The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1084: Devouring Fen Jue, Xiao Yan falls again

Chapter 1084: Devouring Fen Jue, Xiao Yan falls again

"Soul Palace, Guardian Falcon, these bastards... I must go back early to find Xun'er, she should..."

In a remote corner of Wutan City, a embarrassed figure was running through the dim streets at high speed. It was Xiao Yan who was sent away by Yao Chen.

Suddenly, there was a strange amount of black energy emerging from the sky. The black energy was lingering and scattered, as if it had spirituality, like ghosts.

Xiao Yan, who was escaping, did not notice that the originally dark sky suddenly became darker and colder.

The howling wind suddenly swept down from the sky. Xiao Yan, who was already unstable due to nervousness, was instantly staggered by the black wind. He stumbled and fell to the ground.

The black wind swept down from the dark sky, like a demon with a huge mouth, and instantly swallowed up the street where Xiao Yan was located.

Xiao Yan, who fell to the ground, naturally felt that something was wrong. He grabbed the cracks in the ground with his hands, and then managed to fix his body.

The black wind swept everything, and darkness enveloped Xiao Yan. Amidst the howling wind, he felt that his consciousness was blurring.

"Jie Jie Jie... Xiao family boy, do you think you can escape!"

In the black storm, a strange voice rang in Xiao Yan's ears, making the hair on his body stand up.

Gu Xun'er gritted her teeth angrily, and quickly looked up at her guard Ling Ying. The latter nodded slightly, waved his fighting spirit into a tentacle-like rope, and took Xiao Yan and Gu Xun'er together to sneak out of the city.

Xiao Yan seemed to be fished out of the water, his pale face without a trace of blood. He was so weak that he did not pass out immediately, but pointed to a certain direction outside the city, and the man who had known him since childhood Gu Xun'er instantly understood what he meant.

In the darkness, that creepy laughter was echoing. Suddenly, an external force broke through the storm instantly, and Xiao Yan, who was almost dead, was rescued.

"Jie Jie... Who gave you the surname Xiao? Even without Yaochen, you would still be in my soul clan..."

"Hun, Soul Palace...teacher...outside the city..."

Xiao Yan was full of doubts and endless unwillingness. At this time, he was facing the darkness, with some distortion and fear on his face.

The moment the dark storm was broken, Xiao Yan felt that the source of his power that had previously swallowed him also disappeared in an instant. He seemed to be avoiding something.

"Soul Palace, these bastards from the Soul Clan are really targeting the Xiao family..."


The girl with golden flames all over her body came with this figure. She quickly fell to Xiao Yan's side and helped the young man who had almost lost everything. According to her perception, the situation in Xiao Yan's body was very serious, and it seemed that he had never been there again. The fighter fell down and lost his fighting spirit.

"Why, why..."

"Brother Xiao Yan! Brother Xiao Yan's fighting spirit..."


At a certain moment, the air suddenly squirmed strangely, and a black shadow slowly emerged. In just an instant, this figure in black robe broke through the dark storm with strong fighting spirit.

The screams were inconspicuous in the dark storm. Xiao Yan, who fell to the ground, felt that all his strength was being lost. Everything in his body, including fighting spirit, vitality and even his soul, was being swallowed and taken away by a force. The feeling of slowly approaching death is really a torture.

Xiao Yan was attacked here, and outside Wutan City, the battle between Yao Chen and the Soul Palace Duck Guardian also reached a fever pitch.

"Jiejie, Yaochen, do you want to fight desperately? But it's too late now."

The sky was full of white flames flying wildly, but the bird guardian who trapped the forest white flames with dark soul locks just laughed strangely, and then waved his sleeves, and strange black mist gushes out from his body, and finally in the sky The sky condensed into dark clouds. The night sky, which was originally dark and windy, was now so dark that no daylight could be seen.

Black clouds were lingering, and the bird protector seemed to be invisible, strangely losing its trace, and the entire sky became extremely quiet.

A strange sinister wind drifted quietly, and Yao Chen's eyes, whose whole body was wrapped in rich forest-white flames, suddenly shrank, and then he turned around and punched the empty void behind him fiercely.

As soon as his fist moved, the surging soul power that permeated the whole body also moved with it. The dry fist seemed to cause the vibration of the space, mixed with a powerful and powerful wind, and struck out fiercely.


Where the fist landed, a black shadow appeared strangely. The fists clashed, and ripples of vital energy spread out in all directions, finally causing thunderous muffled sounds in the sky.

Thunder rolls in the dark night sky, and figures flash past. Every time a figure appears, there will be thunder and explosions due to the collision of extremely powerful forces.

Above the sky, black clouds are billowing. Occasionally when there are fluctuations of energy, the thick black cloud layer cracks a gap, allowing a ray of moonlight to pour in, but even if it shines through the moonlight, it cannot bring the poisonous dust. A warm meaning.

As the battle became more intense and his soul power weakened as time went on, Yao Chen felt increasingly powerless and felt a deep despair.

Could it be that he, who has been living in danger of death for so many years, is going to end today?


A loud thunderclap resounded through the sky, and a subtle low humming sound came out. Following this fierce collision, the black clouds in the sky became much thinner, and the moonlight poured through the thin black clouds. And then, some of the darkness was dispelled.

"Jie Jie, you are worthy of being a famous medicine master in the mainland, but you are still so difficult to bite at this level. However, how long can you persist in such a battle?"

A black shadow floated in the sky. The Guardian Bird looked at Yao Lao whose figure was becoming more and more illusory in the distance, and said with a sinister laugh.

"I don't believe you can continue like this forever."

Yao Chen said expressionlessly, although his current condition was extremely bad, he could not show any fear at this moment.

"Mr. Yaolao, it seems that you are in trouble! Do you need help?"

"But you have to pay more!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside the dark sky. When Yao Chen heard the voice, his heart moved, and the guardian of the beast turned his head to look.

"Hahaha... It turns out to be my little friend. My old man went out to enjoy the moon tonight and bumped into this old enemy and had a big fight. I actually remembered some things about the evil poisonous body..."

Yao Chen laughed loudly in the dark sky, pretending to be familiar with Xu Xin.

"Although this guy is just a soul body, he is a Dou Zong. The news about the Enan Poison Body is not enough. We need to add money. Counting the news about the Enan Poison Body, there are three transactions in total..."

Xu Xin, who was outside the dark sky, naturally would not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this old guy, so he started bargaining.

"make a deal!"

As soon as Yao Chen heard that Xu Xin was willing to take action, he decisively agreed. As for a few transactions, he didn't care at all. If Xu Xin really wanted him to take out something too precious like "Fen Jue", he could just pretend not to remember it like before. Well, there are simply not too many things that the old fox did that he regretted later.

However, this old fox never imagined that Xu Xin had already obtained the secret of "Fen Jue" through special channels.

(End of this chapter)

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