The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 188 Leaving Sleeping Beauty alone and doing nothing, what kind of Monkey Brother behavior is

Chapter 188 Leaving Sleeping Beauty alone and doing nothing, what kind of Monkey Brother behavior is this?

"Come out quickly, people have already seen you."

In the Qingfeng Pavilion of the Xixia Palace, a delicate voice echoed in the deserted stone room of the inner study. Princess Li Qinglu of Yinchuan seemed to have really discovered something.

"Lingbo microsteps!"

Xu Xin, who was lurking in the shadow at the entrance to the stone chamber, recognized at a glance that the girl was using the Lingbo Weibu that Duan Yu had used before. Seeing that the girl was about to come to the stone chamber to take a look, Xu Xin took action.

But there were endless chissing sounds, and with every sound, a flame went out on the oil lamp or candle in the room. After dozens of sounds, the lights were extinguished, and the study was plunged into darkness.

"Who? Who are you?"

In the darkness, the girl's gasping could be heard clearly, and she could tell that she was nervous.

Xu Xin did not take action immediately, but when the girl was groping to light the candle, he quietly came behind her and said softly: "I won't hurt you, just sleep for a while."

"Ah! You..."

The girl had already relaxed her vigilance, but suddenly heard a voice appearing so close again. She turned around suddenly and hit Xu Xin's voice with a palm.

Xu Xin turned slightly to avoid the palm, raised his hand, and touched it. At this moment, he understood what "old shoulder slippage" meant, and he almost lost his grip.

There was a soft stab, which was particularly loud in this empty stone room. Although the girl did not have much experience against the enemy, she still used a subtle method to escape from Xu Xin's grasp at the critical moment.

Xu Xin's expression was strange in the darkness. He wanted to ask, are his arms and shoulders cold?But after thinking about it, I decided to let it go. It was too rude and presumptuous, and he was not a flower-picking thief.

The expression on Princess Yinchuan's face at this time was also particularly exciting, but Xu Xin couldn't see it.

Although she managed to escape just now, half of the sleeves on her shoulders were torn off by someone. Her round and round shoulders were exposed to the air, and her delicate jade face covered with a veil was already covered with red clouds.

"excuse me!"

Xu Xin whispered in the darkness. As soon as his words reached Princess Yinchuan's ears, the girl became more vigilant. But facing such a cunning guy like him, no matter how vigilant the princess was, it was useless.

"Ah! Don't..."

Princess Yinchuan next to Xu Xin screamed again, because Xu actually grabbed her belt this time and could tear it apart with a little force.

Princess Yinchuan never expected that someone would do this. When she reacted, she felt that her belt had been pulled open by the other party.While exclaiming, she hurriedly grabbed the dress on her body with both hands, fearing that the dress would slip off her body.


She wanted to say something more, but she felt her body tremble and her acupuncture points had been tapped.

Xu Xin gently supported Princess Yinchuan's soft body, then put his palm around the back of her neck and pressed lightly. Princess Yinchuan knew that she was about to fall into coma without any resistance, and murmured, "No, no..."

"Go to sleep!"

As Xu Xin spoke, he raised his hand and pointed around the stone room. Clusters of lamp flames brought back the light. At this time, Princess Yinchuan had also fallen asleep in Xu Xin's arms.

Under the flickering candlelight, Xu Xin lowered his head and looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms.Princess Yinchuan is known as the most beautiful woman in Xixia, and she is even more beautiful when she is asleep.

The elegant white skirt wrapped around her well-shaped figure. The sleeve on the left was torn off by him, and a jade arm that faced frost and snow was like a jade carving, shining brightly under the light.

"I finally understand, what is meant by natural beauty, beauty is a disaster..." Suddenly a breeze blew by, and the gauze covering Princess Yinchuan's face was lifted up. The amorous feelings revealed made Xu Xin, who was well-informed, unable to bear it. Stay stunning.

Princess Yinchuan is very beautiful. If it were just that, it wouldn't make him amazed. After all, he had seen and had many stunning beauties in his two lifetimes. After being the emperor for decades, just the annual... draft, nationwide He has never seen any kind of beauties in beauty pageants.

But the Princess of Yinchuan in front of him is indeed... He has only heard of it. It can be seen that she is obviously a girl, but her facial features together bring a hint of natural charm, which is more seductive than the courtesans on the Qinhuai River. There are many people, which is very similar to Li Qiushui.

This charm seems to be innate. Her facial features are very delicate, but when viewed alone, they are just beautiful. When combined together, they have a natural charm.

Now that she was sound asleep and motionless, she was very attractive. It was hard to imagine how charming she would be with her every frown and smile when she woke up. He finally understood the meaning of the words "the country will be destroyed by disaster."

"It's very similar, but the feeling is different. If the immortal jade statue carved by Wu Yazi also has such a charming and natural attitude, then it's no wonder that Duan Yu will be obsessed with it all his life."

Xu Xin reached out and touched the veil lightly, and compared Li Qinglu and Wang Yuyan, they were indeed similar in appearance, but Li Qinglu was slightly younger, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with naturally charming facial features and a temperament that Wang Yuyan did not have.

Wang Yuyan prefers to be a bit more "immortal", but she doesn't know much about martial arts, so she always lacks that taste.Li Qinglu is wonderful, but this face can be called the curse of beauty. It has a coquettish air, which makes people easily unable to control it. No wonder she needs to cover her face with a veil.

Xu Xin admired the beautiful scenery under the candlelight, but did not continue to be rude to the beauty. He carried Princess Yinchuan onto the big red sandalwood desk, while he walked towards the stone wall with calligraphy and paintings hanging next to it.

He walked to a picture of a lady in ancient costume dancing with a sword. The beauty in the picture looked almost exactly the same as Wang Yuyan, only her clothes were completely different. She held a sword in her right hand and made sword skills in her left hand. She was dancing the sword on the lakeside and on the mountainside with an elegant expression. Bright and charming, indescribable.

"This is the portrait of Li Qiu Shui. Wu Yazi is also an old fool. He gave a portrait of Li Canghai and asked people to go to Wuliang Mountain to find Li Qiu Shui. Isn't this just out of sheer discomfort?"

Another portrait appeared in Xu Xin's hand. The beauty in the portrait was [-]% similar to the beauty in the picture of the lady, but there were still some differences in subtleties.

He then compared Wang Yuyan in his memory with Li Qinglu next to him. The beauty in the picture of the lady was plumper, with a heroic air between her brows. This was probably when Wu Yazi and Li Qiu Shui fled to Wuliang Mountain after they got married. In the painting, the two people had just gotten married at that time, and they were a sweet couple of gods.

"There are [-] words in the world, but love is the most hurtful!"

Xu Xin shook his head and sighed. It was also because Li Qinglu, the sleeping beauty, was beside him that he had some distracting thoughts. Normally, he would not be so sentimental and full of sighs.Therefore, women will only affect the speed of his practice.

Xu Xin quickly put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, took down the picture of the lady and looked at the stone wall. He saw many yin and yang lines carved on it, and countless combinations of human figures, some meditating, some leaping, and all kinds of strange postures.

Most of these human figures are surrounded by circles, and most of the circles are inscribed with some heavenly stems, earthly branches and numbers, which are similar to the figures carved on the wall of the stone chamber of Lingjiu Palace.He only looked at the postures of the figures in a circle, and felt that they were ever-changing and unpredictable.

"This Jiazi Tu secret book involves the spiritual realm and can make people fall into a psychedelic state to understand the true meaning. It doesn't seem like something Li Qiushui could leave behind. Could it be Xiaoyaozi?"

Xu Xin studied the secret book of Jiazitu and soon found the records about Baihong Palm Power and Lingbo Weibu, but suddenly a different kind of doubt arose in his heart.The stone carvings here seem to be quite old, and it seems that... they were not left by Li Qiushui.

"Forget it, why think so much!"

He quickly put this idea behind him and carefully studied the Jiazitu secret book. This kind of hallucinogenic stone carvings contain the true meaning of the spirit and can help people master the secrets faster. The disadvantage is that if the skills are not sophisticated enough, it is easy to become addicted. Unable to extricate himself from it, he finally became obsessed.

Xu Xin's skill was naturally no problem, but he had been obsessed with understanding the secret books, and the sleeping beauty next to him didn't pay attention at all.

After he finished comprehending the power of Baihong Palm, he discovered that Li Qinglu, who had fallen asleep, was curled up, as if she was...cold.Leaving Sleeping Beauty alone and doing nothing is what kind of Monkey Brother behavior is this?

Xu Xin covered Princess Yinchuan with a piece of clothing. When he helped cover the exposed snow-white jade arm, he accidentally put away the half sleeve that he had torn off, and said to himself: "It's time to go! "

Xu Xin guessed that it was almost dawn, so he covered Princess Yinchuan with clothes and left the stone room. Shortly after he left, Princess Yinchuan, who was curled up and sleeping, murmured, and her eyebrows trembled slightly...

(End of this chapter)

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