The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1066: A woman chases a man, separated by mountains, walking the queen

Chapter 1066: A woman chases a man, separated by mountains, walking the queen

"Hello Queen, I must inform you that you are late."

"You want the strange fire, but I've already taken it. Don't chase me, okay!"

"If you can, please put a 'good' here."

In the underground magma world outside the stone desert city, Queen Medusa looked at the jade stone tablet standing in front of her. Her three short sentences made her dark eyebrows frown deeply.


Queen Medusa stood there and looked at it for a long time. Naturally, she did not leave a message on the jade stone tablet. Instead, she reached out and grabbed a certain emerald green root in her hand, and then followed the breath to find it. , after a moment he raised his head, turned around, and disappeared from the spot.

Just an hour after Queen Medusa left, Xu Xin's figure appeared here again. He added two strokes on the jade stone tablet and waited for half an hour before leaving.

As soon as Xu Xin stepped forward, another purple rainbow came down a moment later. Queen Medusa looked at the two extra lines of words on the stone tablet, and she fell into deep self-doubt.

"Your Majesty the Queen, please don't chase me, please!"

The risk of this matter was very high, but Xu Xin didn't care about the risk, and it wasn't him taking the risk anyway.

Xu Xin looked at the words on the jade stone tablet and just shook his head.

"Queen, you are inexperienced in chasing men, so don't chase them!"

Next, Queen Medusa did not follow him directly, but stayed here for a long time. She did not leave again until she was sure to record Xu Xin's aura.

Queen Medusa left such a sentence.

In addition, he also wanted to study the inner fire of Qinglian, take a walk with the fish, and develop a relationship with the two snake beauties.

Queen Medusa set out again with full of questions, and while Xu Xin and her were facing each other three times in the air, Mo Linglin, Nalan Yanran and others had already left Stone Desert City.

"No need to talk, then I can only take the strange fire to the Warcraft Mountains."

"No, give me the strange fire, I can exchange it."

She is the majestic Queen of Medusa, is this considered provoking? No experience chasing men? Does she need to chase men?
"Is it really the Warcraft Mountain Range? Where does this guy come from? Why can he always know my whereabouts? If he is a strong man above the Douzong, he can't sense the aura!"

But the key is that Xu Xin hasn't figured out how to profit from it yet.

The sword fell from her hand, and there was an additional line of words on the jade stone tablet.

This time he left early. Queen Medusa came here again, half an hour later. When she saw the words on the stone tablet, especially the last sentence, she couldn't help but shake her delicate hands.

Not long after she left, the elusive Xu Xin appeared again.

"Please put 'OK' here!"

Xu Xin left these two words again, and then turned into a phantom and disappeared from the place.

Xu Xin asked her to answer again. This time she did not despise Xu Xin. She raised her delicate hand slightly, and a faint purple light condensed in her palm, and finally solidified into a slender bright purple sharp sword.

Queen Medusa wanted Qinglian's Earth Heart Fire in order to use the strange fire to stimulate the evolution of her bloodline, thereby transforming her into a higher level.

The former took people back to Yancheng first. Through the relationship of the Mo family, he contacted the admissions teacher of Canaan College in the nearby area. He used special channels to register himself and Xu Xin as students, waiting to leave with the teacher.

Nalan Yanran, on the other hand, is on her way back to Yunlan Sect. She desperately wants to return to her teacher. Her teacher is also a strong fighter, and presumably can help Xu Xin deal with that Medusa. Queen!

Here, Mo Linglin and Nalan Yanran were worried about Xu Xin's safety, but over there, Xu Xin was leisurely taking his maid Qing'er to the direction of the Warcraft Mountains. The way to sincerity can be known in advance.

These eight simple words are so mysterious that it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to understand them.

This is like an enhanced version of whim, which can deduce the intruder's route, arrival time and other general information through breath sensing, so as to make arrangements in advance.

Xu Xin's realm skills are more powerful than most of the strong men in the Dou Qi Continent. Although his current cultivation level is low, as long as he does not meet the enemy face to face, even the Dou Sheng strong men will not be able to catch him.

And once they meet, a fighting sect may be able to force him to explode. That situation will be dangerous, and he may encounter various dangers and eventually fall.

Therefore, when Xu Xin, who is still in the developmental stage, faces powerful enemies, he hides when he can, and when faced with those who can be easily suppressed, he strikes hard.

Queen Medusa is somewhere between the two. Xu Xin's current cultivation level cannot suppress her with one hand. Such a queen is not so easy to tame, so he plays hide and seek with her to let this The Queen fell into the web he weaved step by step.


The Warcraft Mountains are located in the eastern region of the Tagore Desert and are also part of the edge of the Jiama Empire. Warcraft are rampant in the mountains and are full of dangers.

Within the Warcraft Mountains, there are many fifth- and sixth-level beast kings and beast kings, each divided into regions. There are even rumors that in some of its deepest areas, there are even seventh-level transformed beasts lingering.

The seventh-level monster is comparable to the human fighting sect. It is a first-class powerhouse in the northwest continent, enough to suppress a country, and it can also occupy a place in the land of Zhongzhou where there are many powerful people.


The yellow sand in the sky is covered by rows of big trees on the high mountains. The golden and green colors form a clear dividing line in this mountain range. This is the junction of the Warcraft Mountains and the Tagore Desert.

A purple rainbow descended slowly after arriving here, and its beautiful eyes moved quickly, quickly locking on a stone tablet standing on the ground.

"Your Majesty the Queen, women chase men across mountains."

"Although I am on the other side of the mountain, please stop chasing me."

Queen Medusa looked at these two lines and just smiled coldly.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Her figure continued to follow her breath, and two purple rainbows split into shadows, one flying high into the sky, and the other shuttling through the forest.

And just at the other end of the mountain, Xu Xin stood on a high place, admiring the nobility and elegance of Queen Medusa from a distance.

It is definitely the dream of many men to have such a noble queen and treat her harshly on the throne.

"Qing'er, is the grilled fish ready?"

Xu Xin admired it for a while, then turned to look at his little snake maid who had similar bloodline to the queen.

"Ah! Master!"

Qing'er heard the sound and quietly came to Xu Xin to deliver the grilled fish, but her little butt was bullied again. Although it was not the first time, she... her face still felt a little hot.

After training the little maid, Xu Xin took her deep into the mountains. It was not until noon that he lit a fire to cook in front of a waterfall.

Just when the master and servant had eaten and drank enough, and Xu Xin was enjoying the cool breeze and the tender hands of the maid, an uninvited guest, a graceful curved body, came with the distorted sunlight.

(End of this chapter)

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