The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 229: The Dharma of Absorbing Power, the Black-Level Pagoda

Chapter 229: The Dharma of Absorbing Power, the Black-Level Pagoda

"Inspiration Dafa!"

A violent wave of purple energy suddenly hit the three-foot area of ​​the sweeping monk's invulnerable area. The next moment, a strong wind blew inside and outside the Sutra Pavilion. The pages of the sutra were turned rapidly, the leaves rustled and trembled, and everyone was unsteady on their feet.

"Beiming Divine Art? No..."

The sweeping monk became unusually serious. The air three feet in front of him was gradually distorted, and a trace of "qi" filled the air from his body.

His eyes sparkled with light, and he said in a deep voice, "Have you learned something from Xiaoyao Yufeng again? I'm so rude!"

The old monk sweeping the floor clasped his hands together, and layers of black energy filled his body. The sky and the earth were divided into two colors: black and purple. Behind him, a huge Buddha wheel full of Buddhist reliefs loomed.

The power of the black-level pagoda exploded in full force, and the originally colorless three-foot wall of energy in front of the sweeping monk turned into pitch black, with traces of black streaks gradually spreading outward.

"Black-level Buddha!"

Xuandu and Xuansheng both practiced the Yi Jin Jing, and their faces were full of horror after seeing this scene.This is the legendary black-level pagoda. In the history of Zen Buddhism, less than one person has practiced this magical skill to this level. Their Shaolin founder Bodhidharma is only at this level.

Many monks who have heard of the Yi Jin Sutra are chanting the name of the Buddha.

Among the four great magical skills of Shaolin, the boy's skill is the weakest, and its success is only as good as the eighth level of the Golden Bell.

Although the power of the golden bell shield to strengthen the indestructible body is astonishing in ancient times and today, the technique is too profound and difficult, and future generations will not be able to reach the realm of twelve gates without shields.

It is said that the "Marrow Cleansing Sutra" does not focus on strength, but on spiritual cultivation, and it has long been lost.

Therefore, the "Yi Jin Jing" is unique, and there is a saying in the martial arts world that "the complete Yi Jin Jing will be invincible in the world".However, no one in Shaolin Temple has been able to achieve the highest level of black-level pagoda in the "Yi Jin Jing" in the hundreds of years since the creation of Bodhidharma, the ancestor of Kung Fu.

But the sweeping monk in front of him actually succeeded. A sweeping monk in the Sutra Pavilion actually mastered this supreme magical skill in Buddhism. It is comparable to the founder of Bodhidharma in the past. This is a living god, Buddha and Bodhisattva!
Faced with Xu Xin's all-out power-absorbing technique, the sweeping monk also felt unprecedented pressure and dealt with it seriously.

In an instant, the powerful Qi of the Black-Level Pagoda of the Yi Jin Jing was like a river bursting its banks, surging, violent winds blowing, and it was out of control.

"Go back, go back!"

The monks and several people in the Sutra Pavilion were all frightened. They subconsciously tried their best to protect themselves and staggered backwards.

Even though they were in the outer layer of the black-level pagoda storm, Xu Xin, who was at the center of the storm and very close to the sweeping monk, naturally felt it even more deeply.

Thick black air surged in, and the miasma covered his eyes, seeming to swallow Xu Xin completely.In a daze, all kinds of terrifying visions piled up in his mind.

"Benefactor, let go..."


Xu Xin shouted loudly and merged human and god into one, turned into a purple light and rushed directly to the position of the sweeping monk. The three-foot wall of black-level pagoda could not stop him from taking action personally. The large black light was instantly swallowed up by the purple in Xu Xin's palm and swept into his body. Black light also appeared on his face instantly.

At this moment, Xu Xin seemed to have really entered the endless hell, and was forced to endure the seven tortures of burning, freezing, boiling oil, cutting his flesh, cutting in half, gouging out his eyes, and tongue gouging at the same time. It was like an eternity. Not allowed to turn over.

This is an illusion caused by the black-level pagoda. If you want to practice "Jin Lin Tian Xia Yi Jin Jing" to reach the black-level realm, you need to go through the "catastrophe" that people think.

Xu Xin forcibly absorbed the black-level pagoda, which naturally caused the strongest reaction, allowing him to personally experience the painful experience of endless hell.


Xu Xin's breathing became rapid, his eyes flashed between black and purple, and a large amount of black light filled his head and face, as if he was going to be possessed. "Empty to the end!"

The sweeping monk took the initiative for the first time, and slowly swung out his right hand into a palm, hitting Xu Xin in the middle of the palm in front of him.

In just an instant, all the visions in the world disappeared instantly, and Xu Xin's figure fell back.The old sweeping monk who was still there had his forehead soaked with sweat. Big beads of sweat slid down his gray eyebrows and dripped down his chin to the ground.


Two figures quickly appeared behind Xu Xin and caught him. They were Wu Xingyun and Li Qiushui. They also came to the Sutra Pavilion and were observing the situation before Xu Xin and the sweeping monk took action.

Xu Xin asked them to come here to identify people and wanted to confirm the identity of the sweeping monk.

Regarding his origin, no matter which version has made it clear, some say he is Xiaoyaozi, some say he is Li Canghai who disguised himself as a man, and some say he is Master Xiao Yuanshan, or the ancestor of the Murong family.

Xu Xin was not sure about anything, but the sweeping monk could recognize Xiao Wuxiang Gong, and he should have at least had contact with Xiaoyao Sect, so he asked Wu Xingyun and Li Qiu Shui to identify him in secret.

As for himself, he imitated Feng Yuxiu and came to ask for advice.As for life and death, Xu Xin can be sure that he will not die anyway, and he still has some trump cards. Even in the worst case scenario, if he is really beaten to death, he still has a golden finger, so be careful in the next life.

As for the reason for challenging the sweeping monk, it is naturally for a higher realm.Actual combat is the key to progress. If he doesn't experience the black-level pagoda himself, how can he go further and just rely on others' preaching?

He was able to gain more insights from Zhang Sanfeng back then, not only after fighting, but then discussing Tao and understanding.

"I'm fine, great master!"

Although Xu Xin's body was weak and his limbs were weak, he was fine. His face was just a little darker. The energy of the black-level pagoda was really hard to digest.

"The way of the donor is very special!"

The sweeping monk glanced at Xu Xin twice before commenting like this, and then looked at the Sutra Pavilion.

After the fight between Xu Xin and him, the Sutra Pavilion was in chaos. The five people inside, Qiao Feng and Murong Fu, managed to stand up with help.


The sweeping monk fell into the Sutra Pavilion and pronounced the Buddha's name. The ripples of Qi from the Black Pagoda swept across all directions, as if a "clean up" spell had been cast, and volumes of chaotic Buddhist scriptures flew everywhere. , arranged and summarized in an orderly manner.

"Master! Let's leave now!"

The sweeping monk entered the Sutra Pavilion to organize Buddhist scriptures. Qiao Feng and others had seen his extraordinary ability, so naturally they did not dare to stay here to cause trouble. After bowing, they were ready to leave and find another place to settle their grudges.

"Old layman Xiao, please go slowly. Do you feel a dull pain in the 'Liangmen' and 'Taiyi' points on your lower abdomen recently? How about the numbness in your 'Guanyuan point' recently?"

Qiao Feng supported Xiao Yuanshan and was about to leave, but was stopped by the sweeping monk.

Xiao Yuanshan trembled in surprise: "Master, how do you know... this numb spot was only as big as a little finger ten years ago, but now... now it is almost as big as the mouth of a teacup."

"Old donor Murong, can you still bear the pain of being pricked by thousands of needles three times a day on your three acupuncture points of Yangbai, Lianquan and Fengfu?"

The sweeping monk once again pointed out the problem with Murong Bo's practice. This time, people on both sides couldn't stop.

(End of this chapter)

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