The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 195 "Obsessed" Li Qiushui

Chapter 195 "Obsessed" Li Qiushui
In the inner garden of the Xixia Palace, streams surround the rockery, and the mist of the fairy mist is misty. It is a unique scene of the fairy family.

Xu Xin, who was sitting in concentration and meditation, hugged Yuan Shouyi, gradually entered the realm of space and darkness, breathed in and out, gathered the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and transformed it into true energy.

The spiritual light vortex gradually stopped rotating, and three different strands of true energy gradually flowed through the three people again, forming a great circulation.

Suddenly, Xu Xin opened his eyes, and two rays of essence appeared. He opened his mouth and inhaled, and the white air surrounding him quickly returned to his body.


Just like the beginning of chaos, like the shattering of Hongmeng, the three elements of Changchun, Wuxiang, and Beiming are gathering together, and the true energy is rolling. Like a river rushing furiously, the momentum is like breaking bamboo. In just a few breaths, it seems to help him break through the world. Entrance, but in the end it was still a little bit worse.

At this moment, Xu Xin suddenly had an idea flash in his heart, to seize the other two strands of true energy and combine them into one body, to attack the Xuan Guan and transform into the innate realm.This thought kept coming back all his life, and there seemed to be a bewitching whisper echoing in his heart. All he needed to do was be ruthless...

Xu Xin quickly gathered his mind and embraced Yuan Ruyi, constantly refining his true energy and running smoothly.No matter how good other people's things are, they belong to others. If you want to fuse them into your own things after taking them, you have to spend a lot of time refining them. However, he has not yet reached a real bottleneck, so there is no need to be so eager for quick success and instant benefits.

In fact, if Xu Xin wants quick success and rapid progress, he only needs to use the Dharma of absorbing power to wash away the world. With his advanced realm in his previous life to control himself, he can hit the Xuan Pass and advance to the innate level in less than three months.But this kind of innateness is not something he can do!
He was able to be reborn in another world and be reincarnated as a human being, not by the magic of absorbing energy, but by the golden light of the sea of ​​consciousness.Although the exploration of it is still at a relatively preliminary stage, Xu Xin can sense some key information, and it hopes to become stronger and transcendent.

The key to transcendence lies in constant evolution and transformation.Devouring everything of others, carrying out violent plunder and transformation, and ultimately falling into disgrace.

This method of swallowing external forces as nourishment, strengthening oneself, and transforming one's origins is slower, but it is also more stable.

It's not that Xu Xin doesn't practice the art of absorbing martial arts, it's that he no longer bothers to absorb martial arts from ordinary warriors. Only alien spiritual beings and top masters can barely get into his eyes and are qualified to become the nourishment for his powerful self.

Of course, when he first came, he also absorbed power from ordinary people, but the situation was critical at that time, so he had no choice but to use some inferior goods. It would make him cry if he said it too much!
In Xu Xin's mind, these chaotic thoughts continued to echo, and the distracting thoughts made it difficult for the external demon who was obsessed with bewitching.

To put it bluntly, the so-called obsession is actually an obsession with one thought, and he thought divergently and thought too much that he could not concentrate on one thought, and resolved the inner demon in a very strange way.

Xu Xin then settled down to feel the changes in his body. It would be a year since he came to this world.It only took a few short months to go from a low-level person with low martial arts to the most powerful person in the world today.

However, in terms of skill, he is still a little slower than You Tanzhi in the original work.

The main reason is that he deliberately slowed down the speed of practice, and kept looking inwardly to study his own changes during the slow transformation, pursuing the secret of rebellious innateness.

"Ha ha……"

Xu Xin experienced this opportunity and gained a little bit. He just chuckled and the situation surged.


Xu Xin stretched out his palm, and saw a splash of water in front of him. A large amount of water rolled and rotated. In the rockery stream, it seemed that there was an evil dragon hidden in the rockery stream, making waves, and powerful forces were stirring the water.

The water waves were turbulent, and their strength gradually expanded, forming a huge whirlpool from the bottom of the pool to the surface, and it was still expanding outward.

As Xu Xin's palm turned into a claw and sucked back, the huge vortex rotated rapidly, and a thick water column suddenly rushed into the air. A little bit of strange "water" stirred in the rotating water flow, which seemed to be the essence of water, Ying. The sparkling light flows gracefully and is extremely beautiful.

Xu Xin's palm keeps shaking, and the flowing "water" forms a transparent "water ball", which is intangible and qualitative, as if it is there but not at all. "boom!"

At a certain moment, Xu Xin pushed out with a palm, and the "water ball" rushed directly to the rockery dozens of feet away, blasting out a black hole whose depth could not be seen without any delay.After a few breaths, with a loud noise, a rockery made of dozens of square boulders exploded.

The sound of rushing water continued, and a large amount of gravel fell into the stream. Xu Xin waved his sleeves and raised the wind in his palm. All the gravel flying in his direction was smashed and fell into the stream pool, creating waves and ripples.

After Xu Xin finished all this, he looked at his right hand and kept thinking about the special feeling just now. He seemed to have created a very powerful kung fu!

"What is that? One yuan of heavy water? One yuan of divine water? Three points of returning vitality?"

Xu Xinxin fully realized the smooth and smooth realization just now. With his blessed soul, he created a very powerful magical skill.

"This seems to be an alternative evolution of the Tianshan Six Yang Palm and the Life and Death Talisman. It's just that Child Elder's Life and Death Talisman is to refine water into ice, and I... have seen too much of Fengyun? Always thinking about returning to the vitality?"

Xu Xin quietly comprehended this brand new Qimen Xuan Gong, which was mysterious and inexhaustible. He felt after studying the Xiaoyao Sect's general outline "Xiaoyao Yufeng". Although it was only a rough creation, it was no weaker than Beiming, Wuxiang, and Immortal Changchun.

"Brother, I regret it, please forgive me..."

Xu Xin was thinking about comprehending the mysterious skills when suddenly a soft and hot body came from behind. She seemed to have no bones, and her whole body seemed to melt and cling to him.

"Are you obsessed?"

Xu Xin raised his arms and pulled Li Qiu Shui to the front, stretched out his hand to clasp her wrist and check her pulse. The two looked at each other. After carefully observing this person's condition, he frowned and found no obvious problem, but this might be a very serious problem. A terrible situation.

Li Qiushui's face was filled with a sweet smile. After these days of treatment, the "gullies" on her face, which had been disfigured, turned into red marks. Not to mention restoring her appearance, at least she was not as ugly as before, and her smile had a different look. flavor.

"Brother, I miss you so much!"

Li Qiushui wrapped herself around Xu Xin like the passionate Li Qinglu, and her hands began to move around.

"Ouch... be gentle, it hurts..."

Li Qiu Shui suddenly squeaked and said in a sweet voice: "I just thought that I was deceived by illusions and thought you were my senior brother. I didn't expect that you are so cruel."

Li Qiushui rubbed the wrist that was pinched by Xu Xin, and his restored jade face was full of grievances.

Xu Xin gained the most from the three of them practicing together, and he did not fall into a demonic obstacle and always remained awake.Li Qiushui was the second to recover, but his consciousness was a little stuck in the past, and he did mistook Xu Xin for Wu Yazi at first.

But after all, she had been married to Wu Yazi for many years. Xu Xin's younger and more masculine body made her sober up quickly. Later, I don't know whether it was to avoid embarrassment, or because her personality of liking the young and pretty man had not changed, so she just made the mistake and continued to act recklessly. Unexpectedly, he was rejected by Xu Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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