The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1138: 3 Beast Savage Art, Great Sadness Wind-tearing Hand

Chapter 1138: Three Beasts Savage Art, Great Sadness Wind-tearing Hand

“Yunshan, I didn’t expect you to be so courageous. You just broke through the Dou Zong level, but you dare to challenge the three empires like us.”

An old voice echoed in the sky. It was Xie Bi Yan from the Ten Thousand Poison Sect of the Izumo Empire who was speaking. As the person with the highest cultivation level in the field and a poison master, he was the most feared existence.

"Xie Bi Yan, you old immortal are more troublesome than I thought!"

Yunshan looked at the old man cautiously, and fear also flashed in the eyes of the three elders Yan Luotian and Mulan.

The Jia Ma Empire convened a conference of the strongest and invited masters from the three kingdoms to settle their grievances. Although the strong men from the three empires gathered in Yunlan Mountain, it did not mean that they were allies.

On the contrary, there are also considerable grievances between the three major empires of Luoyan, Mulan and Chuyun.

This conference of strong men held by the Gama Empire is also a stage for them to resolve their grievances.

Of course, after all, the stage this time is in the Yunlan Mountain of the Jia Ma Empire, so the other three empires are most wary of the Jia Ma Empire, so at the beginning, they implicitly intended to join forces to target the Yunlan Sect.

Yan Luotian descended from the sky and laughed loudly, "Yunshan, stop talking nonsense. Our three empires are here at the invitation. What are you going to do with the Jiama Empire?"

“Yan Luotian, if you are in a hurry, you can come first, or you three empires can come together. Since our Jia Ma Empire dares to host this powerful conference, we naturally have the ability to accept it all.”

Yunshan shouted loudly and even made a bold statement that he wanted the three empires to fight together. Of course, this declaration was a bit unrealistic.

Even if the Gama Empire sends out all its strong men, the three kingdoms that came this time are also full of experts. It is definitely unrealistic to deal with the strong men of the three kingdoms with the strength of one country.

"Yunshan, please stop bragging. We haven't broken the rules yet. But since you choose to fight the Three Kingdoms alone, don't blame us for fighting you in a round-robin battle."

One of the three elders of Mulan spoke. All three of them were wearing green robes, each of which had three patterns of lion, tiger and bear painted on it. These patterns did not look like they were made of ordinary embroidery threads, but rather were condensed from some kind of mysterious energy.

When people looked over, the three extremely ferocious beasts would glare at them fiercely with their huge scarlet eyes. If the people were not smart enough, their legs would inevitably go weak just by looking at them with such murderous and violent gazes.

Although the auras of these three green-clothed old men seemed to be only at the peak of Douhuang level, Yunshan had an expression of solemnity that was hard to conceal when facing them.

The "Three Beasts Savage Art" practiced by these three people is quite strange. Their fighting power when combined is amazing. Even if he has already broken through to the Dou Zong level, he has to take it seriously.

"You three, are you ready to have a fight with me first?"

Yunshan's gaze fell on the three people, and a fierce aura pressed over them.

"Heh... Yunshan, if you want to fight, why should we, Mulan, be afraid..."

The three old men in green robes shouted fiercely at the same time, and then suddenly took a step back, forming a mysterious formation that could be used for both offense and defense. As the formation was formed, three powerful fighting spirits of green, red and blue surged out from the bodies of the three men.

These surging fighting spirits flashed out along the formation, and the last three strands of fighting spirit intertwined with each other, forming a perfect cycle, connecting the spirits of the three people.

As the cycle was completed, a terrifying beast roar filled with wild aura suddenly erupted from the robes of the three Mulan elders. Immediately afterwards, the robes fluttered, and the three lion, tiger and bear beasts turned into a stream of blood-red energy that gushed out and enveloped the bodies of the three men.

The aura of the three elders fighting on their own gradually dissipated, and was replaced by a terrifying aura that was no weaker than Yan Luotian's. "Mulan Valley's "Three Beasts Savage Art" is indeed an intermediate earth-level technique inherited from ancient times. The effect of this combination is really amazing."

Yan Luotian, who was a little further away, felt the majestic atmosphere beside him that faintly exuded a sense of wildness. While laughing, a deep greed flashed in his eyes.

"It's just a trivial skill. It's not as amazing as the Golden Goose Sect's Yan Tianxing's fighting skills..."

The blood-red energy enveloped the three elders of Mulan, and finally turned into blood-red beast heads on their heads. From a distance, the three people looked like three half-orcs, and the voice came from the mouth of the old man who turned into a tiger-headed man.

Perhaps because of the skill, the old man's voice also had a faint roar of a tiger, which was shocking.

"The Great Sorrow Shredding Wind Hand!"

Yunshan stared at the three people, his pupils shrank slightly, and then he let out a deep shout.

As Yunshan's shout fell, the light in his palm suddenly shone brightly, and then a huge energy hand several meters in size emerged strangely, and finally, with a fierce gust of wind, it slapped down fiercely at the three elders of Mulan.


Under the gazes of countless people in the square, the fighting power of the strong men on both sides finally collided with each other. At this moment, the ear-piercing sound of energy explosion suddenly resounded in the sky like thunder, causing people to suffer temporary deafness.

Overwhelming energy ripples spread out from the collision, and then the four powerful men started a more intense battle.

"It's weird. Yunshan's strength isn't that strong, so why can he restrain us?"

The three elders of Mulan and Yunshan soon exchanged dozens of moves. They once again activated their formation and frowned secretly. Their Three Beasts Savage Technique could infuse the fighting spirit of the other two into one person at a certain moment, allowing the other person to instantly improve to a level that could rival a Dou Zong master.

This kind of Dou Zong-level power can only be wielded by one person at a time, and when this person wields it, the strength of the other two will inevitably be greatly reduced.

This kind of martial art is like temporarily grafting the power of the other two people onto a third person, allowing him to possess the power of a Dou Zong level.

The disadvantages are also obvious. When one person is upgraded, the counterattack strength of the other two people when attacked will be greatly reduced.

Generally speaking, even if a strong person discovered the secret of their combined attack technique during a fight, it would be unlikely for him to come up with targeted measures quickly.

But today, facing Yunshan, the latter seemed to know them too well and repeatedly targeted the three's weaknesses.

"There's something strange about this Yunshan..."

On the other side, Yan Luotian, who was watching, also noticed something was wrong. He quietly lowered his body and approached the direction of Xie Biyan. The sound had already reached the ears of this old poisonous creature.

"We will wait and see what happens. At critical moments, we can intervene."

Xie Bi Yan said calmly, he naturally noticed something was wrong, but the strong men from the three empires did not get along with each other at all, even if they knew there was a problem on the Gama Empire, it was impossible for them to work together all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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