The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1187: Palace Master's Death, Heart Flame as Cauldron

Chapter 1187: Palace Master's Death, Heart Flame as Cauldron

In the northern region of Zhongzhou, there are ruins of the Youlin branch temple.

I don’t know how long it took, but the space here began to ripple again.

The space crack slowly spread out, and a blue figure walked out slowly. With the appearance of this figure, the air between heaven and earth immediately became moist, and faintly, tiny raindrops were pouring down from the sky.

"Old Eight, dead..."

The blue figure looked at the ruins in front of him, stretched out his hand and took a few pieces of cloth from the broken mountains. The familiar smell on the cloth made his face become extremely gloomy.

The void was torn apart again, and the Soul Palace Lord opened up a space channel connecting to an unknown direction. When his figure disappeared, the ruins fell into silence again.


In Zhongzhou, inside a towering black palace, figures appeared one after another in the hall. When the man at the top opened his eyes, the people below did not dare to make a sound.

This black-robed figure exuding a terrifying aura looked to be only about thirty years old. There was no expression on his face, neither happy nor sad, and it seemed as if all his facial features had become rigid.

The most eye-catching thing is his pair of eyes. They are black, an extremely pure black. There is not a trace of white in his eyes. What is there is just a dark color like ink.

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes would make anyone feel a chill in their heart, so no one present dared to meet his gaze, and no one dared to make any big noise.

Just because he is the master of Soul Palace, Soul Destroyer.

Soul Palace Master, these four simple words bring him an unparalleled reputation in Zhongzhou, a reputation forged by countless bloodshed.

Ever since the fall of Danta and Fenyan Valley, no force in Zhongzhou dares to openly express hostility towards the Soul Palace. This is certainly due to the Soul Clan behind the Soul Palace, but it also comes from the terrifying reputation of Hun Mie Sheng.

In the distant past, this Soul Palace Master once massacred dozens of sects in one night. That night, blood flowed like a river and corpses were everywhere. Five peak warriors who had reached the strength of two-star Douluo all died at his hands.

This earned the Soul Palace Master a bad reputation and made the Soul Palace the undisputed overlord of Zhongzhou. Even Danta did not dare to confront it head-on.

At this moment, this tyrant figure whose notoriety frightened the entire Zhongzhou was sitting quietly on the throne, his eyes without the slightest fluctuation.

"Prisoner is dead! The Eight Heavenly Lords of my Soul Palace have been killed."

Hun Mie Sheng spoke for the first time, and his voice finally had some emotion, but it was anger that he could not suppress. Suddenly, he laughed again.

“Hey! Hahahaha, hahahaha… After so many years, so many years, someone actually dares to challenge the reputation of Soul Palace again.”

Inside the Tiangang Hall, as Hun Mie Sheng opened his mouth, a howling storm swept through. Among the many powerful men present, only three could barely stand.

"Palace Master, calm down!"

Including the deputy hall master of the Soul Hall, many powerful men hurriedly bowed down. Facing the furious Hun Mie Sheng, no one dared to show any surprise at this time.

Hun Miesheng roared, "Three days, just three short days, and my Soul Palace lost nearly fifty branch palaces, fifteen Earthly Evil branch palaces, nearly a hundred venerables, twenty Heavenly Venerables, and all the soul origins sealed underground were plundered."

"It's such a big deal, and you let me calm down!"

"Palace Master, this matter is quite strange. The locations of the various branch halls of our Soul Palace have always been hidden. Even the elders only know the locations of three or five branch halls."

The Great Celestial Master of the Soul Palace said quickly, "More than half a hundred branch palaces were destroyed, and the soul essences of each branch palace were looted. Someone is specifically targeting us and going for our soul essences." "Palace Master, this is very likely."

The deputy head of the Soul Hall also spoke up: "The forces that took action this time were clean and efficient, and according to the subsequent investigation, many branch halls were attacked and destroyed at the same time, which was obviously premeditated. The only one who has the strength to do this is..."

Hun Mie Sheng was silent. He had thought about what the deputy hall master and the Great Heavenly Venerable had said, but if he reported this reason to them, would the clan leaders understand his difficulties?
No, those high-ranking powerful soul clan members will only order him not to delay the submission of the soul origin that must be submitted every year.

Hun Miesheng pondered for a long time before speaking again: "We must not let our guard down on this matter. Send more experts out to patrol during this period. You two and Gu You must take good care of the remaining nine Disha Palaces."

"Also, send some people to find these people even if you have to turn the entire Central Plains upside down."


The deputy hall master and the eight celestial masters bowed their heads in agreement at the same time. They were also filled with anger in their hearts. It had always been the Soul Hall that massacred clans and plundered souls, but they had never expected that one day someone would dare to take the initiative to target them.

Nearly fifty branch temples, fifteen of which were Earthly Demon branch temples, were all destroyed, and the soul origins underground in the branch temples were also plundered. This loss was reported to the Soul Clan, and all of them would be punished one by one.

Therefore, this time, even if they have to dig deep into the ground and turn Zhongzhou upside down, they in the Soul Palace will find out the real truth.


"Soul Palace will not let you go."

"The Palace Master will avenge us..."

"If you offend the Soul Palace, you and your family will be doomed."

In Zhongzhou Danyu, a secluded place for retreat, Xu Xin sat in the secret room. In front of him were thousands of soul lights like stars, and around him were fifteen silver light balls of similar size.

This was the result of his three days of hard work, raiding and destroying nearly fifty branches of the Soul Palace.

There were fifteen balls of silver light, each of which was the origin condensed from about a hundred thousand souls, and the ones that kept calling out were the souls of the powerful Soul Palace masters who were destroyed by him. In total, he could still refine another big ball.

There were many soul origins in front of him, many of them had just died not long ago. He grabbed all the souls and collected them. Those at the Dou Zun level could still retain some resentful spirits, so there were so many noisy sounds, but that was because he didn't have time before.

Now, it's time to cook them up.

"I haven't made medicine for a long time. It's rare to have so many excellent materials. I'm sure you'll like it if I use the Fallen Heart Flame as the cauldron."

Xu Xin looked at the numerous soul origins that were as bright as stars, and with a wave of his hand, the Fallen Heart Flame floated out and condensed into a flame furnace. The terrifying fluctuations made the souls with remnants of regret tremble uncontrollably.


"You have to die..."

"The Soul Palace will not..."

A powerful suction force drew thousands of extremely high-quality souls into it. The origins of the souls were forcibly refined into the translucent flame furnace, and were soon completely shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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