The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 244: If the father does not give up, Murong Fu is willing to worship his adoptive father

Chapter 244: If the father does not give up, Murong Fu is willing to worship his adoptive father
"Your Highness Duan, there is someone in the room over there that you are eager to see. Please move over and take a look."

Murong Fu's voice came from outside, and Duan Yanqing, who had been plotted, guessed that it was him.

Duan Yanqing calmly replied with ventriloquism: "Who is that? Mr. Murong might as well bring him out."

Murong Fu said: "He can't walk, so we have to ask His Highness to move."

After Duan Yanqing heard these words, Duan Yanqing felt clear in his heart that it was Murong Fu who had secretly drugged him. He was afraid of his martial arts prowess and was afraid that the drug would not be powerful enough, so he did not dare to rashly expose himself. He wanted to move around on his own, and See if the strength is still there.

He thought to himself that he had been paying attention since he entered the house. He neither took a sip of his tea nor smelled any special smell. Unfortunately, he was tricked anyway. He said calmly: "Mr. Murong, my Duan family in Dali is not good at using poison. You should Use 'One Yang Finger' to deal with me."

Murong Fu smiled and said: "The 'Sorrowful Breeze' below was taken from Xixia back then, with only a few additions to make it less of a piercing and tearful flavor."

"His Royal Highness Duan is under the command of Xixia Yipintang, and he treats each other with the 'Sorrowful Breeze'. He has not lost the family tradition of Gusu Murong's family of 'replying others with their own way'."

Murong Fu smiled and said: "To cure the poison of this 'Sorrowful Breeze', it is useless to use energy and condense Qi..."

Before Murong Fu finished his sentence, Mrs. Wang shouted: "Fu Guan, why did you poison my aunt too? Get the antidote quickly!"

Murong Fu said: "Aunt, my nephew has offended me. You should first detoxify your aunt."

Mrs. Wang said angrily: "Why stop less and stop more? Quick, get the antidote."

"I'm really sorry, aunt, but the antidote is not with my nephew."

As Murong Fu spoke, he walked into the hall, while Duan Yanqing breathed three times in a row, but it had no effect. Instead, his chest became even more aggravated, and he immediately sat down without saying anything and closing his eyes.

"Your Highness Duan, although I have charmed you, I have no intention of harming you. I only need Your Highness to promise me one thing. Not only will I offer you the antidote with both hands, but I will also kowtow to Your Highness to apologize."

Murong Fu came over and spoke very respectfully.

Duan Yanqing could not express any expression on his face and could only respond with ventriloquism, "Duan has lived for such a long time and has experienced countless storms and waves. How can he agree to anything under the coercion and threats of others? "

"Your Highness Duan, how dare Murong Fu threaten you? Everyone here can testify. I will first apologize to His Highness, and then I will respectfully ask for my supplication."

As he spoke, he bent his knees, knelt down, and kowtowed four times to Duan Yanqing in a very respectful manner.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Murong Fu suddenly performing such a great gift.

Murong Fu is now in control of the whole situation, and everyone's life and death are in his hands. Even if he is loyal to the world and is polite to Duan Yanqing, a senior master, such a deep bow is enough, but why should he grovel? Kowtow to him.

"As the saying goes, when you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something. I don't dare to accept this great gift from you, but I don't know what your instructions are."

Duan Yanqing was also puzzled, but seeing him being so respectful, the anger in his heart subsided a little, and his words became polite.

"His Highness already knows Murong Fu's wish. But reviving Dayan cannot be achieved overnight. Today I will help His Highness ascend the throne of Dali Kingdom."

"Your Highness has no children!"

"If you don't give up, Murong Fu is willing to worship his adoptive father!"

"Your Highness, please accept me as your adopted son. If you and I work together to achieve great things, wouldn't we get the best of both worlds?"

"The country of the Song Dynasty was derived from the Chai family of the Later Zhou Dynasty. At that time, the Taizu of Zhou Dynasty, Guo Wei, had no descendants and took Chai Rong as his son. Chai Shizong was a talented man and had a great strategy. He organized the army and practiced martial arts, which made him famous for the great tree of the Later Zhou Dynasty. The Guo family's blood diet lasted for many years, and it was passed down to later generations. Just to talk nicely. The example is not far away, I hope Your Highness will learn from it."

Duan Yanqing's heart moved when he heard the words "Your Highness has no children". After pondering for a long time, he said, "Do you really want me to adopt you as my adopted son?" Murong Fu said solemnly: " Exactly."

"But then you have to change Murong's surname to Duan? In the future, when you become the emperor of Dali, you will have to put away your thoughts of reviving Yan. Murong will have no heirs from now on. Can you do this?"

Duan Yanqing guessed that Murong Fu might have agreed well now. If he really passed the throne to him in the future, this guy might change his surname back to Murong when he became the king of Dali.

But now, including his life and death, all depended on Murong Fu's thoughts, so he could only accept the offer in vain, and if he agreed too readily, it would appear that he was insincere and had bad intentions.Therefore, Duan Yanqing wanted to ask three difficult questions in a row, to make progress before retreating, so that Murong Fu would be convinced.

In addition, Murong Fu's idea also stirred Duan Yanqing's heart. He indeed had no children. In the future, those who were considering successors did need to adopt an adopted son, but it must not be an ambitious person like Murong Fu.

"This one……"

Murong Fu pondered for a moment. In fact, he had already thought of all the measures he would take to become the Emperor of Dali in the future. This was not far from Duan Yanqing's guess. He also thought that if he agreed too readily, it would appear to be dishonest and had bad intentions.

After hesitating for a long time, he said: "Although I am not an unfilial person who forgets his roots, he does not care about small details when he achieves great things. Since Fu'er worships Your Highness as his father, he should be loyal to the Duan family and be single-minded."

"Wonderful, wonderful! I wandered around the world without a wife or children. Unexpectedly, I got a beautiful son in my old age, which brings great joy to my life. Your child is young and handsome, and he is proficient in family martial arts. I am really pregnant..."

Duan Yanqing is also a good actor, and everyone present has no doubts about the sincerity and sincerity in his words.

Murong Fu said happily: "Your Highness is a senior hero in the martial arts world. He will always stick to his word and never regret it. My foster father is here, and I kowtow."

As he spoke, he bent his knees and knelt down again, ready to pay homage to his adoptive father.

"No, no! This is absolutely impossible!"

At this time, someone outside the door said loudly, the door curtain was lifted, and several people strode into the house. It was the four ministers of the Murong family. The bags that spoke were different, their legs and feet were bound and stained with blood. He was the one who led the team to arrest Zhong Ling yesterday. He was far away. Seeing Xu Xin from afar, he jumped off the cliff and was seriously injured.

Bao Tong angrily rebuked Murong Fu's behavior. If he worshiped Duan Yanqing as his adoptive father and changed his surname to Duan, it would be unfaithful, unfilial and unkind.

"Master, if you seek refuge in Dali and rebel in the future, it will be disloyal; you will worship Duan Yanqing as your father and be filial to the Duan family, but it will be unfilial to the Murong family; filial piety to Murong will be unfilial to the Duan family; you will kill people in the future The officials in Dali are being unkind, you..."

Before Bao BuTong finished his last sentence, he suddenly heard a sound of waves and was hit hard in the middle of his vest. Bao BuTong spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground with his breath in and out.

Murong Fu said coldly: "It is unjust for me to betray my friends for glory."

Feng BoE hugged Bao BuTong and shouted: "Third brother, third brother, what's wrong with you?"

Murong Fu committed the murder, and the person who hated Bao Butong was not that he was rude to him, but that he was outspoken and revealed his plans in his heart.

This kind of guy who makes his own decisions and guesses his master's thoughts but acts rashly is like Yang Xiu of the Han Dynasty, who was a sure way to die.

"My child, if you want to achieve great things, don't stick to trivial details. If you really love Mr. Duan, you must follow me to Dali alone..."

When Duan Yanqing saw Murong Fu cut off his arm and killed him, he felt happy and asked him to continue killing him.

When Murong Fu heard this, he unsheathed his long sword, and the faint green light on the sword's edge only reflected a pale green color on his snow-white face.

"Cousin, you can't make the same mistake again and again..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside. Murong Fu was startled. He looked up and saw several figures entering one after another, including Wang Yuyan, Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing, Azi... and finally Xu Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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