The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 227 In the Sutra Pavilion, the monk sweeping the floor

Chapter 227 In the Sutra Pavilion, the monk sweeping the floor

"My child, outside Yanmen Pass, the people from the Central Plains killed your mother who doesn't know martial arts without asking the reason. Do you think this revenge should be avenged?"

When Xiao Yuanshan and Qiao Feng met, they wanted to settle the old accounts from 30 years ago.

Said: "The hatred between parents is irreconcilable!"

Xiao Yuanshan said: "Most of the people who harmed your mother that day were killed by me on the spot. The former leader of the Beggar Clan, Wang Jiantong, died of illness, which finally gave him an advantage. But the leading 'evil man' is still alive and well. My child, what are you talking about? What should we do with him?"

Qiao Feng was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Dad, this person was fooled by rumors. It was not his true intention. He has now repented. And since dad is healthy today, the child thinks that the grudge against this person will be wiped out!"

Xiao Yuanshan shouted: "How can this big feud be wiped out! Besides, do you think the leader is a good guy? Your father, I know his true face, that is, he is a sanctimonious hypocrite who says one thing and does another behind the scenes. !”

He turned his head as he spoke, his eyes like lightning, and instantly locked onto Ye Erniang and Xu Zhu who were being escorted out by the Beggars Clan. In one breath, they were in front of everyone in the Beggars Clan. Quan Guanqing, Wu Changfeng and others subconsciously stepped back. .

"Stab!" With a sound, Xu Zhu was pulled to the ground by Xiao Yuanshan, his clothes were stripped off, and the white-haired bald monk was exposed to the sight of countless people. Only his back and both buttocks were visible. Nine precepts and incense scars.

Xiao Yuanshan pointed at the incense scar on Xu Zhu's body and said sternly: "Ye Erniang, why do you want to put a monk's incense scar on your child? Do you want your child to be a monk when he is born?"

"Ah! It's you, it's you! It's you who stole my child!"

Ye Erniang suddenly changed her color, screamed, raised her halberd finger, and gnashed her teeth, extremely angry.

The man in black said: "Yes, I snatched your child away, and I also caught the six bloody marks on your face. Do you know why I did this? Go ask the father of your child, isn't he present right now? ! Identify him!”

"No, no! I can't say."

"You can't say, let me tell you, the reason why you put Buddhist incense scars on your child is because your child's father is a Buddhist, a so-called eminent monk who is respected by others!"

"Ye Erniang, you were originally a good girl, gentle, beautiful, dignified and chaste. But at that time, you were seduced by a man with great martial arts skills and high status. You lost your virginity to him and gave birth to this child... "

What Xiao Yuanshan said caused an uproar among the people in the world. Judging from Ye Erniang's reaction, what he said was clearly not false. The person who had an affair with her was a monk, and a famous eminent monk.

Everyone was whispering and discussing.

"Good, good! Once you create a cause, there will be a result. Donor Xiao, all the sins are on me. If you want revenge, just come to me..."

Shaolin abbot Xuan Ci suppressed his injuries and walked out. While he was talking, he came to Xu Zhu and Ye Erniang's side. After putting his cassock on Xu Zhu's body, he looked at him for a long time and stretched out his hand to gently touch the top of his head. His face was full of tenderness and love, and he said: "You have been in the temple for 24 years, and I still didn't know that you were my son!"

As soon as Xuanci said this, the group of monks and heroes burst into an uproar.The expressions of surprise, horror, contempt, anger, fear, and pity on everyone's faces are so diverse that it is really difficult to describe.

Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin has a respected position, high moral character, and everyone in the martial arts world admires him. Who would have thought that he would do such a thing?After a long time, the noise gradually stopped.

Xuanci raised his head and said to Xiao Yuanshan: "Old benefactor Xiao, in the battle outside Yanmen Pass, I made a big mistake. Later, all the brothers in the family died trying to forgive me for this matter.

I once restrained myself and died on my own, hoping that my son would kill me to avenge Mrs. Xiao, but my son was kind-hearted and did not kill me, allowing me to live to this day.It's really too late for me to die today. "

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his voice and said: "Murong Bo, old benefactor Murong, you falsely conveyed news that day, saying that Khitan warriors were coming to Shaolin Temple in large numbers to seize martial arts classics, which led to all kinds of big mistakes..."

Xiao Yuanshan suddenly turned around, pointed at Murong Bo and shouted: "Old thief Murong, you are the chief culprit. I fought with you three times back then. I deeply regret that I didn't know your true face and didn't kill you hard. Come here and die!"

"Hahaha, Brother Xiao, let's take a step first!" Murong Bo just laughed, nodded towards Murong Fu and Jiumozhi, then jumped up and rushed towards the mountain.


Xiao Yuanshan and Qiao Feng hurriedly chased up the mountain from the left and right. These three people were all at the pinnacle of martial arts. In the blink of an eye, they were already far away.

But seeing Murong Bo, Xiao Yuanshan, and Xiao Feng running one behind the other, the three of them actually ran towards the Shaolin Temple.One gray shadow and two black shadows were instantly hidden among the yellow walls and green tiles of the Shaolin Temple.

"Daddy, Daddy!"

Murong Fu shouted and chased up the mountain. His Qinggong was pretty good, but compared to the three before him, he seemed inferior.

Jiumozhi's eyes flickered, and after hesitating for a moment, he followed.

The four generals of the Murong clan and the eighteen Khitan warriors who followed Qiao Feng also wanted to follow and help their master. However, as soon as they moved, they were blocked by a group of Shaolin monks.

"Form up and block the road!"

Master Xuandu gave an order, and more than a hundred Shaolin monks responded in unison, lining up in rows on the road, either holding their Zen staffs or raising their sabers, preventing anyone from coming forward.

He then said sternly: "Our Shaolin Temple is a good place for Buddhism. It is not a place for private fights. Donors, please do not enter without permission."

However, before Xuan Du finished speaking, he saw a purple light rushing into the depths of the Shaolin Temple, and Xu Xin had disappeared.Behind the Beggar Clan, Li Qiushui and Wu Xingyun beside Wang Yuyan, Li Qinglu and others also disappeared.


Behind the gate of Shaolin Temple, Xu Xin appeared and came to a forest next to the temple.He saw a bluestone path passing through the forest. He walked northwest along the path, turned a few turns, and his eyes suddenly became bright.

Only the sound of gurgling water could be heard, and a pavilion stood beside the mountain stream. On the top of the building was a plaque with the words "Sutra-Tiding Pavilion" written on it.

The Buddhist Scripture Pavilion of Shaolin Temple is famous all over the world.It was built near the water, far away from other buildings, for fear that a fire would break out in the temple and destroy the precious scripture collection.

When Xu Xin came to the Sutra Pavilion, he could hear several footsteps falling into it one after another. Murong Bo, Xiao Yuanshan and others were not much faster than him, but Xu Xin had no intention of following him to join in the fun. The nearby corridors were filled with casual movement.

Not long after, he saw a person in the corridor outside the window of the Sutra Pavilion. A skinny monk in green robes was holding a broom and sweeping the floor.

The monk looked quite young. His long and sparse beards were completely white. He was slow in movement and lacked energy. He did not appear to have any martial arts skills.

Xu Xin, however, stared at him carefully for a long time, then slowly walked up to the sweeping monk, cupped his hands and bowed.

"Meet the master!"

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(End of this chapter)

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