The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1109: The First Step to Conquering the Black Horn Region

Chapter 1109: The First Step to Conquering the Black Horn Region

Above the sky, a huge dark blue flame beast in the shape of a giant lion was burning the void. After Han Feng used this powerful method of condensing strange fire, its power was no less than that of an ordinary Dou Zong's trump card fighting skills.

In fact, Han Feng, who was at the peak of Douhuang, relied on various means to have the strength that was not inferior to that of Su Qian, the great elder of the Canaan Inner Court. In other words, his combat power was not lower than that of a low-level Douzong.

But this guy was unlucky. He lost the game of tricks and one of his hands was crippled by Xu Xin at the start.

Even when beating such a small Karami, Xu Xin used cunning tactics. It can only be said that he is used to doing this kind of thing.

However, in life, it is better to be more careful than to be ambushed. I am definitely not implying something about a certain Medicine Master.

Above the sky, Xu Xin's figure seemed to teleport. In a few flashes, he was not far away from Han Feng. The terrifying strong wind caused even the deep blue sea of ​​fire that filled the sky to ripple slightly.

"go with!"

Han Feng looked at Xu Xin with an extremely solemn expression. His only remaining left hand moved suddenly, and the huge flaming lion beast that was condensed by all his strength raised its head and let out a thunderous roar, then moved its four hooves and rushed towards Xu Xin like a tank.

The distance between Xu Xin and the Haixin Fantasy Beast was instantly closed, and then, the terrifying energy that was enough to burn mountains and boil seas collided with Xu Xin like a meteor.


When the two came into contact, the entire world became silent, and then the energy between heaven and earth suddenly rioted, with colorful energy flying everywhere in the sky, and countless afterwaves stirred up the space to form twisted cracks.

The sudden turbulence of energy between heaven and earth also caused countless people in Fengcheng to look up at the sky. They looked with incredible horror at the area that suddenly became almost a vacuum zone. The terrible energy fluctuations overflowed from the collision of the strange fires were enough to burn down the entire city.


The silence lasted only for a moment, and then a catastrophic energy storm erupted from a certain center point.

The terrifying fire energy storm covered almost half of Fengcheng. Many strong men who tried to fly into the air to help Han Feng fled in embarrassment.

Then, a funny scene appeared. Many guys who were still thinking of flattering Han Feng had just taken off into the air, but at this moment, they were like frightened birds, and they fled away cleanly in an instant, leaving behind countless stunned eyes on the ground.

A terrible fire storm spanned the sky and the earth. The hot temperature made the air in this space extremely dry. The powerful flame ripples were like a curtain of fire spreading from the sky, occupying more than half of the sky, making those who looked up to the sky His vision became distorted and blurred.

Countless eyes stared in amazement at the flames that swept across the entire sky. Although they were far away, they still felt weak in their hands and feet. If the explosion was a little lower, the city would probably be turned into a dead city in just a moment.

Under those gazes, the fire storm in the sky began to dissipate gradually after spreading for a very long distance.

The two figures in the sky reappeared at this time.

"You didn't... spare me, spare me... I can recognize you as my master and help you make pills..."

A disheveled figure tried to escape from the fire storm, but was grabbed by the figure that attacked from behind.

Under the shocked gazes of countless people, the spreading fire storm quickly converged. With Xu Xin as the center, countless energies including flames were swallowed up, and Han Feng was caught in his hand, with bright red blood constantly spurting out of his mouth.

Han Feng's screams and pleas for mercy echoed throughout Fengcheng. It was obvious that in this battle, Han Feng, who was comparable to a Dou Zong, was completely defeated and easily suppressed by Xu Xin. Everything he had would be taken away from him.

"Stop!" Just when Xu Xin was about to squeeze Han Feng dry bit by bit, there were actually some daring people who came to stop him. More than twenty figures with fighting spirit transformed into wings appeared in the sky. They were all "connections" who came to help Han Feng.

"The leader of the Earth Flame Sect is a legendary Douhuang master, a figure at the top of the Black List."

"The leader of the Eight Gates, Yuan Yi, is also a Douhuang, and is ranked tenth on the Black List."

"Blood Sect's leader Fan Lao is one of the top five on the blacklist."


Many people in Fengcheng recognized the big figures in the sky. Except for a few Dou Wang, the leaders were all Dou Huang powerhouses listed in the black list. There were even leaders of dominant forces such as Di Yan Sect, Eight Gates, and Blood Sect.

“Hehehe… I’m Fan Lao from the Blood Sect. I have some friendship with the Medicine Emperor. Although I don’t know what misunderstanding there is between you and the Medicine Emperor, please let the Medicine Emperor go for our sake.”

Amidst a laugh like that of a night owl, a powerful aura suddenly rose into the sky, and a blood-red shadow exuded a sinister and evil tone as it spoke.

Fan Lao, the leader of the Blood Sect and one of the top five warriors on the blacklist, stared at Xu Xin with his eyes slightly glowing red and an undisguised coldness.

The pair of blood-red wings behind him were extremely dazzling. He looked like a vampire bat. When his blood-red wings flapped, one could even faintly smell the blood in the wind.

This strong man who is among the top five on the black list is quite powerful. The fighting spirit that can cause changes in the blood is extremely strange. Normally, high-level Dou Huangs have to be careful when facing his methods, but he actually dared to pick a grudge against Xu Xin. He must be tired of living!

"You bastards are nothing, get out of here if you know what's best for you."

Xu Xin was too lazy to even look at them. If he killed them now, it would be troublesome to accept their power. It would be better to squeeze Han Feng dry first, use the Sea Heart Flame to upgrade the Burning Decision and strength, and then destroy the forces of these people one by one to expand his territory.

"Hahaha... they don't have enough face. Then do we, the two elders Jin and Yin, have the face..."

The space fluctuated, and two figures, one gold and one silver, appeared in the sky like ghosts.

One is wearing a gold robe, the other is wearing a silver robe, but if you look closely, you can see that their faces are almost identical, both have white hair and white beards, and their facial features are as if they were carved from the same mold.

Mr. Jin and Mr. Yin, who ranked first and second on the Black List, were both at the peak of Dou Huang level, and because they were twins, they had a telepathic connection. If they fought together against the enemy, they would complement each other and were said to be able to rival Dou Zong.

"Old Master Jin and Elder Yin, and these rubbish, you know that I have always wanted to kill people, but I just don't think it's good to do so."

"But today, you guys have come together really well."

"Use your lives as a sacrifice to me!"

Seeing that there were more and more blind guys, Xu Xin decided to just kill a group of them today as the first step to conquer the Black Horn Region. As his voice fell, his figure appeared in the void where more than 20 figures were scattered, and large patches of blood were blooming.

On this day, there was a major reshuffle of the blacklist in the Black Horn Region.

It was also on this day that the great emperor who would rule the Black Horn in the future took the first step in his conquest of this land.

(End of this chapter)

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