The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1145: Warcraft Remains, Bodhi Body Saliva

Chapter 1145: Warcraft Remains, Bodhi Body Saliva
"I am Mo Tianxing, greeting Master Xu and all the ladies..."

Outside the Black Emperor City, Dou Zong Mo Tianxing was very humble, bowing and worshipping Xu Xin and the many girls around him, with an attitude of "I'll do whatever you want and won't resist."

"Mo Tianxing, you know what's happening. Don't worry, I'm not interested in killing people. As long as you decide to surrender and let me find something in Black Emperor City, you can come to pay your respects this year..."

After hearing what Xu Xin said, everyone behind Mo Tianxing, including his son Mo Ya, felt that they could not agree to it and could not tolerate it!

"Thank you, Master Xu, for your generosity."

However, to everyone's disappointment, Mo Tianxing did not get angry, but instead lowered his attitude even more.

In fact, at the beginning, he thought about having a clash with Xu Xin, but after actually seeing Xu Xin and his party, Queen Medusa, Little Medical Fairy and Qing'er all exuded an aura that made his heart palpitate, and Xu Xin looked at him with great anticipation.

Mo Tianxing was not a fool. After realizing that it was impossible to win, he knelt decisively and did not dare to think of making an enemy anymore.

The Black Emperor Pavilion is where the Black Emperor Sect's treasure house is located. Mo Tianxing personally escorted Xu Xin and others into the treasure house and asked several female Dou Lings in the sect who were relatively good-looking to act as guides. Then the Black Emperor Sect Master stood outside the door and acted as a gatekeeper himself.

Even if Xu Xin wanted to find fault with Mo Tianxing's attitude, he couldn't find any fault at all, but he still kept a grudge against this guy in his heart.

"Here... there is a stench of corpse..."

Inside the Black Emperor Sect's treasure house, Zi Yan, who was eating and picking up herbs from the shelf, suddenly wrinkled her nose, looked at something and said these words.

It was a rack covered by a huge white cloth. When Xu Xin raised his hand, the covering white cloth flew up and down, and a giant corpse that was ten feet wide appeared in everyone's sight.

This is the corpse of a huge monster. It seems that it has been dead for many years and its bones and flesh are dried. The most eye-catching thing about this thing is the pair of huge wings that have turned into white bones.

This pair of giant wings is quite strange, like jade, emitting a faint fluorescence. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is some kind of strange energy contained in these wings. To be able to maintain energy fluctuations for so long after death, the level of this monster must be not low.

"My lord, ladies, this corpse of a demon beast was found by my Black Emperor Sect by chance in a mountain stream. After the Sect Master's personal identification, this demon beast should be a peerless beast that is about to break through the seventh level and advance to the eighth level..."

The girls around Xu Xin were shocked by what the female Dou Ling said, but their first reaction was to disbelieve it.

A magical beast that is about to advance to the eighth level? Almost as powerful as a human Dou Zun. Magic beasts of this level almost all have the ability to reach the sky and have a very long lifespan. How could they die in the Black Horn Region?

“This guy makes me very uncomfortable.”

Beside Xu Xin, Xiao Ziyan stared at the remains of the monster. Her pair of purple gemstone eyes glowed with a strange light, and her slender eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

"That should be it..."

Xu Xin walked over and gently stroked the pair of wings that looked like they were carved from jade. Feeling the energy contained within, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"call out!"

Xu Xin collected the ten-foot-long remains of the monster, then picked out a few precious medicinal herbs from the treasury. He turned to the door and said loudly: "Mo Tianxing, Bodhi Body Transformation Saliva, where did you hide it?" At the door of the Black Emperor Pavilion's treasury, Mo Tianxing, who had been smiling, suddenly changed his expression when he heard the words "Bodhi Body Transformation Saliva".

"Don't try to evade me. Since I came to you today, I must have received accurate information."

Xu Xin's next words were accompanied by a fierce force that suppressed Mo Tianxing. The latter suddenly felt a pressure as deep as the sea, and the little thought he had was instantly extinguished.

"Master Xu, I will take out the treasure now."

Mo Tianxing bent over and entered the treasury. As he waved his hand, the ground suddenly cracked. He jumped down and returned a moment later holding a small box covered with yellow cloth.

Mo Tianxing carefully placed the box in front of Xu Xin, then gently grabbed the yellow cloth with his palm and pulled it suddenly.

The yellow cloth fell off under countless scorching gazes, revealing a transparent crystal box. Under the illumination of the treasure house's lights, it reflected a dazzling and dreamy light.

In the dreamy crystal box, there was a mysterious faint glow. As the light spread, a fist-sized ball of strange viscous substance that was slightly emerald green was slowly wriggling and floating in it, like a mollusk. As it squirmed, layers of liquid surged, and it looked like a living thing.

This emerald-green viscous liquid was suspended in the middle of the box without any help, and it seemed to have intelligence, slowly floating in the box, and a strange halo penetrated the surface. It's amazing to go up there.

Bodhi Transformation Saliva, a mysterious medicinal liquid that can only be produced by the ancient Bodhi tree, is a treasure related to the legendary realm of the Fighting Saint.

Beside Xu Xin, the Little Medical Fairy hurried forward, her beautiful eyes fixed on the sticky liquid that was emitting a strange halo, a hint of excitement flashing across the depths of her eyes.

If she wants to completely cure her poisonous body, this Bodhi Transformation Saliva is one of the key medicines.

Legend has it that in some remote mountains, there is a magical ancient tree called the Bodhi tree. The roots of this tree are buried deep in the earth. After years of condensation, they will gradually form a sticky heart-shaped substance with magical effects. This is the treasure called Bodhi mind.

Generally speaking, it takes at least a thousand years for the Bodhi tree to condense into Bodhicitta, and the Bodhi Body Saliva, the mysterious liquid on the surface of Bodhicitta, can perhaps be called an incomplete Bodhicitta.

Legend has it that Bodhi mind can help the strong to become saints, and Bodhi seeds can be used to refine Bodhi pills that can help people break through to the realm of Fighting Saint.

So, the ancient Bodhi tree is full of treasures.

"Mo Tianxing, I want this Bodhi Body Saliva. I won't let you suffer any loss. One Breaking Sect Pill, two Imperial Extreme Pills, three Fighting Spirit Pills, and six sixth-grade pills are enough to greatly increase the power of your Black Emperor Sect..."

Xu Xin directly offered Mo Tianxing the "sky-high price" of six sixth-grade pills. Although he could also take out seventh-grade pills, too much is as bad as too little. Sometimes giving too much is not a good thing.

This Mo Tianxing has no loyalty at all to him, Xu.

When Xu Xin was around, Mo Tianxing was definitely honest. But when Xu Xin finished some things and left, there was no guarantee that this guy would continue to be obedient, so he had to use both kindness and force, and the necessary persuasion and benefits were inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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