The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1049 Let this old man stand outside the door and give him a big surprise

Chapter 1049 Let this old man stand outside the door and give him a big surprise...

In Mo Linglin's boudoir in the back house of the Mo family, the squeaking sound of the bed had subsided, and the two people on the bed hugged each other.

Xu Xin's arms were full of warm and fragrant soft jade, and he always had the feeling of living like a human being. This was probably because such things were conducive to spiritual practice, and his aura changed again.

At the same time, Xu Xin's body became strong and powerful at an astonishing speed. His muscles were bulging, his lines were clear, and his skin was full of luster. Astonishing power surged in his well-proportioned body. In this short moment, he seemed to be completely transformed.

His physical fitness, aura and even charm have all undergone earth-shaking changes. The most obvious changes occurred in some aspects of him.

This was felt most clearly by Mo Linglin, the second young lady of the Mo family who was a close friend of him.

She exclaimed, looked at Xu Xin subconsciously, and then froze.

Although she couldn't see Xu Xin's specific appearance clearly due to the dim light in the room, the other person's sharp-edged face suddenly gave her a very special feeling.

At this moment, Mo Linglin suddenly felt that Xu Xin's whole body seemed to be filled with a mysterious charm.

He seemed to have turned into a black hole, exuding an attraction that she couldn't resist.

"He doesn't seem that hateful."

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Xin finally let go of Mo Linglin, who was already dying, closed his eyes, hugged that soft body and fell asleep.

"This man seems pretty good?"

Xu Xin is preparing to conquer the Mo family, so Mo Linglin, who is in the same bed with him now, can become a key figure. After all... what is a more trustworthy relationship than marriage?
"Miss Linglin!"

She couldn't help but want to get closer, to explore his secrets, to understand everything about him.

And now, the more she looked at this man, the more she felt that there seemed to be a different light quietly appearing in the dark resentment in her heart, and there was a thought that was constantly intruding into her mind.

But now, she suddenly felt that this man seemed pretty good, at least in that aspect, she felt very comfortable just now.

At this moment, Mo Linglin, the second young lady of the Mo family, magically thought about the problem from Xu Xin's perspective, and thus developed a sympathy for him, which quickly diluted her hatred for Xu Xin.

What Mo Linglin didn't notice was that Xu Xin's eyes had changed from the crazy red color to a deep purple color, and a spiritual power invisible to ordinary people was affecting her.

Xu Xin's name for Mo Linglin changed, and he lightly covered her body again.

"He has been a slave in the house for so many years, and was transformed into a beast slave. He has become the weird look he is now. He has suffered so much. It is normal for him to have resentment towards the Mo family. It seems that it is not impossible for him to treat himself this way. Understand!”

But this time, Mo Linglin's starry eyes were slightly blurred. When Xu Xin made a move, she immediately covered her mouth tightly, and her jade body actively entangled and cooperated.

She felt that she was probably possessed by a demon. She should have hated this man, wanted to tear him into pieces, and wished that he would never be able to stand up again.

And beside him, Mo Linglin looked like she was fished out of the water, her beautiful eyes were filled with Xu Xin at the moment.

The man in front of her completely overturned Mo Linglin's knowledge. She had never heard of a man being so strong in that regard.

As the second young lady of the Mo family, her mother had spread knowledge in this area to her. But she was ashamed to think about Xu Xin's situation. She fainted because she was too happy. When she woke up again, she couldn't help but tell her brother not to leave. It was really...

At dawn, the sun rises over the eastern horizon.

When bright sunlight poured into the room through the window, Xu Xin opened his eyes, and the Mo family exploded because of what happened last night.

In the Mo family's family meeting hall, many senior officials of the Mo family gathered.

As the overlord of Yancheng and one of the best families in the eastern provinces, the Mo family's overall strength naturally far exceeds that of families in some remote towns.

The meeting hall is very spacious, and there are many people in it. The few people sitting at the top are the family leader Mo Lan and several powerful elders of the clan who have reached high-level masters. Together, they form the rule of the Moh family. class.

Below these people, there are others sitting, all of whom are ordinary great fighting masters and high-level fighting masters in the clan. Although these people are also named elders and are qualified to participate in discussions, most of the time, They are just the kind of characters who sit and listen.

Under the left hands of the four people, there are some elders in the family who have the right to speak and are not weak. Beside them, there are also some younger generations who have performed outstandingly in the family.

"Second Elder, there is still no news about the First Elder!"

Mo Lan, the current head of the Mo family, was sitting uneasily in his seat. He looked at an old man next to him and asked, his tone somewhat anxious.

"Clan leader, you also know what the great elder is capable of. Maybe he has already dealt with the enemy and is on his way back."

The second elder of the Mo family smiled bitterly and shook his head. The seat next to him was empty. It was the seat that originally belonged to the eldest elder of the Mo family, Mo Cheng. However, after the incident last night, when some of the Mo family's men went to inform Mo Cheng to discuss the matter, they It was found that the great elder's quiet room had collapsed and the people were missing.

If someone hadn't found their Mo family's sign guide at the scene, and no traces of suspected corpses were found at the scene, they might have been even more panicked now.

However, when the people from the Mo family followed the sign and found it, they found that it was a cliff and the clue was cut off here, which made people very uneasy.

Compared with Mo Cheng's disappearance, the mass grave fire outside the city last night, and the disappearance of an elder of the Mo family with his men, they seem insignificant.

The people of the Mo family naturally connected the two incidents and investigated them, but they had no clue and naturally could not find any results.

"Patriarch, the second lady's maid came to report that the second lady accidentally caught the cold while taking a bath last night. I am afraid that today's morning class will not be normal..."

At this time, a guard entered the meeting hall and reported to the patriarch Mo Lan that the second young lady Mo Linglin was ill in bed due to cold.

"Linglin is sick? Oh... let the people below take good care of the lady. Also tell Linglin that I will take time to see her later."

Mo Lan sighed when he heard this. Mo Linglin was his daughter, but family affairs were the key now. He had to sit here and wait until he was free before he could visit his sick daughter. Thinking about this made him a little sad.

Xu Xin was not very clear about Mo Lan's thoughts. If he knew, he would just let the old man stay outside the door while he did something inside.

When dusk fell again, Mo Lan dragged his heavy steps to his daughter's courtyard. Unexpectedly, his daughter gave him a big surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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