The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1103 Medicine Emperor Han Feng, Sea Heart Strange Fire, Source of Illusionary Fire, Bloodlin

Chapter 1103 Medicine Emperor Han Feng, Sea Heart Strange Fire, Source of Illusionary Fire, Bloodline Evolution

In the Black Horn Region, there is a city called Fengcheng. The city is not large, but in this chaotic area, it plays an important role because it is the territory of Han Feng, the first alchemist in the Black Horn Region and the King of Medicine.

As the number one person in alchemy in the Black Horn Region, Han Feng, who has already become a sixth-grade alchemist, has a very high status in the hearts of many forces and even strong people.

A sixth-rank alchemist, even in Zhongzhou where there are so many powerful people, can be considered a great figure and can be treated equally and politely by Dou Zong strongmen.

In the Black Horn Region of this chaotic land, Medicine Emperor Han Feng possesses unparalleled appeal. Many Dou Wangs and even Dou Emperors have come to him to ask for medicine and owed him favors, including many top masters listed on the "Black List".

Fengcheng was not originally called this name. Now it is named after Han Feng. In the Black Horn Region filled with chaos and killing, only a handful of people can enjoy this honor.

In the very center of Fengcheng is a bamboo forest which is completely different from the noisy market outside. This bamboo forest has extremely strict defenses. Ordinary people will be attacked indiscriminately if they approach within a certain range, let alone enter.

Deep in the bamboo forest, there is a bamboo building. Its lush color is like emerald, and it is permeated with a special scent that is a mixture of bamboo and medicinal fragrances.

Inside the bamboo building, in a tall bamboo room next to a window, a man was sitting cross-legged, wearing an alchemist's robe. On the back of the robe, there was a very finely crafted word "Feng".

The man in green had a handsome face, with long black hair falling to his shoulders. He seemed to have a strange medicinal fragrance all the time, which made people feel close to him.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped what he was doing, looked towards the Canaan Inner Courtyard, and murmured softly, "Is this energy fluctuation in the so-called Canaan Inner Courtyard?"

"Back then, I heard from the old man that there was a suspected strange fire in Canaan College, perhaps in the inner courtyard. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find out the specific information for so many years. I have also tried to win over people over the years, but I am still a little short of the right skills to become the enemy of Canaan College..."

As the green-shirted man spoke, he slowly turned around. On his chest was a simple medicine cauldron emblem. Above the cauldron, six strange ripples of shimmering golden light were slightly fluctuating, stinging people's eyes.

The six golden patterns represent a sixth-grade alchemist. Although he looks no more than thirty years old, he is a sixth-grade alchemist certified by Zhongzhou Danta. There is only one in the Black Horn Region, and that is the Medicine Emperor Han Feng.

Medicine Emperor Han Feng was a child adopted by Medicine Venerable Yao Chen. He was nominally a disciple but was actually an adopted son. However, he was an ungrateful person with evil ambitions.

Just because Yao Chen didn't want him to practice the "Burning Technique" with an unknown future, Han Feng contacted external enemies to plot against Yao Chen, resulting in his death.

Afterwards, Han Feng, who had seized Yao Chen's ring and obtained the incomplete Burning Decree, pretended that nothing had happened. However, he was soon exposed under the questioning of Yao Chen's best friend Feng Zunzhe. Finally, he fled Zhongzhou and hid in the Black Horn Region to develop himself.

However, without the support of Yao Chen and Xingyun Pavilion, and having to abandon his original skills to rebuild the incomplete Burning Technique, as well as wasting time searching for the strange fire, Han Feng's cultivation has remained stagnant over the years. The young Pavilion Master of Xingyun Pavilion, who was once famous in Zhongzhou, is now just a Medicine Emperor in his thirties who has not yet broken through to the Dou Zong level.

Anyway, from Xu Xin's point of view, Han Feng is extremely stupid.

Although Fen Jue seemed to have an unlimited future, Han Feng betrayed his adoptive father without considering the ending issue, and now he is neither high nor low. There is no future for him.

But at this moment, this future Medicine King, who was nothing at all, was staring in the direction of Canaan College, feeling conflicted.

He has been rooted in the Black Horn Region for many years and has tried to inquire about the news of the strange fire in Canaan College, but there are no substantial clues. This is also the key reason why he has not made up his mind to gather people to offend Canaan College.

Although he has a Zhongzhou background, his background is useless when facing Canaan College. If he offends them, he will have to consider the consequences.

Even the weakened Canaan Academy had Su Qian, the Dou Zong-level elder of the inner court. Han Feng was not very confident with just this one person. However, these entanglements would disappear when facing the temptation of the strange fire.

He had reached a bottleneck in his practice of the Incomplete Burning Technique a long time ago and had been unable to break through to the Dou Zong level, which made him very anxious. If he was sure that Canaan Academy really had the strange fire, he would achieve his goal no matter how great the price.

Han Feng narrowed his eyes in confusion, and after a moment, he slowly closed them. He flicked his fingertips, and a deep blue flame like clear sea water mysteriously emerged from his body and finally wrapped him tightly.

The deep blue flame is quite strange. It looks like a pool of flowing sea water. However, the most real sense tells people clearly that this is not a pool of water, but a flame.

Fifteenth on the list of strange fires, the Sea Heart Flame, is a magical flame born from the ocean that can stir up waves in the ocean and cause a huge tsunami.

As the Sea Heart Flame rose, Han Feng, who had never gained any soul power before, now felt a vague sense of it.

"The powerful flame seems to be a real strange fire?"

He vaguely sensed a powerful flame in the distance, as well as a very familiar aura, which seemed to be a strange fire.

"Han Beng!"

The sea-blue flames subsided, Han Feng stood up and shouted in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, a ghostly figure flashed out and finally appeared in the bamboo house, kneeling on one knee. Although his voice was hoarse, it was still respectful: "Master, what do you want?"

Han Feng continued, "Gather all the forces at hand to investigate the source of the violent force at Canaan College. We must find out the truth and pay close attention to clues about the strange fire..."


Han Feng responded with an expressionless face, and then disappeared silently in front of Han Feng like Ling Ying beside Gu Xun'er.

At the same time that Han Feng gave the order, Xu Xin also sensed a powerful and "familiar" fluctuation in the Black Horn area in the distance.

The incomplete Burning Technique was naturally at a disadvantage when facing his more authentic Burning Technique, and Xu Xin's methods were also superior to Han Feng's.

Therefore, he has been considering how to set a trap for this "King of Medicine".

The great Da Xu Dynasty is about to rule the Black Horn Region, and rebellious places like Fengcheng naturally need to be cleared out one by one.

"Han Feng? I'll spare your life for now. Once I get the clues about the Phantom Fire Scorpion Dragon Beast and complete the evolution of my bloodline, I can use the Sea Heart Flame to evolve my skills..."

Xu Xin murmured to himself that at this moment, he was more looking forward to the news and resources about the Phantom Fire Scorpion Dragon Beast from Han Xian. Although he could transform his bloodline directly using Xiao Ziyan's blood, the ritual required was more troublesome and would require more resources.

Facts have proved that Xu Xin's wait was not in vain. Han Xian gave Xu a surprise and actually got a copy of the "Source of Phantom Fire", which put Xu's bloodline evolution on the agenda ahead of schedule.

(End of this chapter)

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