The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 207 Who the hell wants to be a little loser in that broken world?

Chapter 207 Who the hell wants to go back to that broken world and become a little loser?
"Master and Child Elder...slept?"

The expressions of Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum changed extremely richly, and the hearts of several girls were filled with turmoil.

As we all know, brothers and best friends can sometimes understand each other with just one look, and they can communicate without speaking. It is also said that brothers and sisters who are identical twins can have telepathy.

So Xu Xin was lucky enough to witness a magical scene. He saw the four swordsmen of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum looking at each other with rich expressions and twinkling eyes.

"Tong Lao is so old, Master, this... this..."

"Do you think the master is also several decades old, but he only looks young because of his advanced skills and facial expressions?"

"Probably not. I heard from Miss Azi and Miss Abi that the master is not much older than them."

"Don't think nonsense. Although grandma is not young, her appearance is very young. Even if...even if...the master can't control it, I can understand it."

"Sister, you are just thinking wildly!"

"That's right, with Child Lao's martial arts, how can a man take advantage of it? The master must be talking nonsense..."

"Otherwise, maybe it's Child Elder..."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. What kind of character does our Tong Lao have? How could she ever have a good attitude toward men in so many years..."

"Yes, yes, the new owner has sisters Azi and Abi, and now he has found some Xixia princess. She must be a big pervert!"

"How dare you say that to the master? Are you not afraid that the master will keep the quilt warm while sleeping... Hahaha..."

"But the master is really different from Tong Lao. Who is on top?"

"How could you think of such disrespectful things..."


Several girls and one mother are of the same mind, and they can understand each other's meaning with just one glance. Therefore, even if they don't know how to transmit sounds into secrets, they can still discuss these gossips secretly and passionately.

Xu Xin could see that they were having a heated discussion, but it was not the roundworms in the hearts of these beautiful maids. How could he know that they had already thought so much, and even discussed postures and other things.

"Master, the hot water is over here!"

Xu Xin took off his coat and was about to rest. Lan... The one wearing blue patterned clothes should be Lan Jian. Anyway, he was the other sweet call of the quadruplets besides Mei Jian, and came over to take his clothes. He also guided him to the curtain next to him.

The white heat was rising. After Xu Xin walked over, he suddenly felt a little itchy and said, "You guys go out first, I'm going to take a shower."

Several girls had just woken up from the fire of gossip. Each of them had ambiguous eyes and said: "Let the maidservants serve the master."

Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand, "No need, I can handle it myself."

"The master doesn't want us anymore..."

Several girls burst into tears. Although they looked like they were pretending, no man could resist being so coquettish in the face of four beautiful girls with the same appearance and slightly different clothes.

"We sisters were originally used to serve the master. Now the master doesn't even let us take a bath. What's the point of us living in this world!"

"Does the master dislike us for being the maids of the old lord? Then let's leave now and ask Po Yu to choose a few new people to serve the master tomorrow."

Good guy, you pushed the Lord into the corner with just a few words. Such a powerful maid really makes people make mistakes!

"You have misunderstood, then keep them all!"

Xu Xin nodded "helplessly" and agreed. He felt that he had fallen. In his previous life, he sternly refused to face this kind of thing. His previous life was too miserable and he couldn't get used to enjoying it for a while.

Now, I have never seen anything like being an emperor, not to mention setting up a wine pool and meat forest, anyway... I have seen everything that should be enjoyed, it's just a small scene!I'm being reserved in front of you, mainly to test the reaction of several maids. If you take the initiative, maybe you can even arrange a bed-warming and bed-warming package tonight. Compared with the last time I went to Lingjiu Palace, the treatment is better!
"Thank you master!"

Several girls suddenly burst into smiles, and the joyful expressions on their faces were visible to the naked eye. Then they swarmed up, each with their own duties.

Although Mei Jian and the others are still young, chatty and unreliable, they are quite qualified as maids.Taking off his clothes and combing his hair... a series of actions were gentle and methodical. Xu Xin soon closed his eyes and enjoyed their services.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the eyes of several red-faced little girls began to look around. Seeing that he remained silent, they even lowered their voices and started talking.

The four little girls, Mei Lan, Zhu Ju, have always served the child grandmother, and there are not many men in the Lingjiu Palace. This is the first time for them to get along with a man at such a close distance. When a few young hands are rubbing their backs and bodies, they can't bear to Keep pinching here and touching there.

Their little faces were steamed by the heat again, and they became more and more charming, and they didn't know whether it was because of the heat or shame, and the topics they talked about became more and more bold.

"Sister, are all men's bodies this hot?"

"How do I know? You are so embarrassed to ask such a question."

"It feels good on Master, it's so hard and feels very powerful!"

"No, Master's belly is very comfortable to touch, so what's underneath..."

"Do you think the master will let us sleep with him later tonight?"

"What are you thinking in your head, little girl!"

"I heard from Sister-in-law Shi and the others that the personal maids of wealthy families not only have to warm the bed, but also share the bedroom with them."

"Sister, the master's place is so big!"

"Stop thinking nonsense and work quickly and seriously."

Xu Xin couldn't hold himself tight as he listened to the low-pitched conversations of several maids. Now that the matter had come to this, he could only close his eyes and pretend to be dead. As long as he wasn't embarrassed anyway.

However, the four girls are indeed professionals. Although they continue to discuss and make sarcastic comments, they are not slow in their actions and do their best to complete their jobs.

Xu Xin soaked in the warm water and suddenly felt relaxed. The dust and dust of the past few days seemed to be swept away at this moment.

"Servant, will you give me a squeeze on your master's shoulders?"

Mei Jian's gentle voice came from behind Xu Xin, and Xu Xin nodded in a daze with his eyes closed.Mei Jian's face flashed with blush and excitement, and she gently squeezed his shoulders.

He felt the service of the girl's slender fingers, and he didn't want to open his eyes more and more. In ancient times, apart from the lack of electronic products, rich people definitely spent more money and had more fun.

In his last life, he was still thinking about how to go back. Later... I lived so comfortably as an emperor. Who the hell wants to go back to that broken world and become a little loser?

"Master, the water temperature is a bit cold. You need to add some hot water. It's better to get ready to rest."

Xu Xin, who was enjoying himself with his eyes narrowed, didn't know the passage of time. When Mei Jian called out warmly, he felt that the water seemed to be a little cold.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "No need to add water, the soaking is almost done. Thank you, is it really comfortable?"

Mei Jian said hurriedly: "Serving the master is a slave's duty. The master must not harm the slave."

"Master, let us dress you!"

At this time, the footsteps of the other two maids came closer. Xu Xin closed his eyes and stood up. As long as he didn't open his eyes, he wouldn't be embarrassed if he couldn't see the rich expressions of the maids.

(End of this chapter)

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