The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1039: Yin and Yang on the left hand, life and death on the right hand

Chapter 1039: Yin and Yang on the left hand, life and death on the right hand

Yongzhou, eight hundred miles away from the Qinling Mountains, the Qinglong Mountains, and within the underground palace of the Ying family.

Qin Shiqi, who was wearing a purple and gold robe, looked at Pei San's letter with a slightly stiff smile.

"Pei San, you are so brave, even if you are facing someone who is suspected of being broken, you still have to fight."

"It just so happens that I have been in the Cave Realm for too long, and I was very unwilling to lose the last time."

"If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening!"

"If you can see the elegance of the most powerful person, it doesn't matter if you die!"

Qin Shiqi's eyes gradually became firm, and with a sonorous sound, a purple-gold rainbow came to him. Looking at the reforged sword, his voice became clearer.

"Old friend, I won't let you fail this time."

Next to Qin Shiqi, the purple-gold divine sword surrounded by black and white aura groaned slightly, seeming to be responding to its master.

This place was originally a paradise for wild beasts, but now it is filled with people. Between the crowds, everyone is squeezing to move forward.

Today, Qin Shiqi is dressed in ordinary powerful clothes, carrying a purple-gold divine sword on his back, and comes with a sword from the west.

The divine sword glowing with purple light groaned, seeming to be responding to Qin Shiqi's words.

Qin Shiqi reached another mountain, looked at Xu Xin in the distance, and nodded slightly. The young man next to him looked worried and whispered: "Master, be careful!"

Countless troops wearing glazed iron armor firmly protected the competition ground he circled while maintaining order at the scene.

Qin Shiqi turned to look at the young man, the corners of his stiff mouth moved slightly, and said with a smile: "Hai Yang, you may not understand now."

The first ray of sunlight fell from the sky and shone on Xu Xin, making him look like a god.

"This battle, I just want to have no more regrets in my lifetime..."

The top powerhouses from Kyushu were invited to fight, including the Lord of Dayan Mountain who was suspected to be the most powerful man in the unified continent. This incident made countless people excited.

The books and various news compiled by Wanxianglou were widely spread throughout the land of Kyushu, and countless people discussed it before and after tea.

A few days later, news spread across the world that the top experts in Kyushu were about to fight again.

On the highest peak of Dayan Mountain, Xu Xin sat on a throne carved from the top of the mountain, overlooking all living things below.

Two other virtual realm experts from the Ying family, Ying Haitong and Supreme Elder Wang Tong, also came, and brought a young man with them to a location near the battlefield.

Yangzhou, Yicheng, Dayan Mountain.

"The Ultimate Battle" compiled by Wanxiangmen, the first intelligence organization in Kyushu, spread throughout the east, west, north and south, pushing the matter to an unprecedented climax in Kyushu.

For nearly two thousand years, no strong man from the Shattering Void has appeared in Kyushu. Now, several top masters from Kyushu join hands to challenge, giving everyone a hope, the hope of the emergence of the most powerful person.

At this moment, several streams of light came from the west, and in one of the sword lights, Qin Shiqi came.

"Master, my disciple will never let me down. In the future, I will definitely follow your footsteps and achieve Dongxu..."

After hearing the young man's last words, Qin Shiqi just nodded slightly, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Following his own footsteps shows that this disciple still does not have the confidence to surpass himself. "Qiang!"

Qin Shiqi didn't say any more, and instantly turned into a black and white sword light, and the dazzling light shot directly at Xu Xin, who was overlooking all living beings like a god.

"Qin Shiqi, are you so eager for defeat? Pei San hasn't come yet!"

Xu Xin chuckled lightly, and just slapped it down with a palm in the air. Countless spiritual energy formed the palm of the giant spirit, and used the technique of capturing with one energy.

A fierce sword light burst out from the palm technique that fell from the sky. Qin Shiqi's figure appeared in everyone's sight again, and his armor was already in disarray.

"If I really wait until he arrives before joining forces with him to fight you, then there will never be a chance of defeating you in this life."

Qin Shiqi rarely spoke for a long time. He turned into a sword and raised his head. His eyes were filled with sword light, like a gleam of light in the dark world.

He has also been respected by nine states, and he is the only one who has great achievements in the world. He has been the best in the world for the past hundred years, so he naturally has his own pride.

Dayan Mountain was defeated by Xu Xin. When facing Xu Xin, his soul already had a weakness. If he loses the courage to fight again and has to join forces with others before he dares to challenge, then he will probably never have a chance to surpass Xu Xin in this life.

This was unacceptable to the proud Qin Shiqi.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"You two are so impatient, why don't you wait for Pei San."

Pei San's clear laughter came from afar. Behind him, a divine ape roared into the sky. He stepped out of the air with a sonic boom and punched Xu Xin.

"You guys come together!"

Xu Xin raised his hands together, with yin and yang in his left hand and life and death in his right hand. The divine light of yin and yang evolved into the Tai Chi image, and the two qi of life and death represented the six paths of reincarnation. The two Tathagata divine palms covered the two powerful men respectively.

"Well done!"

Pei San roared wildly, and a faint gray mist flooded his whole body, forming a huge gray vortex over Dayan Mountain. The power of heaven and earth began to shake and disturb the air, the wind howled, and rocks rolled down.

After the battle at Dayan Mountain, both Qin Shiqi and Pei San made some progress, but Pei San experienced another life-and-death battle with the original person. After untying his knot, he had transcended the Great Success of Dongxu and truly embarked on the journey to the ultimate goal. The path of the strong.

If we subdivide the levels above Dongxu Dacheng and below Shattered Void, then there are still three levels between Dongxu Dacheng and Broken Void.

Seeing the way ahead, Qin Shiqi took the first step to break through the void.

Hong Tian, ​​the East Heavenly King who once conquered most of Kyushu, now has Pei San, who has reached the threshold of breaking the void but has not yet grasped the slightest opportunity. This can be called the second step of breaking the void in half a step.

On the basis of the second step, touching on breaking the void and seizing the opportunity, the only thing left is the final transformation, which is the third step of breaking the void in half a step.

Three steps like this may seem like a lot, but if you are extremely talented, it is possible to reach the Shattered Void directly in three steps at a time.

In the original time and space, Pei San took another step forward after killing Qin Shiqi in the battle at Qinglong Mountain, but was stuck on the third step, lacking the opportunity for final transformation.

In White Horse Lake, before the battle with Pei Sanyi, Teng Qingshan was just at the first or second step. However, he developed the internal boxing system, and his combat power was astonishing at the same level, and his talent was even more extraordinary. In the end, he fought with Pei Sanyi. In the third decisive battle, the two of them both set foot in the realm of breaking the void.

Now that Pei San in the second step and Qin Shiqi in the first step join forces, the threat to Xu Xin is not very great, so he uses the most brutal method to let them understand the mystery of yin and yang, the cycle of life and death, and then Shattered Void is truly qualified to be in the world. Xu Xin sat down in front of him and discussed.

If it fails, it will be just a negligible nourishment for his Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Skill, and not even a dregs will be left.

(End of this chapter)

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