Chapter 1095 Eight Tribes, Four Elders

Above the clear sky, the sun hangs high in the sky, and the scorching sunlight shines on the golden desert. The high temperature causes the air to distort. This is the deepest part of the Tagor Desert, the territory of the snake people.

The snake people are mostly scattered in the Tagor Desert in the form of tribes, which are mainly divided into eight large tribes. Most of their tribal leaders are fighting kings. In addition, there is a huge city capital where the snake people's queen Medusa lives. The snake people's temple is here and is heavily guarded.

The Snakeman Temple is the ruling center of the entire Snakeman tribe, and the eight tribes are satellite cities surrounding it. In addition to the eight tribes, there are also numerous small and medium-sized tribes between the temple and the eight tribes, which together constitute the huge Snakeman Kingdom.

The core force of the temple is called the Medusa Serpent Guard. This elite force was famous during the war between the Serpent People and the countries around the Tagor Desert.

"It's been a long time since I last visited the Serpent Clan's capital temple."

Two figures were suspended in the sky, and a huge city appeared at the end of their sight. Hai Bodong looked at the huge city in the vast yellow sand with an extremely complicated look in his eyes.

On the walls of the Serpent Clan's capital, patrols are strict and guards are heavy. Among the numerous garrison troops, there are occasionally some Serpent Clan members wearing strange clothing. They have cold expressions and stand on the walls like pillars. Each of them has a strong aura and carries an iron-blooded murderous aura.

These snake men are the Medusa Snake Guards.

"Who dares to invade our Snake Man Temple?"

Xu Xin took Hai Bodong and flew directly to the sky above the Serpent Clan's capital temple. This abnormal behavior would certainly arouse vigilance. Even the leaders of the eight major tribes and the elders of the Serpent Clan had to land on the ground after entering the city after entering the temple when they came to meet the queen.

Auras rose from all over the capital, and among them, a powerful aura of a Dou Wang quickly reached the city wall. This female Dou Wang of the Snake People had a similar attire and temperament to those Medusa Snake Guards, and she was probably a commander or something like that.

"Human, why did you trespass into our territory without permission?"

"You are a flower snake."

Xu Xin blurted out the name of the snakeman fighting king in front of him. This snakeman fighting king Hua She'er had a beautiful figure and appearance. Her body was not hot but quite well-proportioned, with a slender waist and a colorful snake tail, which brought a unique wild temptation.

"Who are you? What brings you to my snake tribe?"

Hua She'er was full of doubts, and was surprised why Xu Xin knew her name. Although she was also one of the high-level Dou Wang of the Snake People, she was different from the leaders of the eight tribes. She guarded the temple and the queen all year round, and rarely moved around in the outside world, let alone had any fame.

"Do you recognize this?"

Xu Xin looked at the graceful snake-man female warrior in front of him, took out something from his arms, spread out his palm, and saw a scale glowing with colorful light in his palm.

"A token from Her Majesty the Queen."

Hua She'er, the captain of the Medusa Snake Guard, was greatly surprised when she recognized what was in Xu Xin's hand. When Xu Xin threw the scale to her, she caught it carefully and nervously sensed the breath.

"Your Majesty the Queen, give me this thing and let me come to see your several elders. Can you lead the way?"

Xu Xin's words surprised not only Hua She'er and the Medusa snake guards who gathered around him, but even Hai Bodong who was beside Xu Xin was also surprised.

However, when he recalled how Xu Xin had come to visit him for no apparent reason, and how Xu Xin had easily dissolved the seal of Queen Medusa, he suddenly understood.

"This... may take some time. Please follow me."

Hua Sheer signaled his men to make way, and then led Xu Xin and Hai Bodong to the temple in the center of the city. In the spacious and luxurious hall, Xu Xin leaned back in his chair and tasted the fruit. Occasionally, his eyes lazily swept across the empty purple crystal throne on the high platform, and he couldn't help thinking of some plots. After completely conquering Her Majesty the Queen, maybe... try something exciting.

"The masters of the Snake People are here, a few Dou Wangs, maybe tribal leaders or commanders or something like that."

Hai Bodong, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and said this. Then he turned his head to look outside the hall. A dark shadow shot in like lightning.

"Human, do you have any news about Her Majesty the Queen? Tell me now!"

The figure who entered the hall spoke loudly and rudely. He was a sturdy male snake man with a thin shirt casually draped over his body and his arms were covered with strange black tattoos.

When the tattoos on his arms reached his palms, they revealed two ferocious, slightly raised black snake heads. They looked vivid, as if they would burst out of the body at any time, and exuded a fierce aura.

Xu Xin glanced at this guy who had a high status in the snake tribe, then lowered his head, picked a grape and put it in his mouth. It was so sweet.

"This leader asks you a"

Xu Xin ignored him, and Hai Bodong didn't look happy either, which made the male snake man's pupils shrink slightly, and when he spoke again, there was a hint of coldness in his voice that was hard to conceal.


Hai Bodong snorted coldly, and a current of cold air surged out, instantly trapping the violent snake man in place.

"Hehehe... Mobas, I told you not to be impulsive..."

Accompanied by a burst of giggles, a seductive snake-person with revealing and bold clothes and a very graceful figure walked into the hall and came to Xu Xin with a gust of fragrance.

"Little brother, can you tell me where you got the news about Her Majesty the Queen?"

This enchanting snake girl exuded a charm all over her body. When she walked to Xu Xin, she put her green jade fingers on Xu Xin's shoulders. A green and shiny snake tail swept across Xu Xin's feet intentionally or unintentionally. When she spoke, her fiery red lips exuded a faint fragrance.

As the charming snake woman spoke, she moved closer to Xu Xin, staring at him with eyes as clear as spring water.

As Xu Xin spoke, he raised his hand and put his arm around the slender waist of the snake girl in front of him, and said with a smile: "Sister Yue Mei, do you want to get closer to me?"

Yue Mei, the leader of the Snake Tribe, smiled lightly, covered her red lips with her slender hands, and whispered, "Young Master, you have a token from Her Majesty the Queen. I dare not compete with Her Majesty the Queen for a man."

"Don't worry, Sister Yue Mei, your Queen is here with me, there will be no problem."

Xu Xin wrapped his arms tighter around Yue Mei's slender waist and was about to take her into his arms and caress her at will. At this time, several figures entered the hall. In addition to Hua She'er and the burly snake man Mobas, there were several Dou Wangs and the last four Dou Huangs who entered the hall.

These numerous Dou Wangs and Dou Huangs are the real high-level leaders of the Snake People, including eight chiefs, four elders, and many commanders.

When Queen Medusa was away, the snake people were controlled by these people.

(End of this chapter)

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