The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1189 Elder Zhu Li, 4 Dragon Islands

Chapter 1189 Elder Zhu Li, the Four Dragon Islands
After the silver light, there was endless void. After a moment of blurriness, Xu Xin's vision suddenly became bright, and the lush green and mountains filled his field of vision again.

This is a huge island located in the void. Looking down from the sky, the island is extremely vast. Above the sky, there is a circle of light silver bowl-shaped light shield hanging down, wrapping the entire island. Outside the silver light shield is a void space that is so dark that it makes people feel chilling.

The void space is a place where even the Dou Zun strongmen dare not trespass at will. It is naturally very safe to place your habitat here.

In fact, after the Taixu Ancient Dragon split, it was able to survive in a corner for so many years without being affected, also because the news from the void space had never been spread to the outside world.

"You guys come with me."

Hei Qing's eyes swept down, then he waved his hand and landed first at a certain place on the island, followed by Xu Xin and Zi Yan.

"You big bad guy, I've come to the right place. I can feel that this is really my home."

Zi Yan whispered beside Xu Xin, her words full of excitement.

Xu Xin and Zi Yan followed Hei Qing and landed on a huge peak in the center of the island. Along the way, they met several people who looked like inspectors, but when they saw Hei Qing, they did not stop them. They just glanced at Xu Xin and Zi Yan in surprise and then retreated.

When Xu Xin and the other two slowly descended from the top of the giant peak, a figure in a white robe appeared silently in front of them.

"Hei Qing has met the third elder."

When Hei Qing saw the old man in white robes in front of him, he quickly bowed respectfully, then pointed at Xu Xin and Zi Yan behind him and said, "Third Elder, Hei Qing was walking outside and happened to meet this...lost tribe member and her friend, so..."

" are home..."

As Hei Qing spoke, the old man in white robes' gaze fell on Zi Yan. At first he thought she was just a lost member of a tribe, but when he looked closely and discerned a hint of ancient and familiar aura, he immediately became excited.

The third elder of Donglong Island, the semi-saint Zhu Li, came to Zi Yan in an instant, with an extremely excited expression, as if he wanted to hug her, but he didn't dare to. In the end, he just touched Zi Yan's head gently, and after making sure that it was her, tears streamed down his face.

"Hei Qing, you take this child... this child..."

"Child, what's your name?"

Zhu Li wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and looked down at Zi Yan again.

"My name is Zi Yan."

"Zi Yan, good, good name."

"Hei Qing, take Zi Yan to the Dragon Palace first. I will gather the elders..."

Zhu Li pointed to a stone palace in the distance. Hei Qing took the order and was about to take Zi Yan over, but Xu Xin spoke up to stop them.

"Third Elder, wait a minute!"

"Since Zi Yan has the blood of the ancient dragon king family, it is not appropriate to start a war for the time being."

Zhuli and Heiqing didn't pay much attention to Xu Xin's first sentence, but the words that followed made them stop in their tracks.

Especially Hei Qing, who looked like he had seen a ghost.

He had a little doubt about the fact that Zi Yan had royal blood. After all, when he first came into contact with Zi Yan, he felt that his blood was subtly suppressed, and looking at Elder Zhu Li's reaction, he also felt that something was wrong.

However, if this is true, it must involve the secrets of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. How did this person know about it?
Zhu Li stopped, turned around and looked at Xu Xin seriously. The longer he looked, the more suspicious he became. Where on earth did this monster come from?

Hei Qing could only feel the thin dragon blood on Xu Xin's body, which Xu Xin had deliberately allowed him to sense.

Zhu Li, after all, was a semi-saint who could threaten Xu Xin's life. After careful observation, he could more or less find some abnormalities in Xu Xin. The thin dragon blood was similar to the scorpion dragon clan, a branch of his ancient dragon clan, but it seemed to have a little breath of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix. Dragon Phoenix? This was even more impossible.

In addition, he also sensed some of the strange fire hidden in Xu Xin's body, which posed a certain threat to him as a semi-saint.

Also, just by looking at Xu Xin, he felt a chill down his spine, as if... could this person in front of him kill him?

"I wonder if your Excellency is..."

Zhu Li asked tentatively.

"I am considered Zi Yan's friend. I am the one who supports her now."

Xu Xin said as he stretched out his hand to Zi Yan, who rolled her eyes but then came to him obediently, allowing Xu to pat her on the head.

This action made Hei Qing's eyes suddenly become sharp. If Zi Yan was really a descendant of the Dragon King, then Xu Xin's action was a blasphemy against the king.

"Young friend, do you know about my ancient dragon clan?"

Zhu Li remained expressionless and asked again.

"I basically know everything I should and shouldn't know."

"When the Dragon Emperor Zhu Kun took Zi Yan out to explore, he disappeared. Many years later, the Three-veined Dragon Clan, who had been granted a trace of royal blood, proclaimed himself the Dragon King and split the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. Most of the top dragon clan members turned a blind eye and left Dragon Island."

"Some of the remaining dragons were won over by the three rebel dragons and split into West Dragon Island, South Dragon Island, and North Dragon Island. And your East Dragon Island lineage is unwilling to submit and claims to only support the Dragon Emperor's orthodoxy."

"But I'm not sure whether what you said is sincere or just a slogan."

Xu Xin's words were full of distrust towards Donglong Island.

Donglong Island in the original novel is indeed a supporter of Zi Yan, but no one can be sure whether there is a traitor among them.

For example, when Zi Yan was refining the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, the three dragon kings inexplicably sent people to besiege Donglong Island.

Zi Yan's news must have been leaked at that time, which is why this happened.

Based on the details, it can be inferred that when Zi Yan brought back the Dragon Phoenix Origin Fruit, the elders of Donglong Island discussed it and decided to let her refine it.

Therefore, Xu Xin did not trust the Elders' Council of Donglong Island.

However, as for the three elders Zhuli and Hei Qing, judging from their performance in the original novel, there shouldn't be any problems.

"My friend, you know a lot about my Ancient Dragon Clan!"

Zhu Li smiled bitterly when he heard this. Xu Xin's words basically revealed all the secrets of the ancient dragon clan. What else could he say?

"Dragon Island is divided into four branches. Your East Dragon Island is the only one without royal blood. I wonder if some of you won't have other ideas after so many years."

"Therefore, the news about Zi Yan must be kept secret. We have to wait until she accepts the ancient dragon's inheritance and fully activates her bloodline before we can make the news known."

"Before that, this news must be blocked. This is my bottom line. If Elder Zhang doesn't agree, then I can only take Zi Yan away until she has the strength to become a Dragon King, and then return to Ancient Dragon Island to take back everything that belongs to her."

(End of this chapter)

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