The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1120: A letter of promise, saying that I will kill your whole family, then I will definitely

Chapter 1120: A letter of trust. If I say I will kill your whole family, then I will definitely kill your whole family...


Brilliant fireworks exploded in the Demon Flame Valley, and Fang Yan and the other two, together with their life-transforming fire, were refined by Xu Xin.

A figure came late, standing proudly in the void with an extremely ugly expression.

This is an old man with blood-red hair wearing a yellow skull robe. His face is thin, almost skin and bones. At first glance, he looks like a skull. His deep-set eyes are emitting a faint luster like a ghost's fire, weird and eerie, worthy of the name of the old demon.

The old demon of the earth and the great elder Fangyan of the Demon Flame Valley both have blood-red hair, and it is unknown whether the two have any blood relationship. He stood in the void, his deep-set pupils staring at Xu Xin indifferently, with infinite murderous intent boiling in him.

The old demon's dry face showed no emotion. He stared at Xu Xin with a ghostly gaze and said in a calm tone, "Boy, you are so good. You actually dared to ignore the words of the ancestor. I am going to break your limbs and make you wish you were dead."

"What are you barking about, old man?"

Xu Xin was refining the "Transformation Fire" and was too lazy to even look at him. He just replied calmly.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!"

The old demon's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he moved his five fingers. Five streams of cold and sharp fighting spirit suddenly shot out from his fingertips, carrying a fierce gust of wind, and shot directly at Xu Xin's head.

There were ripples in the void, but Xu Xin was still standing in his original position, not moving at all.


The old demon's eyes flickered slightly, and after a long while he slowly said: "Your cultivation is not weak, and you have already reached the threshold of Dou Zong. If you retreat for a while, you may be able to break through."

"Don't be so anxious, old dog. I'll kill you in a minute."

Xu Xin sneered, not giving the old guy any face at all in his words.

The old demon's eyes couldn't help but twitch, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and a ferocious murderous intent emerged in his deep-set pupils.

"Boy, don't think that just because you can deal with ordinary Dou Zong with some tricks, you can challenge my majesty."

The moment the old demon's voice fell, without him making any movement, a pitch-black cold air surged out from his body, freezing the air inch by inch, and the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly dropped below freezing point.

"Don't you know that strange fire overcomes ice?"

"You old man, you are trying to shake a tree with an ant, you don't know your own limitations!"

As Xu Xin's voice fell, infinite strange fire transformed into a starry sky fire phoenix and flew towards the old demon ghost, using the methods of the Demon Flame Valley to deal with the old demon ghost.

This is what is meant by “returning favors as you would have them do for you.”


As soon as the old demon's shout came out, his figure disappeared from Xu Xin's sight. When he appeared again, he was already behind Xu Xin. A hideous smile flashed across the face of the ghostly old monster, and then his five fingers, like ghost claws, mercilessly grabbed the back of Xu Xin's head.

"I've already told you, you're overestimating yourself!"

Xu Xin suddenly turned around, and the ghost claws with a dark and cold aura rapidly enlarged in his pupils. Amid the exclamations of many people watching the battle underground, he still had a sneer on his face.


The sharp claws of the old demon had just touched three feet in front of Xu Xin when they hit an invisible barrier. The old guy's pupils shrank slightly, and he snorted coldly. The cold air in his palms erupted, and a ball of ice crystals quickly appeared in the void.

"Do you think this method can stop me?" The old demon's eyes were cold, and black cold air lingered around his fingertips, and then his ten fingers suddenly snapped.

"Thousand Fantasy Black Ice Thorns!"

Dense black ice cones mysteriously emerged from the fingertips of the old demon. The cold air between heaven and earth surged, and then suddenly rushed towards Xu Xin. The sharp sound of breaking wind rang in everyone's ears, making people's scalps slightly numb.

The black ice cone may seem inconspicuous, but the strong wind contained in it is quite terrifying.

This is an earth-level fighting skill performed by a Dou Zong strongman. Only a strong man at this level can truly unleash the power of an earth-level fighting skill.

A layer of dark ice cones was as dense as rain, seemingly not making much noise, not as earth-shattering as the actions of some Dou Huangs, covering an entire city, but the power of each ice cone was extremely terrifying and could easily wipe out a Dou Huang.

The ice cone came like lightning, and in just a flash, ripples appeared in front of Xu Xin.

"Bing Ning Sword Art!"

Countless black ice cones disappeared into thin air, but the old demon sneered, and formed a seal with his dry claws, and then shouted sternly.

Many ice cones quickly came together, and in the blink of an eye, they all merged into a black ice sword that was about ten feet wide. As the ice sword took shape, a strong chill burst out, splitting the invisible barrier and slashing at Xu Xin's head without any mercy.

"How ridiculous..."

Xu Xin's voice echoed in the void, and he slowly stretched out his hand. He had previously fought a "big battle" with Fang Yan and the other two.

The old demon felt confident that he had it, so he showed up and attacked. But now he found out that he was totally wrong. When the palm covered with green jade flames crushed the dark ice sword, the old demon's body couldn't help but tremble.

His figure quickly retreated, his throat rolled, the old demon ghost opened his dry mouth, and said in a hoarse voice: "I will leave now."

The world had long since fallen into an unusual silence, so the voice of the old demon was clearly heard by everyone. The fear and terror in that hoarse voice were also noticed by everyone.

At this moment, countless people had a feeling of absurdity. An old veteran who once roamed the Black Horn Region, an old demon from the Demon Flame Valley, actually uttered such submissive words.

Xu Xin looked at the old demon with emotionless eyes and said, "My name is Xu Xin, and I keep my word. If I say I will kill your whole family, then I will definitely kill your whole family!"

Xu Xin's palm was filled with green jade flames. Wherever the flames passed, the void space was directly torn into a dark space crack, like a ferocious giant mouth that devoured people.

The old demon's hair suddenly stood up all over his body and his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

"Do not!!!"

The old demon ghost who was roaming the Black Horn Region screamed and his figure blurred in an instant. The void where he was located also quickly distorted, trying to escape through spatial means.

But everything was in vain. When all the movement in the world subsided, a cold corpse was casually thrown to the ground.

When the old demon died, there was still fear on his face.

The founder of the Demon Flame Valley and the founder of Canaan Academy, Mang Qianchi, could barely be considered powerful men of their generation, but they were killed so easily by Xu Xin.

But he was lucky, as Xu Xin left his body intact, and even his soul was preserved.

When Xu Xin's figure fell, the remaining people in the Demon Flame Valley all knelt on the ground, and no one dared to make any extra sound.

(End of this chapter)

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