The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 242: Xu Xin enjoys happiness, Duan family and his son suffer

Chapter 242: Xu Xin enjoys happiness, Duan family and his son suffer (please vote for me)
In the wooden house on the barren mountain, Xu Xin admired the indecent sleeping postures of Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing. After realizing that the two beauties had woken up, he carefully pushed their hands and feet away from him, and then He quietly stood up and walked out of the cabin.

"Sister Mu, don't pretend to be asleep, Brother Xu has already gone out."

Not long after Xu Xin went out, Zhong Ling quickly opened her eyes and quickly wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth. Also in the process of hurriedly, she found that Mu Wanqing had also woken up, so she pushed her.

"Zhong Ling, you damn girl, you drool while sleeping, it's so embarrassing..."

As soon as Mu Wanqing opened her eyes, she blamed Zhong Ling first to cover up her embarrassing behavior.

"Sister Mu, you are still talking about me, your feet are completely straddling Brother Xu to reach me... wuwuwu..."

Zhong Ling unceremoniously exposed Mu Wanqing's embarrassing behavior. Although she was asleep, she didn't feel anything. Xu Xin moved Mu Wanqing's feet away just now, which made her feel relaxed for a while.

"You damn girl, can't you please lower your voice! It's not embarrassing enough!"

Mu Wanqing is quite reserved and aloof in front of strangers. For example, she doesn't talk much to Xu Xin. This is mainly because her mother Qin Hongmian has instilled in her that men are not good things since she was a child, and also made her wear Don't have too much contact with men while wearing a veil.

Over time, Mu Wanqing had very few friends. The only familiar person of the same age was Zhong Ling. Later, she and Duan Yu... discovered that they were brother and sister.After becoming the princess of Zhennan Palace, she lived a normal girl's life for a while and had more contact with men.

"Ling'er, Miss Wanqing, are you awake?"

Xu Xin's voice came from the door. Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling both looked over. A puff of white mist rose, but it was Xu Xin who brought the hot water.

"Thank you Brother Xu!"

Zhong Ling called Xu Xin sweetly.

"Brother Xu, please call me Wanqing from now on!"

After Mu Wanqing said this, she took the wooden basin from his hand. For Mu Wanqing, who rarely had contact with men, this was considered very courageous.

"Okay, Wanqing!"

Xu Xin responded with a smile, and then closed the door again.

"Sister Mu, you...wuwuwuwu..."

Just when Zhong Ling wanted to tease Mu Wanqing, his sister suppressed him again.

The two of them didn't stay in the room for too long. After simply washing and dressing up, they walked out of the room.

Xu Xin came to them, hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Well, how is your Qinggong!"

"Brother Xu, you should take us with you! The most urgent task now is to find the whereabouts of dad and the others as soon as possible..."

Zhong Ling said softly, and Mu Wanqing nodded beside her.

When Xu Xin saw this, he didn't say much. He walked over and put his arms around the waist of the other. Two different fragrances were in his arms. He was hugging each other like this. He was really happy. Xu Xin had enjoyed this journey.

However, he did not delay his business because of his beauty. After the two of them grabbed hold of him, Xu Xin jumped up and disappeared into a phantom.


In a manor somewhere in the south of the Yangtze River, Duan Yu, Duan Zhengchun and others were sleeping on the bed, each bound by beef tendons. Outside where they were, Murong Fu, Duan Yanqing and others were waiting for news.

"Reinstatement, that person, that person..."

Mrs. Wang appeared here with her people, and he rushed over after getting the news about Murong Fu.

Murong Fu asked anxiously: "Auntie, there is no need to rush this matter. I sent a message last night asking you to check. Wasn't the man named Xu taken away? Why did he suddenly appear there..." "Reinstatement" , let alone us, Yuyan and the others don’t know about this matter. The news came this morning, it seems that the man just came back from Kuaiji Mountain..."

Mrs. Wang is not as anxious as Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing, because the relationship between Xu Xin and her... well, the ingredients are a bit complicated, and even if her side of the matter is exposed, there will be no danger.

"Auntie, make sure you don't have a tail when you come here!"

Murong Fu asked again worriedly. When Bao BuTong came back with his people last night, he brought news that Xu Xin suddenly appeared to save people, but he was frightened.

After witnessing Xu Xin's god-like martial arts on Shaoshi Mountain, he had no idea of ​​competing with that human enemy.

"Reinstated, are you doubting me?"

"Auntie, that's not what my nephew meant. He just wants to be careful and sail the ship for ten thousand years!"

"Hmph! Let me tell you clearly, that person is on his way back to Mantuo Villa, and he will definitely not be traced here."

Mrs. Wang said very confidently. Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing looked at each other and felt a little relieved.

"Reinstated, where is that person?"

Mrs. Wang then asked about the man's whereabouts. Perhaps she felt that she was too unreserved. Her face turned slightly red. She was a widow, and it was not good to openly ask about the whereabouts of a man.

"Auntie, those people are all in the room. King Zhennan, a few of his sweethearts, and Duan Yu, the little dog. Auntie, is there an antidote for the intoxicating bee? The one named Xu suddenly appears, and it can be there at any time. We may find clues, and we must achieve our goal as soon as possible."

Murong Fu urged Mrs. Wang. If Bao BuTong had not come back too late last night, it would have been difficult to rush on the road. He really wanted to rush on the road at night to stay away from Xu Xin.

"Don't worry about reinstatement. I've brought the antidote. It won't hinder your business. Let me see that person first..."

Mrs. Wang asked the maid to take out the antidote, and then a group of people entered the inner room. Murong Fu took a bottle of antidote, then pulled Duan Yu to his feet and stepped on him, first killing this enemy who had made him lose face. Wake up.

"Duan Lang!"

Mrs. Wang entered the room and finally saw the person she had been missing so much. She saw him with his eyes closed and frowning. He was wearing a wrinkled silk robe. He was Duan Zhengchun, whom she missed every day.Her chest felt sore, tears welled up in her eyes, and she threw herself on him.

"Clap! Clap! Clap..."

After a series of slaps, Duan Yu finally woke up. He felt a burning pain in his cheeks, and then heard a familiar voice in his ears.

"Duan, you finally woke up!"

"Mr. Murong! You..."

Duan Yu reluctantly opened his eyes and recognized that it was Murong Fu who was stepping on him. When he looked around and saw Duan Yanqing and Mrs. Wang, his heart was filled with shock and confusion.

"A Luo... leave quickly, this Qingpao... is a big evil person..."

Duan Zhengchun also woke up quickly. When he saw Mrs. Wang, his first reaction was to tell Mrs. Wang to leave quickly, but soon he found that Mrs. Wang and Duan Yanqing were looking at him coldly, and he quickly guessed When I got to the truth of the matter, a bitterness filled my heart.

"The Clay Bodhisattva is crossing the river and cannot protect himself. He is a great evil person, are you a great good person?"

Mrs. Wang did not reveal her tenderness towards Duan Zhengchun in front of Murong Fu and Duan Yanqing. After responding coldly, she turned to Duan Yanqing and said, "Your Highness, please!"

"Boy, come out with me..."

Duan Yanqing was preparing to force Duan Zhengchun to give up his position, while Murong Fu dragged Duan Yu out. He wanted to get something from this brat, and torture was inevitable.After the father and son regained consciousness, they suffered a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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