martial arts secrets.

However, in comparison, the barbarians are indeed more talented than the ordinary people of Jiuzhou. In a sense, they are following the path of atavistic evolution, but... they cannot follow the path of transformation in the virtual realm.

On that day, Xu Xin defeated the two major caves and became the uncrowned king of the land of Kyushu. That's why the last few major sects obediently handed over secret book redeemers, and the forces such as Yu Huangmen and Xiaoyao Palace that came to join in the fun and want to seize benefits were also so... Easy to die down.


Xu Xin's eyes swept over him, and without him even needing to say anything, the Purple Light Divine Dragon lowered his body consciously, preparing to put Xu Xin down.

Ever since...he set his sights on the Savage Temple.

He has mastered this path of body refining by gods and demons, but stopped temporarily after being promoted to Dongxu Xiaocheng. It is not that he cannot continue to advance, but that he needs to sort out what he has learned and truly integrate the new system of "body refining". way to develop better.

Xu Xin looked down at the endless mountains and forests below. He could easily sense the scent of countless ferocious beasts and poisonous insects in the wilderness below.

The ancient trees cover the sky and the sun, are several feet wide in diameter, and have grown for who knows how many years.

The speed of the Purple Light Divine Dragon was very fast, and with the blessing of Xu Xin's world power, it was even more amazing. It quickly flew across the rivers of the earth, and soon entered the depths of the wilderness.

The wild land, a restricted area for humans, is full of uninhabited and inaccessible places. The dead and fallen leaves on the earth have accumulated for countless years.

"The strong men from the Void Realm gather together, this is the Wilderness Temple."

"call out……"

But Xu Xin got through.

I don’t know how many hours later, Xu Xin noticed that there was a large amount of aura in the mountains and forests ahead, many of which were comparable to the soul auras of innate strong men, as well as the auras of virtual realm strong men, and there were even several powerful virtual realm masters. Gather in one place.

A stream of purple light streaked through the void, and above the purple dragon, Xu Xin sat cross-legged leaning on the dragon's horns, his eyes scanning the wild land, as if he was patrolling his own territory.


Such words are actually not wrong.

First, two figures shot out from the mountain forest, and then suspended in the air. They looked at the purple dragon coiled in the void and Xu Xin on the dragon's body, their eyes full of vigilance.

Xu Xin was also observing these two people. They were both barefoot and wearing linen, just like ascetics on the land of Kyushu.

"Visitor from afar, you are welcome..." An old man with a thin body and wrinkled face was talking, and suddenly there were waves of high-pitched and angry screams.



Waves of powerful Void Realm aura rushed madly from the temple below, full of hostility.


The Purple Light Divine Dragon also roared in that direction. The reason why those beast roars sounded earlier seemed to be because of it. Is there an old enemy of the demon dragon Zi Xi in this wild temple?
"The heritage of this wild temple is pretty good! You can take a look at the baptized Jiuzhou Divine Cauldron and the inheritance left by Li Taibai."

Xu Xin could detect changes in the surrounding atmosphere. It seemed that the wild temple regarded him as an enemy, but he didn't care about this.

He came to the Savage Temple this time, preparing to touch their lifeblood treasure and key inheritance. He knew with his mind that the people in the Savage Temple would not compromise easily, and they would have to take action in the end.

It is better to act early than to act late.

Anyway, Xu Xin couldn't wait for someone to greet him with a smile before stabbing him in the back.

Of course, if someone took the initiative to attack him blindly, the consequences would be miserable if they were caught.

Xu Xin sat on the dragon's head and waited. Soon the masters from the Wild Temple appeared. He did not stop them, but silently waited for them to form a formation.

Xu Xin took a quick look and saw an old man with a skinny and wrinkled body in the center of the wild mountain forest. Beside him was a bald giant who was as tall as a demon and eight feet tall.

Below these two people, there is a giant black centipede that is twenty feet long and has a shiny body. The knives on its feet make people's hearts tremble. On top of this giant black centipede, there is also a man with silver hair hanging around his head and sitting cross-legged. Sitting old man.

In addition to these three people and one Void Realm monster, there is also a dark, crow-like sacred bird that keeps quacking and squawking, seemingly full of negative emotions.

In addition, behind them, another demonic dragon appeared, hovering with its head raised high. This was a demonic dragon with a black body, dark golden eyes, and two crystal white dragon whiskers hanging down.


The forest and forest below shook violently, and a monster that looked like a small mountain flew to the side of the dark demonic dragon, carrying a thick tree on its shoulders.

This is a giant purple-haired ape that looks like an ape and is ten feet tall. With a slight wave of its furry claws that concealed sharp nails, all the branches of the big tree were broken off, leaving only the bare trunk.

"The purple-haired divine ape, the giant centipede and the flying bird 'Black Crow' monster, whose strength is close to that of the demon dragon, are relatively weak. And the demon dragon, whose physique is close to that of Zi Xi, should be the strongest among the four virtual realm monsters. one."

"Such a combination... so weak!"

Xu Xin shook his head silently in his heart. On the land of Kyushu, any combination of sects other than the most powerful ones could be destroyed. In Xu Xin's opinion, this was the case.


A cold snort came from the throat of the bald giant who was eight feet tall, and the sound echoed in his chest, "I, the Barbarian Temple, do not want to make enemies easily, so please honor me and let this one go." The enslaved dragon."

The silver-haired old man sitting cross-legged on the giant centipede stood up and was also one foot two tall.

The barbarians are also called the giants. Even the average tribesman is one foot tall, and some of the elites are even more astonishingly tall. He is two feet tall, which is not unusual among the barbarians. The height of the bald giant is almost eight feet tall, which is almost the maximum height for a member of the giant clan.

(End of this chapter)

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