The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1079 Wutan City, the place where everything began, Jin Emperor Burning Sky Flame

Chapter 1079 Wutan City, the place where everything began, Jin Emperor Fen Tianyan
"Little Medical Fairy... Fairy, save me..."

A weak, frightened voice sounded outside the door, but it was a young man whose body was half pressed by a huge snake. When he saw clearly that there was a familiar little medical fairy in the room, he could no longer care about anything else. He quickly called for help.

"Mu Li, he is the son of Mu She, the leader of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group."

The little medical fairy also recognized this young man.

"Then what!"

Xu Xin just replied with three words calmly, and then the little medical fairy stopped talking.

Only then did she remember that Xu Xin and the others were not mercenaries entrenched in a small place like Qingshan Town, but strong men from outside, a mere wolf-head mercenary group. Maybe they didn't take it to heart at all.

"Are you really the fiancé of the second young lady of the Mo family?"

At this time, Yun Yun confirmed her identity with Xu Xin again. Before Qing'er showed up, she hadn't thought much about it. She just thought that Xu Xin was a powerful adventurer and had captured a snake man to bring back to the empire to do bad things. , which is one of the reasons why she doesn't have much good feelings towards Xu Xin.

But now, after Xu Xin's identity was suspected, she discovered in horror that the legendary Queen Medusa, who frightened countless people, might have been staying by her side for a long time, pretending to be a sleeping beauty?

The little medical fairy here was listening to their conversation. She had heard of the famous name of Queen Medusa, and wanted to confirm that the beautiful sister lying next to her was really the legendary Medusa. Queen?
"We are going to leave tomorrow and come back later. You can think about it for a while."

"Are you questioning me?"

Xu Xin seemed to be messing around, but he had the strength and confidence to refuse to answer anyone's questions.

There are young children who are always by your side and pillow, taking care of food, clothing, and daily life, making beds, folding quilts, and warming beds, etc.

When leaving early the next morning, there was one more person in Xu Xin's carriage team.

"No, this is really incredible. How did you do it?"

Yun Yun looked at Xu Xin in surprise.

Yun Yun pointed at Queen Medusa and said, "So, is she an ordinary snake-man or Queen Medusa?"

Xu Xin's words made Yun Yun shut up in an instant. This was the pain of her life. Her sealed cultivation fell into Xu Xin's hands. She didn't know how much tofu she had eaten when we got along with each other these days, and there was someone's shadow in her heart before she knew it. .

Queen Medusa closed her eyes slightly and said nothing.

This night, the little medical fairy naturally did not leave the hotel room. She stayed in bed and cooperated with Xu Xin's examination, so it was all nonsense to ask her to think about it for a while.


"How did you get sealed!"

Xu Xin turned to stare at Yun Yun and asked, "Is this question important?"

Xu Xin's words brought the little medical fairy back to reality. After thinking seriously for a moment, the latter nodded heavily.

Xu Xin was as happy as a god, which made Yun Yun and Queen Medusa very angry.

During such a beautiful journey surrounded by flowers, Xu Xin and the others finally arrived at Wutan City near Qingshan Town at sunset. This is the place where everything began in the legend.

Wutan City is considered to be located in the hinterland of the Gama Empire. Because of its strategic location with the Warcraft Mountains at its back, it ranks among the large cities that have entered the empire, but it is only at the bottom. There are three big families in Wutan City. In addition to a certain Xiao family whose engagement was annulled, there are also two big families. The three parties have been fighting openly and secretly with each other for more than ten years, and there has never been a winner.

However, in recent times, the Jialie family, one of the three major families, has sold a large number of high-quality medicinal powders, which has greatly affected the Xiao family's market. Later, Liu Xiyao, a foreign alchemist, showed his power and made the Xiao family dare to Angry but afraid to speak.

In the dead of night, the faint moonlight fell from the window into the small courtyard of the alchemist Liu Xi.

A young girl in a golden dress sat strangely at the window edge. Under the golden dress, a pair of jade-like round and snow-white calves drew a seductive arc in mid-air.

The bright silver moonlight shines on the girl's delicate little face, making her look like a goddess in the moonlight, gorgeous and mysterious.

On the bed in the middle of the room, a man was tugging at his clothes in a hurry, while the beautiful girl who was facing her had a very frightened expression at the moment.

At a certain moment, the palm of Liu Xi's first-grade alchemist suddenly froze while he was pulling his clothes. As a six-star fighter, he hesitated for a moment, slowly turned his neck, and cast his gaze in the direction of the window.

The girl in the golden dress was lazily leaning against the window edge. A pair of eyes filled with golden flames looked indifferently at the disheveled man in the room. On her bare hands, there were golden flames, like an eccentric child. , jumping in a strange trajectory.


There was no way Liu Xi could be the girl's opponent. He fell to the ground in a panic after just one encounter, begging the girl to make a condition, as long as she didn't kill him.

The girl in the golden dress jumped out of the window. Her silky green hair was filled with golden light and hung down to her delicate buttocks. It was particularly touching to look at it.

In the spacious room, wearing a golden dress that symbolized nobility, the girl walked indifferently towards Liu Xi who was wailing on the ground, her expression always cold.

The girl stayed there until Liu Xi lost her breath, and then after taking a look somewhere, she left the room.

Not long after she left, another man in black robe appeared, and he came to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces.

The man in black robe waved his hand, and the forest-white flames immediately shot out, covering the willow mat like lightning. In just an instant, it was all over.

From now on, this first-grade alchemist named Liu Xi has completely disappeared from this continent.

The man in black robes clapped his hands indifferently, waved his palms, and swept away the ashes on the ground with a wave of energy. Then he jumped up to the window gracefully, and then flew out in the air.

Without alerting anyone, he rushed out of the Gallie family. The man in black robe tapped his toes on a roof. His figure had just floated a few dozen meters away, but he suddenly paused. He sighed helplessly, and slowly raised his head.

On the edge of a pavilion not far from the opposite side, a girl in a golden dress swayed her round and white calves casually. Her autumn eyes with a touch of golden flame were staring lazily at the person who was paused in the room. The man in black robe on top.

"Who are you?"

Brushing her slender fingers over the black hair that was blown by the night wind on her forehead, the girl raised her delicate chin, and her light voice slowly echoed in this small world.

"I'm also curious about who the two of them are? They possess two powerful alien fires, one of which is the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan who is fourth on the alien fire list."

"Are you, like me, here to do bad things?"

At this time, another voice sounded between heaven and earth. The girl in the gold skirt and the boy in the black robe turned their heads at the same time and looked at the third person who spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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