The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 247 I’ll keep this secret of yours for the rest of my life!

Chapter 247 I’ll keep this secret of yours for the rest of my life! (Ask for monthly ticket)
Bright candlelight illuminated every corner of the room, and Xu Xin carefully looked at Zhennan Princess Dao Baifeng in front of him.

Duan Zhengchun's Phoenix has fair skin and very beautiful appearance. Although she is a little older, she still has the charm of a mature woman. Coupled with the blessing of the status of princess, she has a unique charm that those young girls do not have.

Wearing a Taoist crown and a snow-white Taoist robe, standing under the candlelight, she looked a bit like Guanyin Bodhisattva. No wonder Duan Yanqing misunderstood her that year.

"The beauty of Tianxiang Country, the majestic Princess Zhennan of Dali, actually got together with a sloppy beggar with a mutilated body... You didn't know his true identity at the beginning! Why did you do that..."

Xu Xin's words made Dao Baifeng's body tremble, and her mind trembled.That year, she didn't know what was wrong with her that she would do something like that, with a beggar who was dirty, smelly, and covered in wounds...

At that time, she seemed to be taking revenge!

Firstly, it was out of revenge against Duan Zhengchun to debase himself, and secondly, he thought that such a disabled and injured beggar would not live long, so this matter would be an eternal secret.

But she never expected that the beggar from back then was still alive, and that the secret was now known to others.

"What do you want?"

Dao Baifeng closed his eyes, and his jade face trembled slightly when he spoke.

"Didn't the princess just say that King Zhennan and I are the same person? I don't deny this. Mr. Xu has never concealed his lust for women. It's pitiful that I have no one to accompany me during this long night! "

Xu Xin's hands were no longer satisfied with Princess Zhennan's catkins, and gradually began to move to other parts of the body. This made Dao Baifeng open his eyes in shock.


From Xu Xin's frivolous and wanton eyes, Dao Baifeng already understood his intention.She really wanted to kill the stinky man in front of her with a knife, but that matter was so important that she had to keep it a secret forever, even if she had to pay any price.

"I'm very curious about what the princess did back then. I wonder if you can let me experience it myself!"

Xu Xin said this, when Dao Baifeng heard his excessive request, her face couldn't help but tremble, and her face turned pale.

"Of course the princess can choose to die, but the secret cannot be kept! And by then, Brother Duan may have not just one father, but many."

"After all, if something happens once, it can happen countless times, and once it is publicized, most people will believe it is countless times..."

"If Brother Duan knew that his mother had done something like that, and that he fell from heaven to earth overnight, he would go crazy!"

"no, do not want……"

Dao Baifeng heard Xu Xin mention Duan Yu and panicked when she heard about her son.

She lived a very miserable life, and her father gave her to the Dali royal family for marriage.My husband loves to look for women, and except for the occasional sweet words to excuse himself, he spends most of his time exerting himself on other women.

The only thing she has now is her son, Duan Yu, the only son who truly belongs to her, and Duan Yu is everything to her.

"Princess, if you want to be successful in life, you must have all the fun."

"The King of Zhennan spends his days wandering around looking for flowers, behaving like a despicable young woman from a good family, and an ignorant girl. How often has he considered your feelings? You chose revenge back then, and this is just a repeat of the past!"

Xu Xin's words caused a ripple in Dao Baifeng's heart, and she allowed someone to lead her to the bedside, and then... lowered the curtain.

Xu Xin quickly realized what the Long-haired Guanyin was, which was really awesome... and perhaps because he was not satisfied after being separated from Duan Zhengchun for many years, he deeply understood Dao Baifeng's loneliness and enthusiasm.

Dao Baifeng was a little uncooperative at first, but then she started to completely indulge. I don't know if she had been lonely for too long, or if she was still venting her dissatisfaction with Duan Zhengchun over the years.Or maybe this time she finally found a reason to convince herself to indulge and make up for the emptiness of many years.Anyway... Princess Zhennan is very enthusiastic, that's all I can say... everyone can imagine the rest.

The candlelight fell on Dao Baifeng's cheek through the gap in the curtain. "Guanyin Bodhisattva" was lying next to someone, letting him do whatever he wanted.

"I have given you what you want, you will completely forget about this!"

Dao Baifeng's voice was a little dry, and he didn't know whether he was thirsty or dumb.

"I'll keep this secret of yours for the rest of my life."

Xu Xin's eyes were clear when he was laughing.He was used to being without women, but he was satisfied again. Not to mention lifting his pants to deny recognition, but at least now he was comparable to the ancient sages. After having fun, it was time to get down to business.


When Dao Baifeng heard Xu Xin's shameless words, he was so angry that he was about to slap away someone's hands that were still groping. This person was really too hateful.

"It's okay for the princess to ask me to keep the secret first. I'm a womanizer and a martial artist. I'm very interested in the Dali Duan family's martial arts, Yang Finger and Six Meridians Divine Sword, but I don't know, Princess Can you fulfill my wish?"

When Xu Xin got down to business, he couldn't help but try the Yang Finger method on Princess Zhennan. The effect was quite good.

"You, you are also a shameless womanizer... you only use it on women."

Dao Baifeng felt that familiar...recalling some of the uses of Duan Zhengchun's Yiyang Finger, and couldn't help but spit on someone with considerable contempt.

"What the princess said, if I wasn't lustful, how could you keep your secret?"

Xu Xin not only felt ashamed, but also very proud. He didn't want to let this unorthodox method be the easiest way to collect "golden light"'s strange.

"If it's a Yang finger, I can give it a try, but the Six Meridians Divine Sword..."

"Brother Duan, doesn't he know how to use the Six Meridians Divine Sword? You can distract King Zhennan and take Brother Duan back to Dali first. I think King Zhennan will be very willing. You can remind Brother Duan on the way that it will be beneficial to redo the sword manual. The inheritance of the Duan family. A son will always listen to what his mother says..."

"I-I can try!"

Xu Xin's idea was clear and logical, and Dao Baifeng agreed after thinking about it for a while.

"There's one more thing. You just said that you can get Zhong Ling, Wanqing and A'Zi together..."

Xu Xin only now talked about Dao Baifeng's initial proposal. He also wanted to hear what good ideas Princess Zhennan had.

"You really like those little bitches!"

When Dao Baifeng mentioned Azi and the others, his tone was very rude.

Xu Xin did not coddle this woman, but used a little force to make her wake up.They are also women who are ready to sleep with each other, but in comparison, Xu Xin prefers Ah Zi and Zhong Ling.

He smiled coldly and said: "According to what you said, that reputation is nothing..."

(End of this chapter)

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