The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1063 There is a mystery underground, a two-headed fire snake

Chapter 1063 There is a mystery underground, a two-headed fire snake

"Xue Lan, there's nothing to see here. There seems to be a spring in the northeast, right? Let's go there and take a look..."

Xu Xin looked at the flat desert in front of him. The terrain here was extremely ordinary, without any features that could attract people's attention. There were almost countless flat sandy areas like this in the vast desert. He wrote down this place. Let the girl mercenary continue to lead the exploration.

"Okay, my lord."

The girl did not doubt that he was there, and the group of people continued on the road. They also encountered a group of snake men on the way, but in front of Xu Xin, they could not even hold on for a breath.

Their appearance only contributed a batch of low-value materials to Xu Xin. After all, they were just ordinary snake warriors. Their level was too low, and the value of refining blood was average.

Near Stone Desert City, small-scale battles between the Snake Tribe and the Human Tribe are too normal. There are basically no battles above the Great Fighter. The local mercenaries are very weak. There is no need to find a large number of mercenaries to protect them. It is better to find a beautiful girl. The process of being a guard and leading the way is quite eye-catching.

This day and night of exploration came to an end again. Xu Xin harvested a bunch of materials, Xue Lan and others collected some common medicinal materials, and also hunted several magical beasts unique to the desert.

On the second day, Xu Xin took Qing'er with him. This time, it was just two people. They hit the road before dawn. When the sun came out, they arrived at the seemingly ordinary desert.

"Qing'er, can you feel something?"

This was not a punch that penetrated the ground, but a weak point in the ground and somewhere underground.

The terrifying force instantly penetrated the sand below. After a long time, a hot breath rushed out from the opened hole, and the smell was very unpleasant, like sulfur.

Xu Xin looked at the little girl next to him who was still a little thin, and decided that when he went back, he would let her eat more sweets and make her rounder early, so that she would be more eye-catching.

"This has opened the door. It seems that even if I don't come, Medusa won't come either. This Qinglian Earth Heart Fire will be born on its own in a few years!"

Under the faint light of the moonstone, Xiao Qing'er looked shy, while Xu Xin was observing everything around him.


Under Xu Xin's encouraging eyes, Qing'er maximized her perception. The blue light in her eyes flashed, and she finally discovered some special situations.

Xu Xin touched the little girl's head as encouragement, once again leaving a deep impression on her. Then he used his mental perception to find a weak point, then squatted down and punched out.

The passage he opened ran through a complex underground network, probably the product of the upwelling of magma. There were more than a dozen winding passages, as if some giant snake had crawled through it.

Xu Xin stuck his head into the hole that had been opened. It was pitch black in front of him, and he didn't know how deep it was.

"Well, Qing'er is great."

"Qing'er, come here, let's go down."

"Master, it seems, it seems, underground... very strange..."

Xu Xin greeted the little girl, who quickly came to his side, put her little body close to Xu Xin and hugged the owner tightly. When Xu Xin's palm touched her body, the little girl's delicate body trembled again, and then Darkness enveloped them.

In the dark environment, Qing'er's eyes blinked slightly, and around the green pupils, three extremely tiny green dots appeared quietly.

"Master, there, that passage."

Qing'er suddenly pointed at a passage at the fork in front of him. Xu Xin smiled, put away the moonstone, and headed straight for that passage. In the dark passage, it was still cold at first, but as Xu Xin raced at high speed, the temperature gradually increased. Finally, the hot wind that could roast the meat rolled in, and the rich fire energy continued to spurt out. , this place is definitely a paradise for practicing fire attribute fighting spirit.

At the end of the passage, bright red light hit the person's face. In this huge cave space, fiery red magma slowly flowed in it.

In front of the spectacular magma world, huge bubbles occasionally emerge from the magma, bursting with a slight sound, and the hot magma bursts out, like a fiery red firework, gorgeous and dangerous.

The fire attribute here is obviously more fiery and violent than in the passage.

The hot wind kept coming, and even the fighting masters were sweating profusely in this situation, but Xu Xin and Qing'er seemed to have no feeling at all.

Xu Xin is strong, while Qing'er has a strong bloodline. In this environment, her body spontaneously awakens the power of her bloodline, and a somewhat cold energy is flowing out of her body.

"Master, there seems to be something hidden in here. If you want to go in, be careful."

Just as Xu Xin was about to step forward, a cold little hand suddenly grabbed him.

Qing'er grabbed Xu Xin and warned her, her green eyes staring into the endless fiery red magma, trying to find the aura she just felt.

"It's okay, it's just a little snake."

Xu Xin smiled, and then his whole body was wrapped in gray-green flames. This was the blood beast fire of the fifth-level poisonous fire scorpion dragon beast. It was poisonous and firey. It was a decent ability. Of course, he would kneel in the face of strange fire. , but enough to protect against ordinary magma.

Not long after Xu Xin entered the magma, a huge evil beast appeared and attacked.

It suddenly burst out of the magma and bit Xu Xin like lightning.

This is a snake-shaped monster four to five feet long, with a fiery red body. From a distance, it looks like it is carved from fire jade. The surface of its body was covered with palm-sized red scales. At the bifurcation of its slender neck, there were two ferocious heads, glaring with huge diamond-shaped eyes filled with violent and bloodthirsty killing intent.

The two-headed fire spirit snake is a special beast that usually grows in extremely hot places. It lives by swallowing magma and has a huge room for evolution. When it is born, it is only a first-level monster. If there are enough opportunities, it may be able to evolve into a beast that is as powerful as the Dou Huang. Compared with other level six monsters.

The creatures in strange places, Warcraft, are basically affected by bloodline, with fixed lower and upper limits. However, there are very few such strange beasts that can continuously evolve and are worthy of research.


Accompanied by a beast's roar, the underground magma pool suddenly rioted, and pillars of magma and fire rose from it into the sky, which was extremely spectacular.

Pillars of magma and fire intertwined to block Xu Xin's transfer space, and a red torrent of magma and animal fire erupted from the snake's mouth. The target was naturally Xu Xin.

"It's useless, you should surrender!"

Xu Xin smiled, waved his hand to deflect all the magma and flames, and then in an instant he came to the bifurcation of the double-headed fire spirit snake's neck and stood there, holding its two heads with both hands, and started to have a "good fight" with it. comminicate".

"Xiaohong, now you know how to be obedient!"

After a long time, Xu Xin touched the two swollen snake heads and said softly: "Take me to find the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire!"

(End of this chapter)

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