The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1034 The No. 9 Divine Beast of the Nine States, Lord Xiong

Chapter 1034 The No. Divine Beast in Kyushu, Lord Xiong

On the Divine Ax Mountain, the power of the golden world and the earth gathered like a vast ocean, making the two virtual realms of Yunmeng War God and Teng Qingshan feel trembling.

Countless earth and rocks were shattered by the sharp golden energy, and many broken stones flew away, whizzing in all directions like meteors.

Finally, an oval golden egg more than ten feet long and several feet high stood in front of Xu Xin and the others.

"Every time I see the transformation of such mythical beasts, it is a special shock!"

Teng Qingshan sighed, and his words could also be regarded as Xu Xin's heartfelt wishes.

Every time a new divine beast transforms in front of his eyes, for him, it is a further development of his own method of "refining the body of gods and demons".

Xu Xin, Teng Qingshan and Yunmeng War God were all staring at the oval golden egg. The endless golden light in front of them gathered and converged crazily, and the sharp golden aura swirled around it.

Suddenly, the giant golden egg suddenly contracted at a rapid speed, as if the heart was contracting.


"This is a six-legged sword?"

In addition, there is a sharp spike on the edge of its six limbs. Each spike is about a foot long. There are spikes neatly inserted on each limb. Each limb is densely covered with There are hundreds of spikes, and just looking at them can send chills down your spine.

It is about two feet tall, and its two lower limbs are like two legs standing upright. However, these two lower limbs are strong and powerful, and they are also very long. Especially the facing bones of the lower limbs are extremely sharp and are special blade feet.

There was also a special monster in front of the three of them.

The six-legged Dao Chi is covered with a layer of scales, even its four arms and lower limbs are covered with scales... Teng Qingshan has an intuition that this kind of pure pitch black scales with golden spots contains a vague aura of danger. It reminded him of the demon dragon Zixi he saw in Dayan Mountain in the past.

This is a veritable blade warrior, a killing machine.

After the golden egg shrank to a certain extent, a lot of the remaining sharp golden energy exploded and dispersed, turning into a large amount of golden power to return to the heaven and earth.

"Qingshan, get ready. After a while, we will return to Kyushu and dominate the world."

Yes, it's a monster.

The two pairs of wings were folded behind it, like a cloak. The eyes of the triangular head turned blood red. Staring into its eyes, it was like being caught in a sea of ​​blood.

After its transformation, this insect-like beast is no less dangerous than a dragon or a phoenix. It is definitely the most perfect killing war god under Xu Xin.

In addition to the blade feet of its lower limbs, it also has a pair of middle limbs and a pair of upper limbs, that is, four arms. The upper limbs and middle limbs are slightly wider, and they are basically four strange knives.

The six-legged sword in front of him acted in the opposite direction. This transformation naturally gave Xu Xin extraordinary inspiration.

Most demonic beasts evolve into divine beasts, and their body shapes change, like a dragon turning into a dragon, or a blue luan turning into a phoenix, they all transform into larger bodies.

After the originally golden six-legged blade evolved, the scales all over the body turned black, with faint golden spots still visible.

Teng Qingshan swallowed his throat. He couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the metal monster in front of him.

Xu Xin's voice rang out between heaven and earth, and Teng Qingshan on the side nodded blankly. Seeing Xu Xin leaving, the six-legged swordsman quickly turned into a golden light and followed him, as if he was his shadow, inseparable.

Similar to Xu Xin's previous life's artificial human Shalu, it also looks like a flying mantis or giant pincer mantis, which is an upright insect-like creature.


Yuzhou is located in the center of Jiuzhou, and the center of Yuzhou is naturally the oldest city in the world, King Yu City.

Because of the Yuyang Grand Canal and the special historical status of King Yu City, this place has become the most prosperous city in Kyushu. In the center of Yu City is the luxurious and ancient Palace of Emperor Yu. After thousands of years of repairs, maintenance and expansion, the entire palace complex has become even more domineering. Businessmen and warriors who come to Yu City, whenever they pass by the Palace Complex of Emperor Yu, Everyone was amazed.

Yuhuangmen claims that this is its headquarters to the outside world, and almost all of Yuhuangmen’s leaders and other high-level officials are here.

However, only a handful of core disciples within the Yuhuang Sect knew that the Xiong Xiazi Mountain Range outside King Yu City was where the foundation of the Yuhuang Sect lay.

There are many groups of black bears in this mountain range, and these black bears are usually completely black with purple pupils.

Every black bear here has great strength that far exceeds that of ordinary bears, and some of them can transform into monsters and even innate monsters.

These black bear groups have become the best cover for the foundation of Yuhuangmen. Deep in the Xiongxiazi Mountains, there are more than ten palaces standing in succession.

The Void Realm experts of the Yuhuang Sect, as well as their guardian beast, the well-known Split Wind Dragon Falcon, are here most of the time.

Occasionally, when they are free, these real core executives will go to King Yu's city.

On this day, the Master of the Yuhuang Sect in King Yu’s City welcomed a group of special guests.

Also on this day, deep in the Xiong Xiazi Mountain Range, a luxurious carriage arrived.


Xiong Xiazi Mountain Range, the real core headquarters of Yuhuangmen, among the dozens of continuous palace complex squares, some giant black bears walked around the palace, and occasionally there were disciples of Yuhuangmen saying hello to them.

The peaceful and peaceful Yuhuangmen headquarters, the most central building is a huge palace, divided into many floors like a tall tower.

On the seventh floor of this building called the Temple, Yu Tonghai, Queen Yu's person who had met Xu Xin in the past, was discussing matters with two strong men.

These two people are also from the virtual realm of Emperor Yumen. One is named Liu Xia, and the other is a handsome young man wearing yellow clothes, but his eyebrows are silver-white, and he is obviously very old.

This man is Huang Tianqin, the senior member of the Yuhuang Sect, and he is only a few chances away from the realm of Dongxu.

"Although Yangzhou has been relatively stable recently, the Ying family and Tiantian Shrine Pei San have been experiencing many changes."

"Qin Shiqi and Pei San, both of them are great masters of the cave. They only need to transform once or twice, and maybe they can be truly broken."

"They seem to want to imitate the Northeast King Hongtian and achieve the highest level of advancement in the process of conquering the world, but this is just a legend, and the Northeast King Hongtian has not succeeded."

"There are also strange movements in Mani Temple. They seem to have a mysterious reincarnated living Buddha who has also reached the cave."

"Hey! Troubled times!"

The major virtual realms of Emperor Yumen sighed, and after discussing for a long time, they were helpless.

They are both the descendants of the most powerful people. Qin Shiqi was born in the Ying family. There is a reincarnated living Buddha in the Mani Temple who is suspected of being a void. Only their Yuhuang Sect has three attainments in this generation.

If they didn't have some background, they would be even more worried.

"Get ready, we are about to welcome distinguished guests."

Suddenly, a low voice seemed to come from deep underground, and the three virtual realms on the seventh floor of the temple were all shocked, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Sir? But there are enemies coming?"

Huang Tianqin, the senior one among the three, spoke anxiously. This venerable person who was in seclusion underground was the most powerful member of their Yuhuang sect. He could be called the No. 1 divine beast in Kyushu, the Xiong venerable.

(End of this chapter)

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