The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1118: Flame Technique, Starry Sky Fire Phoenix

Chapter 1118: Flame Technique, Starry Sky Fire Phoenix
Black Horn Region, Demon Flame Valley.

In the magnificent palace, several beings with deep auras sat, each delivering a declaration of war sent from Fengcheng.

"The guy who killed Han Feng actually asked me to surrender to the Demon Flame Valley. He is so arrogant."

An old man in a green robe slammed the letter of challenge on the table after reading it. In just a moment, the aura he exuded was much more powerful than that of Dou Wang, and no less powerful than Fan Lao of the Blood Sect who had been eliminated by Xu Xin.

The old man in green had a slightly dark complexion, with a sinister look between his brows. His hands, which were exposed outside his sleeves, appeared unusually large, and his fingers were unusually long. Under the light of the fire in the hall, his nails flashed with a cold light like a knife.

The fourth elder of the Demon Flame Valley is named Xie Zhen, known as the Eagle Claw Old Man in the Black Horn Region. He has the cultivation level of a six-star Douhuang, which is enough to be listed on the Black List.

There are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Black Horn Region, and the life span of high-level practitioners is long. Some people retreat for dozens or even hundreds of years. The so-called black list records the powerful people who have been active in the Black Horn Region in the past ten years. Some of the older generations of powerful people have long been unknown.

Most of the old forces like the Demon Flame Valley are led by powerful people of that seniority.

This kind of force has a strong foundation. Even Canaan College will not be much stronger than it in appearance.

"Old Four, anger is harmful to your health."

An old man sitting on the passenger seat spoke. The red-haired old man, dressed simply, looked like a master. His aura was not inferior to that of Han Feng and the two elders Jin and Yin who were killed by Xu Xin. He was definitely a peak Dou Huang.

Fang Yan, the chief elder of the Demon Flame Valley, was the most powerful person in the valley when the valley master, the old demon, was not around. When he spoke, everyone else fell silent.

"This outsider was able to defeat Han Feng and Elders Jin and Yin. He must be a Dou Zong-level expert. We must report this to our ancestor."

"In addition, we also need to make preparations early to welcome our distinguished guests..."

After Fangyan finished speaking, the others nodded, and then they discussed how to deal with the situation.


The Black Horn Region is a well-informed place. The news of the confrontation between the Demon Flame Valley and Maple City has been fermenting for these few days and has already become a hot topic.

Time passed like water, and soon it was the day when the challenge was signed.

In the main hall of the Demon Flame Valley, the great elder Fang Yan was leaning against a chair and talking, holding a teacup in his hand. Suddenly, he looked up and looked towards the east.


Fang Yan's face showed a solemn look and he spoke slowly.

As his voice fell, many masters of the Demon Flame Valley became alert.

"Why don't the people from the Demon Flame Valley come out to greet us? Are they still unwilling to surrender?"

Above the sky, a thunderous roar resounded throughout the Demon Flame Valley. The lingering sound was like the echoing of Sanskrit, shocking the heart and soul.

Soon after this voice was rang out, figures flashed everywhere in the Demon Flame Valley, and figures rushed into the sky. At least twenty or thirty strong men above the level of Dou Wang appeared. With so many fantastic Dou Qi turning into wings, the scene today in the Black Horn Region was absolutely dreamy.

"My name is Fang Yan, and I am the Great Elder of the Demon Flame Valley. Nice to meet you."

"You have conquered Maple City, Blood Sect, Eight Gates and other forces, and have taken over the Black Horn Region. I admire you very much. But my Demon Flame Valley has nothing to do with you. It's too much for you to come here and challenge me with this letter of war!"

The sound of the dialect echoes between heaven and earth, and every word makes sense.

This is not because his Demon Flame Valley suddenly became reasonable, but he first used his mouth to test the waters, and when he spoke, the sound waves rolled, and there were other secret means to attack the people who came from afar. "You, the Demon Flame Valley, dare to harbor the remnants of Han Feng, which is to be my enemy. What's more, now you are plotting and attacking secretly, you have already got the way to die."

As Xu Xin's voice fell, a terrifying force came from the air and swept across the entire Demon Flame Valley.

"Hmph! You are too overbearing. If you don't stop, I will offend you."

Although Fang Yan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had a kind look on his face, there was no smile in his eyes. Instead, there was ice-coldness and murderous intent in his eyes.

"Lots of nonsense!"

Xu Xin just replied with these four words.


The crisp sound of metal breaking out erupted behind Xu Xin, and then a black shadow staggered back several steps before steadying itself. The hand holding the broadsword trembled slightly, and its eyes stared solemnly at a position three feet behind Xu Xin.

The expressions of many elders of Demon Flame Valley suddenly changed. They had never expected that the sneak attack of their second elder would be stopped by such a man in green.

"This sneak attack trick is useless to me. You guys from the Demon Flame Valley are not going to rely on this to make a living in the Black Horn Region, right?"

Xu Xin casually repelled the sneak attack from the elder of the Demon Flame Valley and grinned at Fang Yan, revealing his sparkling white teeth, so white that it was chilling.


Fang Yan snorted coldly, then suddenly shouted: "Second brother! Third brother!"

The second and third elders of the Demon Flame Valley responded immediately with a shout, and the three of them simultaneously rapidly performed hand seals. Three light grey flames suddenly curled out from their bodies, echoing each other, and finally flew out of the body and condensed together in the air in the center of the three people.

After the three light grey flames merged, a strange grey-brown flame slowly rose into the sky.

With the appearance of this ball of gray-brown flame, the temperature of the sky suddenly rose, and even the space around the flame was slightly distorted.

The temperature of this flame is already very close to that of weak strange fire.

Xu Xin raised his head and looked at the gray-brown flame. A hint of surprise flashed across his eyes. He murmured with interest, "Is this the so-called Flame Playing Technique?"

"Since you know the Flame Art of our Demon Flame Valley, you should know that we are not easy to mess with. Today, let the three of us brothers learn from you how powerful you are."

"Second brother, third brother!"

Fangyan's voice echoed between heaven and earth, and he was heard shouting: "Starry Sky Fire Phoenix!"

The other two elders of the Demon Flame Valley were startled when they heard this, then they gritted their teeth, changed their hand seals, and thick gray-brown flames suddenly burst out from their bodies, covering the sky and interweaving in the sky.

Finally, after Fang Yan had completely absorbed the fire in his body, an extremely violent energy fluctuation quickly emanated from the diffuse gray-brown flames.

The gray-brown flames rolled like clouds. After a moment, a loud bird cry suddenly brought up a gust of hot wind from the gray-brown flames.

The fire cloud fluctuated violently, and then a giant gray-brown firebird, about ten feet in size, slowly condensed and formed from the gray-brown flames.

The giant bird, resembling a phoenix, exudes a fierce power, so terrifying that it is far beyond people's imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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