The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 221 It shouldn’t be called “A strong dragon has regrets”, but “A strong dragon has no regret

Chapter 221 It shouldn’t be called “A strong dragon has regrets”, but “A strong dragon has no regrets”! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Outside the gate of the Shaolin Temple, Xu Xin used a three-point return move to overwhelm others. The blue Qi that spread across the sky blocked all directions. Qiao Feng could only fight with his Qi.

The wind was strong and the sand and rocks were flying. Watching such an unprecedented duel, countless experts held their breaths and fell into self-doubt.

Everyone practices martial arts, but can this level of internal strength really be developed by humans?Are these two really not immortals?Isn’t it true that someone secretly became an immortal without bringing anyone with him?

"Brother Abbot, can I develop such strong Qi in my Shaolin Yi Jin Jing Shen Gong?"

Master Xuandu supported Xuanci to watch the battle, his eyes were gleaming with blue light. He had practiced the Yi Jin Jing magic skill to the level of Qing-level pagoda. He was still slightly away from the blue-level pagoda and could peek into the secrets.

But at this moment, looking at Xu Xin's free flow of Qi, he fell into deep doubts. How could there be such a big gap between the Yi Jin Jing he practiced and the one practiced by others? Are they definitely the same magical skill?
"Junior Brother Xuandu, Gang Leader Xu is a genius who has discovered the secrets of "I-Phase" and "Human-Phase". That's why he was able to develop such unparalleled skills in just a few months that shocked the past and the present. Even if Bodhidharma I’m afraid the ancestor would be amazed even when he was still alive!”

Xuanci sighed. After being defeated by Xu Xin, he looked away and took it lightly.Xuanci already had understanding and wisdom, and a compassionate heart, but he couldn't control his desires. At this moment, his mood was empty, he saw through it, and his whole person became more like a eminent monk.

"Brother Abbot, it seems that Qiao Feng is about to be defeated!"

Xuandu made a judgment after observing for a long time.

"Junior brother, let all the disciples be prepared. If Qiao Feng loses, try your best to help him!"

Xuanci sighed and said: "Qiao Feng is not a bad person. That incident... was my fault in Shaolin..."

"Senior Brother Abbot, that Gang Leader Xu..."

Xuan Du was a little worried, but seeing Xuan Ci's firm eyes, he finally nodded silently.


While Xuanci and Xuandu were talking, Qiao Feng struck out with another palm, using the "Flying Dragon in the Sky" move, using [-]% of his strength.

However, when his overwhelming palm force hit Xu Xin's "Three Points of Returning Vitality", it only caused a few ripples. The biggest gap between him and Xu Xin was the quality and quantity of the energy.

Even though Xu Xin is younger than Qiao Feng in this life and has practiced martial arts for less than a year, he has the same level as in his previous life. In this life, he uses "spiritual energy" to practice martial arts, and those who absorb the martial arts are all top masters. After continuous refinement, Used to practice Yi Jin Jing Shen Gong.

His true energy is even more powerful and refined than Xu Zhu who refined all the true energy of the Three Elders Xiaoyao in the original work. Except for the sweeping monk in the Xiantian realm, no one in the world can compare with him in this aspect.


Qiao Feng hit Xu Xin's "Three Points of Returning Vitality" with another palm. This time, both palms came out. The powerful dragon-shaped energy caused ripples and collapsed again, but he still kept going. He continued to use his palms without rest, and the golden light surrounding him became more intense.

He struck out with another palm, and the overwhelming force made the air twist. With his left palm rounded and his right palm straight, he used the "Seeing the Dragon in the Field" move from the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. .

The golden light dissipated again, surrounding Qiao Feng into a ball of golden energy. It was seen that the golden light around him gathered more and more, and became more and more powerful.


Xu Xin noticed something was wrong. Is Qiao Feng... gathering momentum?It has to be said that Qiao Feng is a practical genius. Even if he only has [-]% of his power, he can still give you [-]% of the effect.

However, his internal strength is really weak compared to Xu Xin's, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms consumes a lot of internal energy. If he continues like this, he will die from exhaustion, so his current impatience must be that he is holding back his big move.

Faced with the current situation, Xu Xin did not change his tactics or increase his Qi output. Instead, he paid attention to the changes, saved some Qi to deal with emergencies, and remained unchanged to cope with any changes.

Xu Xin is confident that his actual combat quality is not weak, and his actual combat skills are also above average.But in the two battles with Qiao Feng, he was indeed inferior to Qiao Feng in terms of grasping enemy fighters and responding to emergencies.It is not shameful to admit that you are inferior to others in some aspects.

Although Xu Xin actually has some tricks to deal with an opponent like Qiao Feng, he wants to fight the opponent openly and openly today. He will put aside those underhanded methods. If he wants to defeat Qiao Feng, he must rely on his own strengths. , attack the enemy's shortcomings.

His zhenqi can crush Qiao Feng, so he will naturally win in this aspect. Even if Qiao Feng finds a way to break the current tricks, he can still change his tricks.

He is not as good as Qiao Feng in actual combat. If he finds that Qiao Feng is holding back his ultimate move and rushes to respond with a change of move, he may make an oversight and the opponent may seize the opportunity.Therefore, the best response is to remain unchanged in the face of ever-changing situations.

Xu Xin's "Three Points of Returning Vitality" pressed step by step, Qiao Feng's range of movement became smaller and smaller, and the golden light around him was so intense that it was as dazzling as if it were real.

Such a good Qiao Feng, in a critical moment, he was unflappable. He saw his left leg slightly bent, his right arm bent inward, his right palm drew a circle, and pushed outward with a whistling sound.

This move was exactly the "Exalted Dragon Has Regret" in the Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon, but after one palm was struck, Qiao Feng did not stop, one palm after another, and he actually fired nine palms in a row.

These nine records of "Exalted Dragons Have Regrets" are layered and gathered together like waves.The last one, "A strong dragon has regrets", although it is the same move, but its true meaning is completely different. With a crazy fighting spirit, it turns into an angry dragon and blasts towards Xu Xin like a world-destroying tsunami.

With a loud bang, Xu Xin's "Three Points Return to Vitality" was actually destroyed by Qiao Feng's crazy angry dragon. An extremely majestic and powerful red gold dragon, which was much larger than before, moved towards Xu Xin. The location where the letter was was blasted directly.

"What a handsome kung fu!"

Xu Xin turned aside to avoid the sharp edge, and took three steps back, retreating nearly nine feet, before he stopped and firmly connected with Qiao Feng's move, "Arrogant without Regrets."

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Xu Xin took three steps back, allowing Qiao Feng to exhaust all his chasing power. Then he used his palm again to receive the extremely violent Furious Dragon Palm, successfully neutralizing Qiao Feng's unique move that he created before the battle.

The sound of bang bang bang continued, and Xu Xin and Qiao Feng were fighting fiercely again. The wind was howling from all sides, and sand and rocks were flying constantly. Xu Xin's true energy slowly but firmly inserted into the torrent of palm power, driving Qiao Feng's crazy state away. Completely interrupted.


Zhenqi and palm power clashed again, and the two figures suddenly crossed each other and separated on both sides.

After Xu Xin stood still, his breath was still calm, and he said calmly: "This move just now has the shadow of two scattered palms. It should not be called "A strong dragon has regrets", but "A strong dragon has no regrets"!"

"Qiao Feng, your talent really amazes me!"

(End of this chapter)

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