The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 211 Storm gathers at Shaolin Temple

Chapter 211 Storm gathers at Shaolin Temple (please vote for me)
"Murong Fu has come down to the Tianshan Mountains. He really dreams of becoming an emperor!"

On the top of Tianshan Mountain, Murong Fu left Lingjiu Palace after talking with Li Qiu Shui. Xu Xin did not know when he appeared next to Li Qinglu and the others. He looked at Li Qiu Shui teaching Wang Yuyan martial arts, and his mood... Quite complicated.

Wang Yuyan's matter was finally resolved, and this other "fairy sister" was finally left by his side.Regardless of whether Wang Yuyan is sincere or fake, as long as Murong Fu dies in the end, Wang Yuyan and Abi can only return to their hearts.

"You also arranged for Quan Guanqing to go down the mountain. The Beggar Clan discussed with Shaolin about holding a martial arts conference. What exactly do you want to do?"

Li Qiushui appeared next to Xu Xin at some unknown time, and Wu Xingyun also appeared, wary of this 88-year-old junior sister coming to steal his man.

"The big scene in Shaolin Temple must be directed, otherwise... I always feel like there is something missing after coming to this world!"

Xu Xin said this, but none of the women around him understood what he was saying.Well, Wang Yuyan is not yet, she is still a girl.

Xu Xin asked the Beggar Gang to capture Xu Zhu and Ye Erniang. They always need to be used. Ye Erniang deserves to die, and Xuan Ci, the instigator, deserves to die even more.

It was time for him to see the sweeping monk in the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple. The power of the three-foot Qi wall and the black-level pagoda.

There was a hint of expectation in Xu Xin's eyes, and then he hugged Li Qinglu casually, entered the garden... and went into the woods.

It’s still early for the heroes to gather at the Shaolin Temple, so let’s let the news fly first, while I enjoy myself in the Lingjiu Palace, then play music and then dance...

"Young man is full of energy, but it's a pity that you don't seem to be favored very much, senior sister!"

Li Qiushui mocked Wu Xingyun, and flew away to take away his granddaughter before Child Lao got angry. She was going to train her granddaughter well and then compete in a curve.

"Those girls from Mei Jian are really good at listening to them discuss men, but they are not good at hooking up with men. They have to be taught by grandma herself..."

Child Elder stamped her feet and went to find her personal maid, Plum Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum, the Four Swordsmen. Xu Xin went to Lingjiu Palace twice, and the Four Swordsmen had completely different reactions. Naturally, they were all orders from Child Elder.

She herself is also aware of her age. Although she is still young and beautiful, men still don't like younger people and always need some help.

Here Xu Xin was enjoying himself in Lingjiu Palace, while over there Murong Fu and Quan Guanqing went down to Tianshan Mountain one after another. Soon a piece of news spread in the world.

The Beggar Clan and Shaolin will hold a martial arts conference to select a new martial arts leader.

All over the world, famous martial arts heroes from all over the world received invitations and made an appointment to go to Songshan Shaolin Temple together on the tenth day of November. People from all walks of life rushed to Shaolin after learning the news, but the Shaolin Temple at the center of the incident was not aware of it.

However, the Shaolin Temple is not peaceful these days. Since Xuan Bei, a senior monk of the Xuan generation of the Shaolin Temple, went down the mountain at the order of the abbot Xuan Ci and died unexpectedly in Dali a few years ago, a series of turmoils have occurred one after another.

Xingzilin, Juxianzhuang, Leigu Mountain... Xuan Ku, Xuan Tong, Xuan Nan, etc. of the Xuan generation of Shaolin have had accidents one after another. In just a few years, four of the eight great monks of the Xuan generation of Shaolin Temple have had accidents one after another. For For Shaolin, this is unbearable pain.

Xuancheng, Xuanci, Xuanji, Xuanbei, Xuannan, Xuanku, Xuandu, and Xuantong, relying on these eight top-ranking divine monks, Shaolin Temple once firmly occupied the top spot in the world.

But later, Xuancheng became obsessed with practicing Qigong, and four other eminent monks died one after another in a few years.In Shaolin at this time, most of the masters of the older generation were dead, and the new generation of Huizi had not grown up yet. They were in a state of inactivity. It was definitely a moment of weakness that had never happened in decades.On this day, at the foot of Songshan Mountain in Henan, some servants from the Beggar Clan and Lingjiu Palace gathered together, waiting for the arrival of the Lord and the Clan Leader.

Although Xu Xin left most of the side gates such as Cave 36 and Island 72 to Murong Fu, those like Wu Laoda who knew some secrets and dared to seek refuge with Murong Fu would continue to choose the hilltop of Lingjiu Palace. , and was punished and vowed never to betray again.

Xu Xin naturally doesn't believe in betrayal, but the Lingjiu Palace is full of maids, and some things are not easy to handle, and there are only a small number of heretics such as Boss Wu. Any one of the nine departments in the Lingjiu Palace can be destroyed with just one move. They don't have to worry.

"Meet the helper!"

"Meet the Lord!"

When Xu Xin arrived at the foot of Songshan Mountain, he saw the disciples of the Beggar Clan, Mr. Wu and other leftist sects living in two distinct places, but Quan Guanqing was in the middle to mediate. Although they were wary of each other, they did not start fighting.

"No need to be polite, please get up!"

Xu Xin waved his sleeves, and everyone who was saluting felt a gentle force. Everyone straightened up one after another, secretly marveling at the unparalleled skills of the gang leader and the lord.

"Elders, are Ye Erniang and Monk Xu Zhu okay?"

Xu Xin came to the side of several elders of the Beggar Clan, with Quan Guanqing and Boss Wu following behind him, just like the second general Heng Ha.

Elder Song stood up and said: "Gang leader, according to your instructions, we brought Ye Erniang and her monk Xu Zhu back to Luoyang and kept them under strict guard. Who would have thought that it would be that one! Gang leader, what happened today If we do it, we will greatly offend Shaolin..."

"Elder Song, the letter about Qiao Feng in the apricot forest in the past was related to him. Because of his affairs, Qiao Feng went crazy and made me a beggar... This person has never come forward, and he has nothing to do with Ye If the two mothers have an affair, they are just hypocrites."

Quan Guanqing said from behind: "What we are doing now is not because of personal grudges caused by Qiao Feng's incident. It is for the sake of justice in the martial arts world and seeking justice for the warriors and babies who have died under Ye Erniang's hands over the years. This is A matter of justice!"

Quan Guanqing's words may not seem problematic at first glance, but he deliberately mentioned Qiao Feng's personal grudges in order to inspire the Beggar Clan disciples to share the same hatred. Qiao Feng had only been away for a year or two, and he had many supporters in the gang. Many of them Everyone felt that he should not be evicted.

Now that the Beggar Clan, led by its new leader, is causing trouble for Shaolin, isn't it asking for justice for its former leader, Qiao Feng?
"Elder Song, I also think you are too pedantic. Our gang has Gang Leader Xu in charge of the overall situation and has great righteousness at hand. Why should we be afraid of offending Shaolin!"

Chen Guyan also stood up and spoke. His words were meant to praise Xu Xin. As for whether they were sincere or false, only he knew.

"Elder Quan, everything should be arranged!"

Xu Xin did not ask Elder Song again. This man was a bit dependent on his elders, unlike Chen Guyan who was easily intimidated, and he was not as easy to deceive as Elder Wu. It looked like he still needed more work.

"Gang leader, our elder Xu's senior brother from Shenshan Mountain has arrived in Shaolin to demand justice. I heard that the Tubo master Jiumozhi has also come to Shaolin. We only need to wait a little longer and then we can go up the mountain..."

Quan Guanqing only said that he needed to wait, but did not explain more clearly.The people on Shenshan Mountain and Jiumozhi went to Shaolin one after another. As long as there were several conflicts, no matter who won or lost, the Shaolin masters would definitely consume a lot of energy. If they went up to the mountain to invite a fight, they would reap the benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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