The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 232 Going to the south of the Yangtze River, three generations of grandparents are in the sa

Chapter 232: Going to the south of the Yangtze River, three generations of ancestors and grandchildren are in the same frame (please vote for me)

People often say that there is heaven above, and there are Suzhou and Hangzhou below. Suzhou, a land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River, is naturally extremely prosperous and prosperous.

Xu Xin and his party traveled southeast from Songshan Mountain in Henan, and it took them more than half a month to arrive in Suzhou. They stopped and stopped along the way to view the beautiful scenery, which was very pleasant.

Suzhou in the south of the Yangtze River is known as a water town with many rivers, lakes and water. The very famous Taihu Lake is located in Suzhou.

"The fragrance of lotus flowers lingers for ten hectares, and my sister-in-law is too late to pick lotuses because she is greedy for fun. She comes late to get water and the bow of the boat is wet. She even takes off her red dress and wraps up the duck."

On the blue waves of Taihu Lake, several small boats followed the waves. A girl in green shirt held a pair of oars in her hands, paddling gently and slowly, and sang a ditty in her mouth. Her singing voice was delicate and innocent, joyful and moving.

Xu Xin lay lazily in the boat, with his head resting on the beautiful legs of Princess Li Qinglu of Yinchuan, squinting his eyes and enjoying a pleasant afternoon nap. Next to him, the plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum swordsman and the girl Xiaolei were caring for her, and Abina The soft singing voice relieves the boredom, it is really a joy.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the green waves reflected the golden waves. Abi smiled lightly and rocked the boat. Her pair of slender hands, with skin as bright as jade, reflected the green waves, making them seem transparent.

"Abi sings so beautifully!"

Xu Xin couldn't help but praise her. Although Miss Abi had been his for a long time, she still couldn't help showing her shyness.

"Young Master knows how to say nice things!"

Abi replied with a shy face, her face was full of tenderness, and her whole body was full of delicacy.With eight points of appearance and twelve points of elegance, she is no less beautiful than a very talented woman.Coupled with Wu Nong's soft words, his voice is extremely sweet and clear, which makes people feel indescribably comfortable.

"Sister Abi, your Mr. Xu must be telling the truth! Xu Lang, why don't you let sister Abi sing a song for you tonight...ah...sister Abi, you are planning a sneak attack..." "

The ghostly Azi was talking about tigers and wolves next to her, which made Abi so embarrassed that she wanted to hit her and couldn't help but splash water on her with her hands. The two sisters soon got into trouble.

Abi and Azi stopped splashing water after having a fuss for a while, mainly because it was the twelfth lunar month of winter, and most people would definitely catch cold when playing with water. They just followed Xu Xin and gained unparalleled advanced skills in the world, so that they could withstand the cold and heat.

"It's a pity that we came at the wrong time, otherwise Abi could let the young master taste some new products!"

Although the blue waves of Taihu Lake in winter are still the same, the lotus leaves and wild rice plants in the lake have long since turned yellow, and the scenery is not very good.As for the fresh products Abi mentioned, they are probably lotus pods, water chestnuts and other things from the lake. This kind of food has the best fresh taste.

"Sir, come and try some candied lotus root!"

Abi rowed for a while, and after teaching the fun-loving Azi, she took a plate of sugared lotus root from the cabin next to her, which she bought specially when she was in Suzhou City.

"The taste of this candied lotus root is clear but not greasy, just like the ditty Abi sings."

Xu Xin opened his mouth and waited for Abi to feed him. He was really lazy to a certain extent.Abi picked up a piece of candied lotus root and saw that the candied lotus root was slightly transparent, slightly stained with sugar frosting and rose petals. She gently put it into Xu Xin's mouth. The sweet, crisp and extraordinary sweetness made Xu Xin praise her with emotion.

Abi's face turned slightly red and she said with a smile: "Young master is so annoying. He makes fun of others and compares my songs to sugary lotus root. He is just like Mr. Duan in the past..."

At this time, A'Zi came over again and said, "Mr. Duan? That brother of mine? Sister A Bi, tell me, how did he, You, and Miss Wang know each other?"

"Ah, what is there to say? Ah Zi, hurry up and go rowing. We are almost at Mantuo Villa!"

Abi glanced at Wang Yuyan, who was the only one sitting alone in the boat, pushed Azi to row the boat, and stopped talking.

They rented several small boats for this trip to Taihu Lake. Most of the people on this small boat were girls related to Xu Xin, and Tong Lao Wu Xingyun was not there.The main reason is that she is still not used to being affectionate with Xu Xin in front of others. After all, she is a bit old...

As for Wang Yuyan, she was pushed up by Li Qiu Shui. Li Qiu Shui herself really wanted to serve Xu Xin, but Xu Xin liked her granddaughter and granddaughter more. Unfortunately, she only got one so far. Miss Wang... Anyway, Xu Xin is currently If you have time, take your time and play.

"Ah! Ah Zi, you are such a evil spirit. You didn't even know you were overdoing it. Fortunately, I discovered it early..." Abbi suddenly screamed and ran over to teach Ah Zi a lesson and snatched the flower from her hand. The oars turned and the boat turned. She seemed to be just moving the water casually, but it made the boat go very fast.

The waterways above Taihu Lake are dense, but Abi is very familiar with them. The many crisscrossing, chessboard-like waterways are as clear as the lines in her palms. She knows them from birth and does not need to identify them.

After a while, I saw a corner of the cornice behind the green and yellow reeds in the distance.

The boat slid forward slowly, and looking across the lake, one could see the distant shore covered with willow trees, with countless branches flying in the cold wind.

The boat then turned around a row of weeping willows and saw clumps of small trees by the water in the distance. They were camellias grown in Dali, but naturally they were not pretty in this season.

Camellia is also known as jade tea, and also has another name called datura flower.The original meaning of Mantuo Villa is a mountain villa planted with camellias.

"Ah! Sister Youcao!"

Abi docked the boat and went ashore, then climbed into the flowers and trees first. After walking only two steps, she met an acquaintance, a maid in green clothes.

"Miss, you are finally back!"

The maid in Tsing Yi came to the shore with Abi's hand. When she saw Wang Yuyan who had just disembarked from the boat, she immediately stepped forward excitedly with a smile on her face.

"Youcao, my mother is fine!"

Wang Yuyan sighed softly. What she had gone through for more than a year when she ran away at will was really... now she really wanted to see her mother.

"Madam has gone out. She seems to have received a letter from her cousin to discuss something... Counting the time, she should be back soon."

Youcao's words made Wang Yuyan's face change slightly, but she didn't say anything else in the end.Murong Fu lost face in Shaoshishan and his group, and she and her cousin seemed to be really drifting apart.

Just as Youcao finished speaking, he saw a speedboat approaching quickly on the lake, and it was close in the blink of an eye.The bow of the clipper was colorfully painted with flowers. As it sailed closer, it became clear that they were all camellias.

"Where do outsiders dare to break into Mantuo Villa?"

I could only hear a woman's voice shouting in the clipper. Her voice was quite majestic, but also quite clear and sweet.

"Madam, it's the young lady who is back!"

Youcao shouted quickly.

"Yu Yan is back, hurry up and row!"

The woman's voice sounded again, and the flower boat painted with camellia patterns quickly docked. Only the jingling of rings could be heard. Many women in green clothes walked out of the boat in pairs, all dressed as maids, holding various Holding a long sword, the blade is as white as frost in an instant, and the sword light reflects the color of the flowers.

A total of nine pairs of women came out. Eighteen women lined up in two rows, holding swords at their waists and pointing upwards. After they stood together, a woman walked out of the boat.

This woman is wearing a mink fur coat and a goose-yellow silk shirt. Her face has traces of the weather, her eyebrows, mouth and nose are all
She is somewhat similar to Wang Yuyan, Li Qinglu and Li Qiushui, and they all have the same beauty and beauty.

If nothing else, this is Li Qiushui's daughter, Wang Yuyan's mother, and the owner of Mantuo Villa, Mrs. Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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