The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1129: 3 Kinds of Strange Fire, 3 Patterns of Green Spirit

Chapter 1129 Three Kinds of Strange Fire, Three-Pattern Green Spirit

"Since you know the Burning Technique, you shouldn't ask such a question."

"Teacher didn't trade the Burning Decree to you, so how could I possibly give it to you?"

"I don't need to trade with you for martial arts techniques, elixirs, and spiritual treasures. I can get them from other channels."

In the Nalan Mansion, Xiao Yan rejected Xu Xin's proposal in a cold voice.

Although what Xu Xin had taken out now was very helpful to him, the complete Burning Technique was his only advantage over Xu Xin. Having witnessed the miraculous effect of this technique evolving with the help of strange fire, there was no way he would trade it away.

If he had a choice, Xiao Yan even thought about destroying other people who knew about the Burning Decree. This technique was too magical and had infinite possibilities. All its practitioners would definitely want to monopolize it!
"The Seven Illusions Green Spirit Saliva may not be useful, but I do have a miraculous elixir that can help Mr. Yao recover. Are you sure you don't want to consider it?"

Xu Xin's words were full of instigation. If Xiao Yan didn't trade anything, wouldn't he appear to be a failure?

"Needless to say, it is impossible for me to use the Burning Technique..."

"I didn't say Burning Decision!"

Xiao Yan originally wanted to say that Yao Lao would also support his choice or something like that, but he never expected Xu Xin to say no to the Burning Technique, and he was stunned immediately.

"The initial deal is that you and Yanran have a fake match, and if it ends in a tie with no winner or loser, I will help you wake up Mr. Yao."

When Xu Xin spoke, he put his hand on Xiao Yan's shoulder again, and his voice became more ethereal and bewitching.

"Do you think that the so-called three-year agreement is more important than Mr. Yao?"

"Xiao Yan, you don't want to lose Mr. Yao, do you?"

Xu Xin's words made Xiao Yan silent for a long time. Suddenly, a burst of dim yellow flame burst out from his body, and Xu Xin quickly retracted his hand.

"Stay away from me, you bastard."

Xiao Yan stared at Xu Xin vigilantly, and felt his mind being affected several times. Naturally, he suspected that he had fallen into Xu Xin's trap.

"I have no ill will towards you, do you want to trade?"

"Xiao Yan, we are not enemies. On the contrary, you have a powerful enemy like the Soul Palace that threatens your safety at all times. You must grow up as soon as possible. So, you should not reject my kindness again and again."

"I promise you."

Xiao Yan was silent for a long time before agreeing to the match-fixing deal. Anyway, the three-year agreement had become a joke by now.

"Very good, these are all yours. They can help Mr. Yao recover."

"There are also these, which can help your cultivation. Especially this Three-Pattern Pure Spirit Pill, which I personally refined and baptized by three kinds of strange fire. It is definitely the most unique Three-Pattern Pure Spirit Pill in the Douqi Continent."

As Xu Xin spoke, he threw two piles of jade bottles and jade boxes to Xiao Yan one after another. He even emphasized one of the jade bottles before throwing it over.

Xiao Yan took out a pill the size of a longan from the jade bottle. The rich aroma of medicine wafted into the air. On the sparkling pill, the three circles of green, blue and white patterns looked like exquisite art.

The three-patterned Qingling Pill is a fourth-grade pill. An ordinary Qingling Pill can help a powerful fighting master break through the boundary and become a great fighting master. If taken by a great fighting master, there is a small chance that the user's level will be increased by one star, and there is no backlash.

The Three-Veined Green Spirit Pill is divided into three grades. Each grade will form a circle of pill patterns on the pill body. If three circles of pill patterns can be formed, it is the highest grade Three-Veined Green Spirit Pill. This kind of pill should be used with caution by those below the level of Grand Fighting Master.

When a Grand Fighter takes the Three-Pattern Qingling Pill, which has three circles of pill patterns, there is a chance that his cultivation level will be raised by three stars. At the same time, there is also a certain chance that the drug effect will backfire. The person who is backfired may have his cultivation level reduced by one to two stars, but his life will not be in danger. "My Three-Pattern Qingling Pill uses three kinds of strange fire and a brand new pill formula. After taking it, a Grand Fighter will definitely be able to raise his cultivation level by three stars, and there will be no backlash. Even if you are lucky and are at the peak of a small realm, you may even be able to raise your cultivation level by four stars at once."

Xu Xin's words made Xiao Yan's pupils shrink suddenly. He felt that the three-patterned Qingling Pill in his hand was extremely hot. Was it made from three kinds of strange fire?

It has only been a short time since this fellow obtained the fragments of the Burning Decree. Even if he already has the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire, how could he have found two more strange fires and evolved his skills in just two years? What realm is he at now?

Xiao Yan was extremely shocked. He had personally experienced the danger of evolving the Burning Technique. He had narrowly escaped death when he tried the complete version of the technique. How could Xu Xin succeed in three tries?

"Master Rock Owl!"

At this time, a call was heard and the two immediately stopped their conversation. Then they saw Nalan Yanran walking towards them with graceful steps, carrying a strange potted medicinal plant.

"This is the Seven Illusions Green Spirit Saliva you need. Thank you for saving my grandfather!"

Nalan Yanran thanked him politely. Xiao Yan took it with mixed emotions, nodded silently, and then left without saying a word.

"Is this Master Rock Owl really a weirdo?"

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan's back and felt that this "ex-fiancé" was inexplicably familiar.

"Who knows! Maybe he was hurt in love, or maybe it was some kind of stimulation."

As Xu Xin spoke, he naturally reached out and wrapped his arms around Nalan Yanran's slender waist. The Yunlan Sect's young master was not strong enough, and his resistance was futile. He was severely bullied by someone again.


The days when Xu Xin came to the imperial capital were very simple and unpretentious. He spent all day wandering around the Nalan family's manor, enjoying the scenery, and occasionally bullying the family's eldest daughter.

It's a pity that Miss Yanran adhered to the bottom line and just hugged and kissed at most, which made the very annoyed Mr. Xu stay longer with her younger sister Mo Linglin.

On that night, there was a banquet at the Nalan family. A group of high-ranking people from the Gama Empire and many "geniuses" of the younger generation came, including the empire's little princess, Yaoyue who was very talented in alchemy, Liu Ling, the disciple of Dan King Guhe, Yafei of the Miter family, and so on.

"Master Yanxiao, don't you like this kind of scene?"

Xu Xin just came with Mo Linglin and Nalan Yanran tonight. With his sharp eyes, he quickly spotted Xiao Yan walking to the door and preparing to leave, so he walked up to him and greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Yanxiao, since you are here, please go in and rest for a while!"

At this time, Nalan Yanran's voice was heard. Tonight, she was definitely the most eye-catching focus among the women present.

She was wearing a wide-sleeved moon-white gown that only the disciples of the Yunlan Sect could wear. It occasionally highlighted her graceful curves. In terms of figure, she seemed to be no less beautiful than Yafei of the Miter Family, but their temperaments were completely different.

Nalan Yanran had a unique kind of noble and cold beauty. Even the little princess Yaoyue of the empire was inferior to her in this respect.

"Yanran, you haven't introduced these people to me yet!"

Xu Xin walked over with a smile and naturally put his arms around Nalan Yanran's slender waist. His action surprised several outstanding young people in the imperial capital who were not far from Nalan Yanran.

The two little princesses, Yaoyue and Yafei, who were both girls, looked at another young man as if they were watching a good show. He was the disciple of Dan King Guhe and the man who had been pursuing Nalan Yanran, Liu Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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