The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 223: Unity of spirit and spirit, breaking through the mountains

Chapter 223 Unity of mind and spirit, breaking through mountains and mountains

"This... turns out to be a purple-level pagoda!"

A purple light shot straight into the sky, and the Shaolin masters headed by Xuanci and Xuandu were all horrified and looked at each other in disbelief.

They never expected that they would be able to witness with their own eyes the scene of someone breaking through the Purple Level Pagoda, but it happened to be an outsider.And according to what Qiao Feng and Xu Xin said, it has only been a year since Xu Xin came into contact with the Yi Jin Jing magical power.

This is completely unimaginable.It's not a promise, why is ten years of hard study better than three generations of accumulation?What does this mean in front of me? In one year, their decades of hard work have become a joke?Xuanci, Xuansheng, Xuandu and others settled in Bengbu, and their moods were very complicated.

In front of Qiao Feng, Xu Xin's eyes were gleaming purple, his aura was otherworldly, and his movements were filled with supreme power.This is a purple-level pagoda at the fifth level of the Yi Jin Jing. In a world with active spiritual energy in the comic version, it is definitely a representative of high-end combat power.

There are two sets of "Yi Jin Jing" in the comic version world, one from "Tianlong" and one from "Dragon and Tiger Gate". Among them, the "Yi Jin Jing" of "Dragon and Tiger Gate" is more famous, especially the "Yi Jin Jing" of "Dragon and Tiger Gate". Black level pagoda".

Both sets of Yi Jin Jing are divided into seven levels of pagodas, but the color changes are slightly different. The Yi Jin Jing of "Dragon and Tiger Gate" is more expressive and destructive. After the seventh level black level pagoda, there are Infinite realm, lofty artistic conception.

The sixth level of Yi Jin Jing in "Tianlong" is the black level, and the seventh level is the white level pagoda. It only shows a trace of power when the sweeping monk reaches nirvana. It is said that the white level pagoda has already achieved nirvana and become a Buddha.

According to Xu Xin's understanding, the purple-level pagoda at the fifth level of the Yi Jin Jing can roughly touch the innate mysteries. Whether it can truly make the leap and rebel against the innate depends on the cultivator himself. Anyway, with Xu Xin's two lifetimes of accumulation, it will be a matter of course. Out of innate enthusiasm.

The black-level pagoda above the purple-level pagoda must be a strong person in the innate realm. The three-foot Qi wall must be a special kind of innate Qi.As for the innate Gang Qi, Xu Xin has not yet reached the realm, so it is not clear. The further sublimation of the true Qi seems to be Gang Qi.

"Qiao Feng, can you still take this palm?"

The purple light in the sky quickly converged, and Xu Xin was surrounded by a lavender halo. He just made a light palm, which was ordinary and did not require too many moves. A circle of purple light had already covered Qiao Feng.

The five-color brilliance circulated, first from red to yellow, then from red to yellow, then from yellow to green, then from green to blue, and finally turned into a purple light. Huge waves surged in, trying to completely submerge Qiao Feng.


The sky-shattering dragon screamed, the wind howled, and the thunder. Qiao Feng faced a blow that he could not resist, but still did not choose to dodge. He only used the more powerful and decisive Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. However, no matter how the mad dragon roared and danced, he still remained. It was suppressed by the surging purple waves and fell.

"Brother-in-law, admit defeat..."

Next to Ruan Xingzhu, Ah Zi's face was full of anxiety. Although she had followed Xu Xin and had long since transformed into Xu Xin's shape, she still had such complicated feelings for Qiao Feng. Seeing Qiao Feng's condition In a critical situation, he couldn't help but shout loudly to ask him to admit defeat.

Xu Xin once promised her that if Qiao Feng chooses to admit defeat in another fight, if he lets her go once, it will be regarded as repaying the cause and effect of Qiao Feng's "gift of scriptures" in the past.

"Azi, A'Zhu..."

When Qiao Feng saw A'Zi in the turbulent waves, he... lost his fighting spirit. He seemed to have returned to the day in Juxian Manor and saw A'Zhu's shadow. Was A'Zhu calling him?
That day, he forced his way into Juxian Manor for A'Zhu and killed them all. He broke all ties with the heroes of the Central Plains and forged a deadly feud. The opponent in front of him was also a grudge from that battle.

At the end of the battle at Juxian Village, when Qiao Feng woke up from the red-eyed state of killing, he regretted what he had done. Although he suffered injustice along the way, he had also committed the killing with his own hands at that time, and he was disheartened. Feeling cold, he had thoughts of death.

At that time, if Xiao Yuanshan had not appeared in time to save him, and A'Zhu had accompanied him behind, promising to leave the fortress, Qiao Feng would not have been able to "survive" at all.

However, things are unpredictable. Because of Mrs. Ma's vicious plan, Qiao Feng killed A'Zhu by mistake.In the end, the cattle and sheep were stuffed and the promise was empty... Qiao Feng established himself as a man, with a strong and majestic mind. He had the courage and courage to fight against thousands of people, but he never thought of being tricked by fate. Hu Han's grudges require heroic tears.

From a great hero that everyone admired to a "street rat" that everyone shouted and beaten, Qiao Feng felt miserable in the world, but he did not compromise with his fate, but actively fought against it.

When the entire martial arts world stood against Qiao Feng, A'Zhu resolutely chose to stand by Qiao Feng's side and share the responsibility with Qiao Feng.

The appearance of A'Zhu made Qiao Feng feel less alone and lonely when he was fighting against the cruel fate.

Just after Qiao Feng and A'Zhu made a beautiful vow to herd horses and sheep outside the Great Wall, fate played another big joke on Qiao Feng.

On the bank of Xiaojing Lake, beside the bluestone bridge, Qiao Feng struck a dragon-subduing palm, and A'Zhu Xiang disappeared.After losing his beloved, Qiao Feng fell completely into the endless abyss of pain.

A'Zhu is dead, and Qiao Feng's heart is also dead. Although this body is still there, this life is gone, desolate and tragic.

There is no pain greater than the pain of the heart, and there is no sorrow greater than the death of the heart.

After that, Qiao Feng lived in pain. Because he accidentally injured Ah Zi, he traveled thousands of miles to heal and save people. He could see the shadow of Arjuna in Ah Zi, but he could clearly distinguish his feelings for the two.

For Azi, he has always regarded her as A'Zhu's sister. Just because A'Zhu's last words asked him to take care of her, he has always taken care of this "sister".

Ah Zi was kidnapped by Xu Xin. He had always been anxious and anxious. When they met again and saw that Ah Zi was fine, he seemed... to let go, as if he had returned to the day in Juxian Manor and had the idea of ​​​​death. Chi.As a God of War figure, dying in battle is actually not a bad thing.

"The universe has moved!"

Xu Xin's left hand suddenly raised, turned his palm into a claw, and grabbed the pile of rocks dozens of feet away. A large purple light swept out, and the rocky place suddenly exploded.


The power-absorbing method combined with the Great Shift of the Universe, sucked up a large number of dead rocks and rocks and moved them upwards. Rocks at least the size of a human head exploded and flew up, circling and flying in the terrifying purple light.

As Xu Xin raised his left hand, a whole swath of flying rocks hit Qiao Feng's position overwhelmingly.


When Ah Zi saw this scene, she let out a desperate scream.

Xuanci, Xuandu and others who were originally preparing to save people were dumbfounded. They had only heard of the Purple-Level Pagoda, where the spirit and spirit united to break the mountain, but they witnessed this terrifying scene of breaking mountains and moving rocks with their own eyes. My mind is blank.

Just when everyone thought Qiao Summit was over, Xu Xin looked away.A strong black shadow sprang out from a high forest outside the Shaolin Temple, blocking Qiao Feng without hesitation, and a shocking black light erupted from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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