The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1180 Seduction in person, overnight tryst

Chapter 1180 Seduction in person, overnight tryst

The enchantress of the Cao family, Cao Ying, is one of the future candidates for the Danta giant.

The former title may not carry enough weight in the Douqi Continent, but the latter identity is enough to make countless people regard him as a high and mighty god. Even the direct descendants of the ancient imperial family have to treat him with respect.

The Danta giants are some of the most honorable people in the Douqi Continent, with tremendous power and influence.

Danta is the holy place in the hearts of all alchemists on the continent. It can even be said without exaggeration that the giants of Danta are the spiritual leaders in the hearts of countless alchemists. The appeal of Danta is unquestionable, and this appeal depends entirely on the will of the giants of Danta.

Cao Ying, the most outstanding genius in the history of the Cao family and the direct disciple of one of the three giants of Danta, according to the potential she has shown now, she is very likely to become the youngest female giant since the establishment of Danta.

Such a woman, wherever she goes, is someone that countless people look up to.

Therefore, when the girl in black walked into the hall, everyone who was caught by her gaze felt a surge of enthusiasm and anticipation in their hearts.

Although she knew it was unlikely, but what if... if there really was a chance, that would be Xu Xin. Facing her gaze, he only looked at her for a moment and then shifted his attention to Ye Xinlan.

Xu Xin's action naturally attracted Cao Ying's attention. Whether it was because of Cao Dan's complaint or because of Xu Xin's "ignoring", she would definitely pay attention to Xu.

Because in this hall, only this man is qualified to attract the attention of this little witch.

An enchanting smile appeared on Cao Ying's cheeks, and she walked towards the Cao family's seat with light steps. Behind her, a group of people from the Cao family followed closely, and among these people, there was naturally Cao Dan.

Cao Dan followed closely behind Cao Ying, occasionally glancing at the alluring figure in front of him with his lowered eyes, with some deeply hidden lust in his eyes.

Although as a member of the same clan, he knew better that this evil woman would never fall in love with him, this did not stop this thief Cao from imagining some plots in his mind.

Behind Cao Ying, besides Cao Dan, there was another slightly stout man with a solemn face and thick eyebrows, giving people an extremely stern feeling. He was also the person among all the people in the Cao family, besides Cao Ying, who was most qualified to attract Xu Xin's attention.

Among the three heroes of the Cao family, Cao Xiu, known as the "golden mean", is neither as evil as Cao Ying nor as domineering as Cao Dan. He is extremely talented and willing to work hard. He is not inferior to Dan Xuan in the realm of alchemist, and is the man most likely to become the head of the family in the future.

Cao Ying led the Cao family to the front row seats under the spotlight of the crowd. Before passing the Ye family seats, she suddenly stopped, turned her head, stared at Xu Xin and Ye Xinlan with her beautiful eyes, smiled and said, "Sister Ye, your man was just looking at others!"

"You come out in public dressed like this, aren't you just showing off to others?"

"Why, I can't see it."

Xu Xin's words made Cao Ying's smile fade away. She immediately shook her head, turned around and led her people to the Cao family's seat.

After the Cao family members took their seats, the ground inside the hall suddenly began to vibrate slowly, and the seats of the five families moved back like movable floors. In a blink of an eye, a very spacious square appeared in the center of the hall.

A spirited white-haired old man walked out slowly. At this time, it was Sheng Yao, one of the eight elders of Danta, who always presided over the assessment.

Xu Xin took a look and thought that as an eighth-grade alchemist with Dou Zun-level cultivation, his strength was pretty good.

"Examinees from the five major families, please enter!"

As Sheng Yao announced the start of the assessment, the hall suddenly became quiet.

"Brother Xu Xin, come on!"

Ye Xinlan, who was hugged by Xu Xin, cheered him up nervously, but Xu just nodded and stood up gently under the gaze of the audience. At the same time, several figures from the other four major families also stood up slowly.

Dan Xuan from the Dan family, Bai Ying from the Bai family, the sixth-rank senior alchemist from the Qiu family, and the last one to come out, the enchantress Cao Ying. As expected, she chose to take the assessment, and it was not known whether it was because of the provocation from Xu Xin.

In the center of the hall, an object covered by a black cloth appeared. When Sheng Yao pulled away the black cloth, a crystal stele about ten feet high suddenly appeared.

"The Danta assessment consists of three items. The first item is soul testing... In recent years, the highest record of soul value tests during the assessments of the five major families is Cao Ying. Her soul value in the test that year reached 976, which has not been broken to this day..."

Elder Sheng said as he looked at Cao Ying, who was playing with a round jade bead in her hand and glanced at Xu Xin nonchalantly.

"one thousand!"

To everyone's surprise, Xu Xin did not choose to be the finale or anything like that. Instead, he was the first to step forward and report a number to Sheng Yao. Everyone didn't react for a moment and felt a little puzzled, but when the crystal stele flickered and changed, everyone suddenly woke up.

"Look at what's written on the stone tablet. It really is one thousand."

"I remember that a soul storm might occur if the soul value exceeded 900, but there was no ripple at 1,000 soul points. This must be fake!"

"Soul Storm can actually be considered a situation where one lacks control. It is said that a truly powerful person will control the power of his soul without wasting a single bit of it."

"More than a thousand means that the soul power has reached the level of a seventh-grade advanced alchemist. The little demon girl back then was still a little short of that level during her first assessment."

Everyone in the hall was talking about it, and Sheng Yao was staring at Xu Xin with a fiery gaze.

"Mr. Xu, an eagle like you deserves a better stage. The Ye family is too small to support your future. Why don't you dump your sister from the Ye family and come to my Cao family! We can give you a chance..."

Cao Ying took the initiative to speak to Xu Xin, with a subtle curve of charm at the corner of her lips. She was filled with demonic aura, like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world.

She actually tried to steal the Ye family's boyfriend in public, and even seduced the Ye family's young lady's fiancé in front of everyone. With this kind of behavior, she is truly a seductress.

"Miss Cao, you are so insincere. If you said you would have a tryst with me tonight, I might consider your proposal."

Cao Ying's bold words had just fallen, and Xu Xin's even more outrageous words made people gasp.

One seduces in public, the other asks for a tryst, which is a tit-for-tat confrontation.

How can ordinary men and women defeat two people like this!
"Mr. Xu, it's not impossible for you to have a secret meeting with me. I'll give you a chance later. As long as you can defeat me..."

Cao Ying was not angry at Xu Xin's words. Instead, she took the initiative to challenge him to a fight. The third level of the Danta test was for the examinees to fight head-on with their soul power. As a disciple of a giant, Cao Ying had a natural advantage in this regard.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the first and second levels were quickly completed. The third level required five people to form a circle and fight against each other with the power of their souls.

This five-person assessment defeated everyone's eyes at this moment, but they were all looking at Xu Xin and Cao Ying.

As for the agreement they just made, everyone present was just a spectator and was looking forward to this decisive battle.

(End of this chapter)

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