The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 219 A few years of hard work is not as good as a few months.

Chapter 219: Decades of hard work is not as good as a few months

"Good brother, after we parted ways in Xingzilin last time, a lot of things happened. It's really hard to describe in words. I didn't expect us to meet here."

On Shaoshi Mountain, Duan Yu happily approached his eldest brother Qiao Feng. Qiao Feng was also smiling. He directly abandoned Xu Xin as his opponent and reminisced with Duan Yu as if no one else was around. He was a little... arrogant!

Qiao Feng broke up with the martial arts tycoons in the Central Plains after the Xingzilin Incident, and in Juxian Manor, he even had a life-or-death relationship with his former good brothers. However, he did not expect that today, one after another, the disciples of the Beggar Clan recognized him as their master, and Duan Yu, a sworn brother, came to meet him. recognize.

He and Duan Yu became sworn friends after gambling and drinking in a Wuxi restaurant. Although they only got together for a short time, they were as close as before and treated each other with sincerity.

Here Qiao Feng and Duan Yu were reminiscing about the past as if no one was around. Over there, Xuanci calmed down the churning blood in his body and looked at Xu Xin, clasped his hands together, and said loudly: "Gang Leader Xu, I don't understand something. I don't know where you learned it from." Come to my Shaolin Yi Jin Jing magical power."


"Shaolin Yijinjing magical power?"

"The leader of the Beggar Clan secretly learned Shaolin magic?"

All the heroes in the world are in an uproar. In this era, the sects are so divided that secretly learning martial arts from other sects is a very serious matter.

"Abbot Xuanci, you should ask Qiao Feng this question."

With a smile on his face, Xu Xin pointed at Qiao Feng who was talking to Duan Yu behind Xuanci, and said: "At the beginning of last year, I was kidnapped by the Khitan people and came to Yanjing. It happened that I met Qiao Feng, who was responsible for the death of my father. By chance, I picked up Qiao Feng. I got a secret book that dropped from him."

"I didn't know that it was the Yi Jin Jing at the time. I just practiced according to the patterns hidden in the secret book. I got started in just a few days, and I have now reached the fourth level of blue-level pagoda. In terms of skill, it is only as good as Abbot Xuanci, you are more profound."

Xuan Ci and all the Shaolin monks heard Xu Xin's words and were filled with disbelief. His Shaolin Yi Jin Jing magical skill was so difficult to practice. No one below Xuan's generation could master it. Only four people of Xuan's generation could master it, and They are all practiced through Shaolin Internal Kung Fu. Compared with the pure Yi Jin Jing Sheng Kung, they are still less powerful.

"It turns out that the secret book was picked up by you."

A look of surprise appeared on Qiao Feng's face, then he looked at the group of Shaolin monks and said: "Abbott, masters, Qiao Feng can prove that the original Sanskrit Yi Jin Jing secret book of Shaolin was indeed in Qiao Feng's possession. You Tanzhi, probably , and only took a few months to practice the Yi Jin Jing."

"You Tanzhi?"

Xuanci looked at Qiao Feng in confusion.

Qiao Feng replied: "Qiao Feng doesn't know why he changed his name to Xu, but his true identity is You Tanzhi, the young master of Juxian Village after the two heroes of the You family."

The heroes in the arena were in an uproar, and a small number of people's eyes flashed.Both the You brothers in Juxian Village died at the hands of Qiao Feng. Later, I don't know who was angry or something else. Even Juxian Village was burned to the ground.

No one could have imagined that the missing young owner of Juxian Village would suddenly become the new leader of the Beggar Clan. Now some people are going to panic. Juxian Village is in ruins, but some "heroes" have done good deeds.


After Xuanci heard this, he didn't know what to say. Shaolin was wrong about Juxian Village. Today, he was defeated by Xu Xin again, and his reputation was ruined.He was ridiculed for not being able to practice the Yi Jin Jing at home. Decades of hard work is not as good as a few months. It is like living like a dog.

At this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly heard shouting: "Mr. Qiao, you killed my brother and the blood feud has not been avenged. I will fight with you today."

Immediately after, someone shouted: "This Qiao Feng is a Khitan barbarian. Everyone can find him and kill him. Today, we can no longer allow him to walk down Shaoshi Mountain alive."

There were shouts and shouts, some scolded Xiao Feng for killing his son, and some scolded him for killing his father.

Qiao Feng mentioned Juxian Village, and someone took advantage of the situation to stir up hatred. In Juxian Village, there were many relatives and friends who died at the hands of Qiao Feng.Although his previous intimidation made people fear him, the blood feud between relatives and friends still made people couldn't help but yell at him.

The shouts suddenly became louder and louder.However, most of the people took advantage of Qiao Feng's power and just shouted loudly. None of them dared to take action like the one with "broken bones and tendons" before.There were many bustling voices in the venue. Some people also mentioned that Qiao Feng's mentor, Shaolin Master Xuanku, was killed by him. Shaolin was also involved in Juxianzhuang. As the Taishan Beidou of the Central Plains martial arts, Shaolin should take the lead in capturing Qiao Feng.

Someone here mentioned that maybe because Qiao Feng had just saved the abbot, Shaolin was prepared to pretend that Qiao Feng had not seen him and let him leave Shaoshi Mountain freely.

Various words were mixed together, all trying to sway the masters or forces who had a grudge against Qiao Feng. Some people did not dare to do anything themselves, and they were still very powerful in saying strange things.

"Everyone, you may not know yet, but Qiao Feng has become the King of the South Campus of the Liao Kingdom and is responsible for commanding half of the Liao Kingdom's troops."

At this time, Elder Quan, the most eloquent member of the Beggar Clan, stood up and used his eloquent skills to instigate a situation against Qiao Feng.

"The Beggar Clan has eyes and ears all over the world, and they learned that this Qiao Feng once helped Emperor Yelu Hongji of the Liao Dynasty quell the rebellion, and is now stationed in the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun to rectify the troops. You can imagine that this will be the one who will lead the Khitan army south to invade the Song Dynasty one day. People, you can’t let the tiger go back to the mountains!”

As soon as Quan Guanqing said these words, he immediately caused an uproar.

Shaolin Xuanci and other monks' expressions changed drastically. The abbot's previous kindness to Qiao Feng immediately disappeared. He calmly told Xuan Du to set up a large array of Arhats to block the road down the mountain.

Murong Fu next to him was also dumbfounded. Qiao Feng, who had been so careless, now actually became the king of the South Campus in Yanyun. If this identity is given to him, he can revive Dayan...

"Everyone still remembers the battle at Juxianzhuang. Qiao Feng killed countless martial arts heroes, all of whom are old relatives and friends here. Reasonable and reasonable, we cannot let him go. Please ask the Shaolin masters to help subjugate the demons!"

Quan Guanqing's last voice immediately aroused the crowd's excitement.

"Please ask the masters of Shaolin to take action to succumb to the demon!"

"Please take action, Mr. Murong."

"Ask Gang Leader Xu to take action."

"Please invite Prince Duan of Dali..."


Everyone who was watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously were shouting that they should imitate the top celebrities from all walks of life and create a general trend against Qiao Feng.

"Brother Xiao, long time no see!"

Suddenly a figure emerged from the crowd, it was Nan Murong and Murong Fu who were as famous as Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng couldn't help being shocked when he saw Murong Fu jumping out. He put his hands together, cupped his fists and said, "Mr. Murong!"

"Brother Xiao, you are a hero of the Khitan, and you regard me as a hero of the Central Plains as if you are nothing. You and I have been equally famous for a long time. Today, Murong Fu of Gusu wants to learn from you. If I die in the hands of Brother Xiao, I will be regarded as a hero of the Central Plains. Even if you try your best, you will be honored even if you die."

These words he said were meant for the heroes of the Central Plains to win people's hearts.In this way, regardless of victory or defeat, the heroes of the Central Plains regarded Gusu Murong as their life and death friends.

After Murong Fu started talking loudly, the voice calling Mr. Murong suddenly overwhelmed the others, and the cheers resounded throughout the countryside.

"North Qiao Feng, South Murong", the two have always been equally famous.Murong Fu was about to take action, which immediately excited everyone.

Murong Fu had already walked to Xu Xin's side while he was speaking. Although he didn't say it explicitly, his intention was very clear. He wanted to join forces with Xu Xin to deal with Qiao Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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