The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 205 Xiaoyaozi Pan Lang, the past of Xiaoyao Sect

Chapter 205 Xiaoyaozi Pan Lang, the past of Xiaoyao Sect

"I said, why do you spend so much time plotting against Murong Fu? You are too scheming and have too many thoughts. This is not conducive to spiritual practice. If you only focus on martial arts..."

In another stone room that Wang Yuyan and the others did not notice, Xu Xin, Tong Lao and Li Qiushui observed everything clearly.Murong Fu did not notice that Elder Quan's eyes opposite him had a faint flash of blue light, but Child Elder could not understand what Xu Xin did.

She used to kill people without using a second move. For her, fancy calculations were meaningless. She never used such methods to deal with people.

"The Murong family in Gusu is not a simple family. They are descendants of the Yan royal family. They have always wanted to revive the Yan Kingdom. They want to be the emperor."

Li Qiushui spoke from the side at this time. The details of the Murong family could not be hidden from her, the Princess of Xixia. She even knew about Murong Fu pretending to be Li Yanzong.

As the actual person in charge of Xixia First Grade Hall, Li Qiushui knew the details of the masters below very clearly.

In the Xixia Yipin Hall, Murong Fu was not the only one who wanted to seize power and become emperor. There was also Duan Yanqing, the former crown prince of Dali who was more qualified.In the past, Duan Yanqing joined Xixia Yipintang, hoping to use her Xixia power to regain the throne.

"Menglang, are you interested in becoming the emperor?"

Li Qiushui suddenly changed the subject and asked a somewhat unexpected question.She actually asked a man who had been an emperor for decades and finally retired, if he would like to be an emperor?Isn't this a joke?
"Why, your son can't give birth to a grandson, so he plans to pass the throne to Xu, the head of the family."

Child Elder was still a little embarrassed in front of Li Qiu Shui, and was not able to call her a relatively intimate name.

"Senior sister, I think you have completely forgotten the purpose of master training us back then, and have thrown away master's death. Back then, master arranged for me to join the Xixia royal family."

Li Qiushui glanced at Wu Xingyun, and then continued: "Our master Xiaoyaozi, whose real name is Pan Lang, was also a big shot in the Song Dynasty..."

Li Qiushui talked about the secret of the Xiaoyao Sect. The Xiaoyao Sect's inheritance was not originally called the Xiaoyao Sect. It was changed to its current name because of Xiaoyaozi Pan Lang.

Pan Lang was a famous hermit and literati in the early Northern Song Dynasty. His poetry style was similar to that of Jia Dao and Meng Jiao. Similar to other literati of the Song Dynasty, he also had a nickname, Xiaoyaozi, and he was a figure whose name was left in history.

This hermit and strange man was very special. He directly participated in major rebellions twice in history.

Pan Lang, the Xiaoyaozi, first sought refuge with Lu Duoxun, the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty.At that time, Zhao Kuangyin died in the shadow of a candlelight axe. Zhao Guangyi, in order to justify his name, declared to the outside world that this was his brother's death. After the brother's death, he succeeded in seizing the throne that should belong to his nephew.

But this incident also left a hidden danger, that is, his third brother, King Zhao Tingmei of Qin, could also obtain the legal right to inherit the throne because of his brother-in-law and this "legacy".

King Zhao Tingmei of Qin did have some thoughts later and contacted Prime Minister Lu Duoxun to try to seize the throne. At that time, Pan Lang, as Lu Duoxun's staff, made suggestions for Lu Duoxun.But unfortunately, after Lu Duoxun and Zhao Tingmei failed in their rebellion, Pan Lang escaped to avoid being pursued by the court.

But he did not give up. Later, Pan Lang got to know Wang Jien again, gave Wang Jien some benefits, and asked Wang Jien to say good things in front of Zhao Guangyi.

Song Taizong heard that Pan Lang had outstanding talents, so he personally summoned Pan Lang.After some conversation, Zhao Guangyi revoked Pan Lang's wanted status, granted Pan Lang the status of Jinshi, and allowed him to enter the court as an official. Pan Lang went from a wanted criminal to a minister of the court, which could be said to be a meteoric rise.

But Pan Lang was not an honest man. Zhao Guangyi was seriously ill. Pan Lang conspired with Wang Jien, Li Changling and others to make Zhao Kuangyin's grandson Zhao Weiji emperor. However, they failed. Zhao Guangyi's son became emperor and Pan Lang became a fugitive again. .Xiaoyaozi, who had rebelled twice in history, was not killed by the government in the end, and was later pardoned by the emperor to join the army in Chuzhou.After these two rebellions, Pan Lang seemed to have seen through everything, no longer longing for glory and wealth, and became a hermit.

These are the Pan Lang that Xu Xin knew, and he saw them accidentally when he was the emperor in his previous life.After he became emperor, he would also read books, mainly history, especially about the eras of "Celestial Dragon", "The Divine Condor" and "The Condor".

These eras are very close to the "Yitian" era in his previous life, so he may be able to get some different gains from some official history, miscellaneous history, and unofficial history.

For example, he had seen such a record in the "History of the Song Dynasty" in the previous world: Zhang, the commander of Yanmen Pass, led his troops outside Yanmen Pass to kill Xiao Feng, the general of the Liao Kingdom, the king of Nanyuan, and killed thousands of Liao troops. Yelu Hongji refused to give up...

When Xu Xin saw this passage in his previous life, he specially ordered people to search for Yanmen Pass to see if they could find Qiao Feng's bones or something, but of course they found nothing.

Regarding the news about Pan Lang, he also accidentally noticed the special nickname "Xiaoyaozi", so he went to find the information specifically, and he had some impressions.

Xu Xin had speculated at that time that this Pan Lang might be Xiaoyaozi in "Tianlong", but now, all this has been confirmed from Li Qiushui's mouth.

In the past, Pan Lang failed to rebel twice, but he was not disheartened. He pretended to be a hermit, but in fact he was still thinking about the rebellion.

This Xiaoyaozi may be like the future black monk Yao Guangxiao, who wanted to prove himself, but he failed to "prove" twice.

The second rebellion failed. Pan Lang realized that it might be impossible to succeed directly from within the Song Dynasty, so he decided to keep a low profile and wait for the right time.

Pan Lang later changed his name to Xiaoyaozi and renamed the Lingjiu Palace lineage as Xiaoyao Sect. He accepted three disciples in his life. The eldest disciple Wu Xingyun stayed at Piaomiao Peak of Tianshan Mountain and secretly laid out his plans in the rivers and lakes, controlling 36 islands, 72 holes and other rivers and lakes forces all over the world. .

The second disciple, Wu Yazi, was supposed to recruit disciples widely to wait for changes in the Central Plains.But in fact, when Xiaoyaozi lost contact, the new head of the Xiaoyao sect completely disrupted his master's arrangements. He was really a "good apprentice".

His third disciple was assigned to Xixia in the northwest, that is, Li Qiushui. He later married into the Xixia royal family, gave birth to a son who inherited the throne, and became the Dowager Princess of Xixia.

In addition, Li Qiushui's sister Li Canghai seemed to have been arranged somewhere deliberately.

With Pan Lang's arrangements, several major disciples were separated from the north and the south, forming a vague pincer attack on the Song Dynasty. Once the opportunity appeared in the Central Plains, they could unite and overthrow the Song Dynasty.

It's a pity that Pan Lang entrusted him to a bad person, and several of his disciples were jealous and caused a series of incidents, which completely messed up his plan.

Li Qiushui later obeyed his orders and went to Xixia, but he only enjoyed the happiness of being a concubine, while fighting to the death with his senior sister Wu Xingyun.

In the past few decades, the Song Dynasty court was reformed and abolished. It could be said that it was seeking death many times and there were countless opportunities. However, Pan Lang and his disciples seemed to have no intention of causing trouble at all.If he knew something from the bottom of the spring, it would be strange if he wasn't pissed to death.

(End of this chapter)

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