The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1171 Yin Yang Mysterious Dragon, Ancient Phoenix Blood Essence

Chapter 1171 Yin Yang Mysterious Dragon, Ancient Phoenix Blood Essence

Ye Family Manor, Yanghuo Ancient Altar.

When Xiao Yixiang and Zi Yan arrived here, they saw Xu Xin placing the Jiuzhou Divine Cauldron that was constantly emitting dark green flames.

Above the blue sky, countless rays of sunlight shine down, interweaving with the core flames gushing out from deep within the earth, forming a unique yang fire.

The dark green Netherworld Poison Fire and the snow-white Yang Fire collided, forming a distinct and unique fire curtain. Outside this fire curtain, Xu Xin continued to circulate his fighting spirit, absorbing the power of the two powerful flames.

"Xian'er, Zi Yan, I will try to merge the ancient dragon and the demon phoenix into one, and then make a preliminary attempt to refine this netherworld poisonous fire. I need your help. Give me a helping hand at the critical moment..."

Xu Xin's words made Xiao Yixian and Zi Yan both reveal their worries. They naturally believed in Xu Xin's strength and ability, but refining multiple powers into one body at once sounded very risky.

However, since Xu Xin has made the decision, they can only support him.

Xiao Yixiang and Zi Yan nodded silently, and stood beside the Yanghuo Ancient Altar to protect Xu Xin. After Xu Xin perfectly combined the power of the two treasures, Jiuzhou Divine Cauldron and Yanghuo Ancient Altar, he took out two more items.

Xu Xin flipped his palm, and a cold jade box emitting white mist appeared. As the cold jade box opened, a ray of golden light suddenly shot out, and a golden pill flew out.

Yin-Yang Mysterious Dragon Pill, Medicine Master's unique elixir, has golden light flowing on its surface, and two tiny golden dragons are constantly circling inside the pill. The faint sound of dragon roars is constantly overflowing, and there is a strange magical power hidden in it.

This seventh-grade high-level elixir is made of a sixth-order dragon-attributed magic core with two attributes that complement and restrain each other. It can enable a person to stand up again after being broken, and there is a certain probability of obtaining pure dragon energy.

Xu Xin himself has dragon blood, and taking this pill will definitely nourish the ancient dragon bloodline.

He held the Yin-Yang Mysterious Dragon Pill in his hand and put it into his mouth without much hesitation. The golden pill turned into a hot stream as soon as it entered his mouth and poured into his body along his throat.

The surging heat flowed into the body like a flood, overwhelming the whole body, but there was not much feeling of violence. Instead, it was like water flowing into a sponge, slowly settling down until it finally disappeared completely.

At the same time as taking the Yin-Yang Mysterious Dragon Pill, Xu Xin took out a jade bottle, which contained several drops of blue-red blood.

This is the ancient phoenix blood essence that Xu Xin extracted from the remains of the Sky Demon Phoenix. He used a small portion of it to resurrect the Sky Fire Venerable, and the rest is all here. He plans to use it to stimulate the fusion and evolution of his bloodline.

Xu Xin opened the jade bottle, and drops of blood, which were a mixture of green and red but contained amazing energy fluctuations, flew out quickly and floated in front of him.

When Xiao Yixiang and Zi Yan saw this scene, they both showed a hint of worry in their eyes, but they did not disturb Xu Xin.


The jadeite fire quickly rose and burned, and the scorching temperature spread out. Several drops of green and red blood were spinning in the strange fire.

Mo Tianxing, a Dou Zong from the Black Horn Domain, obtained the dried corpse of a demon beast from the Sky Demon Phoenix clan in the past. He judged at that time that the demon beast was close to the eighth level but had not broken through. For some reason, nothing valuable could be extracted from it, so he threw it into the treasury and prepared to sell it at a future auction.

That guy has some vision, but it's not enough. The Warcraft mummy is indeed an unparalleled beast, and it is not a seventh-level, but a real eighth-level Sky Demon Phoenix. The blood refined from its body is naturally extremely pure and has extremely high energy.

“Swish, swish, swish…”

Whistling sounds rang out one after another, and drops of ancient phoenix blood essence were absorbed into Xu Xin's body. Almost at this moment, Xu Xin's body expanded rapidly, and the blue-red violent energy shuttled through his body like a galloping wild horse.

The jade-colored glaze flames surged violently within the body and transformed into a fire cauldron, just enough to wrap up the rampaging ancient phoenix blood essence energy.

Terrifyingly high temperatures permeated Xu Xin's body. Naturally, the green and red energy was unwilling to sit and wait for death. It seemed that it had sensed a hint of danger and immediately dispersed, turning into countless streams that shot out violently, covering the sky.

However, at this moment, the fire cauldron had already become tightly controlled by Xu Xinxin's mind. When these green and red energies were shot onto the fire cauldron, they were directly bounced back and finally became a mess.

While these violent energies were in a mess, the temperature of the fire cauldron was rising rapidly. The terrifying high temperature gradually caused some tiny green and red energies to become virtual and quietly dispersed, turning into wisps of green and red smoke, and gradually merged into Xu Xin's body.

The blue-red smoke, after being refined by the green jade colored glaze fire, no longer had the violent and unruly nature it had at the beginning. It flew out lightly and finally merged into Xu Xin's bones, meridians, muscles, and blood vessels...

As Xu Xin refined the red smoke, his body began a new round of transformation. Everything in his body seemed to be injected with a strengthening agent at this moment. Especially his blood, which... erupted into a fierce conflict.

Dragon blood and phoenix blood are natural enemies that cannot tolerate each other. Although Xu Xin's dragon blood has not reached the level of an ancient dragon, and the blood essence of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix is ​​not as good as that of the ancient Heavenly Phoenix, the conflict between the two is still fierce.

Although there is a certain possibility of fusion between dragon blood and phoenix blood, there is a very small probability that the most advanced divine beasts in the world, the dragon and the phoenix, may be born.

But the probability of this happening is too small, and Xu Xin's method of exploring fusion is a bit crude and cannot produce a positive effect.

The ancient phoenix blood essence in Xu Xin's body was constantly refined by the green jade glazed fire, and wisps of green and red blood mist continued to rise from the fire cauldron in his body.

As the blue and red blood mist continued to penetrate into his body, the feeling of his physical body being lifted became stronger and stronger. At the same time, the conflict of blood in his body became more and more intense, making him feel like he was about to explode.

This was not Xu Xin's illusion, but a possible situation. If the ancient phoenix blood essence was so easy to refine, the Demon Phoenix Clan would have been hunted down and killed by those top powerhouses long ago.

The blue-red blood mist continued to flow into various parts of the body, and Xu Xin gradually felt a slight swelling and pain. When he noticed the faint swelling and pain in his muscles, he became calmer.


A pair of crystal bone wings, about a meter wide, quickly spread out from behind Xu Xin.

As soon as the bone wing appeared, streams of green and red energy visible to the naked eye flowed rapidly along Xu Xin's skin and quickly sank into it.
As more and more green and red energy was poured into the bone wings, a strange scene appeared. The crystal clear jade-like bone wings began to develop strange green and red lines. From a distance, they looked like countless tiny blood vessels.

(End of this chapter)

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