The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 225: Nan Murong is dignified, but looks like a dog in embarrassment

Chapter 225: Nan Murong is dignified, but looks like a dog in embarrassment

Flying rocks littered the sky, smashing into ruins outside the Shaolin Mountain Gate. Qiao Feng, the big man in black, the monk in gray, and Jiumozhi each used their body skills to avoid it at the critical moment, but they were still injured.

They looked at each other, and they could see the horror in each other's eyes.

"Amitabha! Leader Xu's martial arts skills are world-famous, and becoming the leader of the martial arts alliance is what everyone expects..."

Xuanci's voice came out at this time, and no one in the martial arts community refuted it. Xu Xin's "moving mountains and filling seas" like a god, with explosive force, was of course "popular".

"Boy named Duan, do you want to die or live?"

When Xuanci's words fell, everyone could hear his dissuasion. This was to persuade Xu Xin not to continue taking action. Everyone was so proud that they didn't say much.However, before Xu Xin could respond, Murong Fu's voice was heard.

He and Duan Yu fought for a long time without catching anyone, but just when Xu Xin was breaking through the mountain and moving rubble, Duan Yu was distracted and he caught the opportunity. Murong Fu unexpectedly kicked him and knocked him down. Then he stepped on Duan Yu's chest with his right foot to humiliate him.

Before going to Shaoshi Mountain today, Murong Fu had made a plan. With Abi and his cousin Wang Yuyan playing pillow style together, his good brother Xu Gangzhu would give him a fight after defeating Xuanci, and he, Murong Fu, could take advantage of the opportunity to climb up. Ascend to the position of leader of the martial arts alliance.

But he never expected that so many things would happen on Shaoshi Mountain today and so many uninvited guests would come.Qiao Feng suddenly appeared. He originally thought that by teaming up with Xu Xin to capture Qiao Feng, he would gain the favor of the Central Plains heroes, but he did not expect that another Duan Yu would intervene.

When Xu Xin fought against Qiao Feng and exploded with mountain-breaking power, and when Xuanci spoke, he knew there was no room for maneuver on the matter.

Xu Xin's martial arts skills were much higher than his. Even if he pretended to lose to Murong Fu, no martial arts person would be convinced. His dream of being the leader of the martial arts alliance was shattered, and the cause of all this was the damn Duan Yu at his feet.

When Qiao Feng showed up, he had already planned to join forces with his good brother Gang Leader Xu to take down this Khitan villain.Without Duan Yu's intervention, if he and Xu Xin had joined forces, they might have captured Qiao Feng long ago, and the situation would not have gotten out of control. It was all this damn brat at his feet.

Murong Fu's heart was filled with anger, and his foot stepped on Duan Yu's chest with increasing force, wishing he could trample him to death.He only had one thought now, he had to vent his anger on this matter, he wanted to humiliate this damn Prince Dali and torture this brat severely.


Murong Fu's kick was so heavy that Duan Yu couldn't breathe even when he opened his mouth. His face turned red and he couldn't reply at all.

Suddenly he saw a figure rushing towards him like an arrow, and shouted sternly: "Don't hurt my son!"

Duan Zhengchun, the king of Dali Town South, had just recovered from the shocking scene when he saw that his precious son was in bad condition and rushed to rescue him.

A force of palm hit Murong Fu's vitals. If Murong Fu didn't rescue him in time, he would be seriously injured.He immediately raised his right palm to block Duan Zhengchun's palms.The palms of both sides stirred up each other, and each felt a shiver in their hearts. They both felt that the other's martial arts was quite impressive.

Duan Zhengchun was eager to save his beloved son. He used the index finger of his right hand to exert energy, and a bright yellow halo spread. He pointed out the "Yang Yang Finger", showing his powerful moves and powerful internal strength.

Murong Fu had heard about the power of the Yiyang Finger, so he did not dare to be careless. He placed his right foot firmly on Duan Yu, faced Duan Zhengchun head-on, and concentrated on attacking.

Duan Zhengchun saw that his beloved son was restrained, and thought that Murong Fu's feet would only need a little more force, and his son would be trampled until he vomited blood and died. The current situation was conducive to a quick battle, and it only made sense to rescue his son from danger first. The yang finger makes the tiger angry and aggressive.

At this time, I suddenly heard a strange voice saying: "Dali's Duan family pays attention to the austere atmosphere, grace and solemnity, and the demeanor of a king in the majesty. If you are so stubborn, you will become a beggar gang." If you become a disciple, what else can you do to become a Yangzhi?"

"Hehe, hehe, isn't this embarrassing the Duan family in Dali?"

The voice kept echoing around and he couldn't tell where it was, but Duan Zhengchun recognized it as the voice of his arch-rival Duan Yanqing. This "criminal man" disappeared for a time after the Leigu Mountain incident, but reappeared today. Got pregnant.

Duan Yanqing's words were originally good, but it was difficult to love his son, and caring about him would lead to chaos. How could Duan Zhengchun still have time to care about his appearance and demeanor?Yiyang pointed out that his strikes were getting harder and harder. This time, he became too ruthless and not calm enough. On the contrary, he was looking for opportunities for Murong Fu. "Hahaha...Dali Duan's Yang Finger is nothing more than that..."

Murong Fu turned his head to avoid Duan Zhengchun's finger. Taking advantage of the opponent's flaw, the middle finger of his left hand went straight forward and hit Duan Zhengchun's chest as fast as lightning.


Duan Zhengchun's martial arts was no better than Murong Fu's. If he missed a flaw and was hit, he would still have a chance of winning. He was hit by another palm and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He fell backwards and flew away.

"Duan Lang!"

Ruan Xingzhu, who was following Duan Zhengchun, couldn't help but scream, and hurriedly rushed out of the crowd to catch Duan Zhengchun who fell.

"How dare you hit my daddy!"

Duan Yu, who was on the sole of Murong Fu's feet, exploded after seeing Duan Zhengchun, whom he had called his father all his life, being injured. Internal energy naturally surged out from his index finger, and he used the "Shang Yang Sword" move in the "Six Meridians Divine Sword".

Others are like "care will lead to chaos", but Duan Yu is "care will lead to chaos", he is anxious and concerned, and his inner strength will show up.

But when he heard a scoffing sound, one of Murong Fu's sleeves was cut off by the invisible sword, and the sword energy collided with Murong Fu's palm.Murong Fu felt a numbness in his arm, and in shock, he jumped back hurriedly.

Duan Yu had practiced the Beiming Magic Kung Fu, absorbed the internal energy of many people, and once swallowed the King of Poisons, Manggu Crimson Toad. Although he was unwilling to take the initiative to practice martial arts, his internal energy was rare, and Xu Xin was the only one present who could stabilize him.At this moment, he exploded with anger and used his "sword" at Murong Fu one after another.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The Six Meridians Divine Sword transformed into a laser machine gun under the blessing of Duan Yu's powerful internal force, and sword energy of various colors shot towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu blocked and retreated in embarrassment, half of his sleeves were cut off, and holes were punched in the clothes on his body. In the blink of an eye, the good young master from a well-known family turned into a sloppy beggar.

"Brother, you are not yet proficient in the Six Meridians Divine Sword. You can use all six sword techniques at the same time. There will be a gap in between when switching. The opponent can take the opportunity to avoid it. You might as well try using only one sword technique."

At this time, Qiao Feng just took a breath of fresh air. With his martial arts skills, he could naturally see Duan Yu's problem, so he spoke to remind his sworn brother.

"Thank you, brother, for your advice!"

After Duan Yu thanked him, he concentrated on using the Shangyang Sword Technique, and charged towards Murong Fu with a series of bright yellow swords.Now that the Six Meridians Divine Sword has been activated, the internal force continues to be stimulated, and the sword's power does not diminish.

At this time, Murong Fu could not see the origin of the invisible sword energy at all, so he could only use hundreds of martial arts to protect his whole body from the wind and rain, and he would jump vertically and horizontally from time to time to avoid the sword energy with his body skills.

Suddenly there was a scoff, and Duan Yu's sword energy penetrated the surrounding area. Murong Fu's hat was cut off, and his hair was scattered all over. His clothes were ragged and he was in a mess.

The dignified Nan Murong looked as embarrassed as a dog!

How could Murong Fu, who had always been proud and arrogant, accept this.

(End of this chapter)

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