The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 255 If it works, it works. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. What does it mean to slow do

Chapter 255 If it works, it works. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. What does it mean to slow down!

"Brother Xu is already here? Why don't you take off the hijab?"

On the wedding red bed, Zhong Ling's lowered head saw a pair of shoes coming closer. She knew that Xu Xin had arrived, but Xu Xin didn't wear a hijab after he arrived, which made her a little nervous.

"Brother Xu!"

Zhong Ling called Xu Xin softly, and he could feel her uneasiness through the red hijab. Xu Xin looked down at the little girl anxiously, and suddenly felt that it was quite interesting to bully others like this.But you can't bully a little girl too hard like this, otherwise you won't be able to coax her.

In the new house, Zhong Ling, who was nervous and uneasy, raised her head slightly to observe something through the hijab, but she never thought that the hijab on her head was slowly lifted, and a smirking face appeared in front of her.

"Brother Xu, you are so bad..."

When Zhong Ling looked at Xu Xin like this, she didn't know that he was teasing her. She became angry softly and her face glowed.Her face was rosy, her mouth was slightly open, and she was very delicate. She was telling her dissatisfaction with her lover, showing an innocent look, indescribable innocence and cuteness.

"Ling'er, what is this on your hand!"

Xu Xin looked at the beautiful Zhong Ling and couldn't help but tease her again.

"This, this is... what's underneath... Grandma said she would check it tomorrow..."

When Zhong Ling heard him ask about the white handkerchief, her face suddenly turned redder, and she lowered her head again while speaking.

"Ling'er! It's time to have a drink!"

Xu Xin walked closer, took two gold cups, filled them with fine wine, and then handed one cup to Zhong Ling's hand. Zhong Ling obediently followed his wishes.

With their hands around each other, they exchanged a glass of wine and drank it down in one gulp. Zhong Ling's red lips became brighter and brighter, and her round face was smiling brightly. There was a small dimple at the corner of Zhong Ling's mouth, and her eyes were like crescent moons, which were particularly beautiful.

Under the candlelight, Zhong Ling's face was delicate and charming. Xu Xinxin already had the intention of picking it up, and he felt a heat rushing straight to his Dantian.Of course, he was not as anxious as if he had never seen a woman in his eight lifetimes.

"Brother Xu!"

Xu Xin leaned forward slightly, gently held his slender waist, and leaned forward. Zhong Ling's red lips moved slightly, whether he wanted to hide or take the initiative. Anyway, Xu Xin's thousands of words were swallowed back in his stomach.

The originally cold brocade quilt was flushed with red waves, Xu Xin held the hot and delicate body in his arms, and after a long and suffocating kiss, Xu Xin stretched out his hand, and his hand was filled with tenderness.

"Xu, Brother Xu, Ling'er is ready, come on..."

Zhong Ling blushed so much that she almost bled, but her hands wrapped around Xu Xin's neck proactively, and her two jade-white arms shone brightly under the candlelight.The little beauty's breath was like orchid, and the fragrance was like musk. Zhong Ling closed his eyes, looking like he was letting him do whatever he wanted.

Xu Xin began to untie Xiao Zhongling's clothes, and the gorgeous Luo Shang was untied bit by bit, revealing the obscene clothes inside.Finally, he untied the outer restraints and admired the little coat embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water.

He held her shoulders and helped her up. The bun on her head was loosened and her hair was scattered on the snow-white skin on her shoulders. The beauty made people's breath stop.

Xu Xin's fingers gently slid across the snow-white skin, leaving a pink red mark from her chest to the back of her neck on the jade-like snow skin. With a pull of his fingers, he opened the knot at the back of her neck. The close-fitting clothes slipped silently down to her waist.

"Ling'er, you smell so good!"

Xu Xin chuckled and leaned forward, stretched out his hands and hugged the delicate body in front of him tightly, as if he wanted to rub little Zhong Ling into his body.

After a tender cry, he finally fully tasted the taste of little Zhong Ling.

Luohong is not a heartless thing, but the love is endless.The beauty's eyes were blurred, and she was infinitely shy. There were tiny spots of sweat on her forehead and the tip of her nose.

Yue'er seemed to be shy and hid in the clouds.

"Linger, Linger..."

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Xin gently called Zhong Ling, who had fallen asleep. The little girl muttered but did not wake up.

"Ling'er, I'll leave first!"

Xu Xin kissed Zhong Ling lightly on the cheek, and then got up from the bed. He was going to be the groom for the fourth time tonight and had to rush to the wedding.Fortunately, he has been recharging his energy in the past two days, so he shouldn't be able to hold on to the wall tomorrow.

He got dressed and just got out of bed. He felt that his steps were sloppy and thought that it was really terrible. Beauty is a disaster. The ancients would not deceive me.


"Yu Yan, it's me!"

In another room, Wang Yuyan was sitting on the new bed, also holding a supa in her hand. Among the girls, her mood was the most complicated.

Azi had had a happy relationship with Xu Xin a long time ago, and they were privately engaged for the rest of their lives. She was happiest to have such a grand wedding banquet.

Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing first fell in love with Duan Yu, but they were blood relatives, so they could only let their brother give up. This was good for everyone.And Xu Xin heroically saved the beauty at the critical moment, and after a series of things, he finally won their hearts.

As for Wang Yuyan, the first person she fell in love with was her cousin Murong Fu. However, she first experienced being betrayed by her cousin in Lingjiu Palace, and then saw Murong Fu kneeling down to beg for mercy that day. My cousin's perfect image was shattered.

In this case, her grandmother, mother, and father all agreed to marry her to Xu Xin. The matchmaker ordered her to marry her, and the fairy sister who grew up under traditional education finally chose to accept her fate.

In the room, the process was still similar. Wang Yuyan was not as resistant to Xu Xin as she imagined, or in other words, her body and mind were quickly conquered.

Being rolled over and sweating profusely, Xu Xin looked at Wang Yuyan's face that was very similar to Li Qinglu's, and couldn't help but think of that night when his Meng Gu dressed up as her aunt Mrs. Wang. It was really... so exciting. .

"Yuyan, Yuyan...hahahaha..."

Late at night in the front yard of the Prince Consort's Mansion, Duan Yu listened to the maids discussing that the Prince Consort had gone to Princess Yuyan's room. He finally let go of a certain obsession in his heart. After laughing wildly for a while, he drank heavily. Let yourself get completely drunk.

That night, Xu Xin came and went, exhausted.

When he finally went to Ah Zi's room, he opened the door and drank a glass of wine, then covered his head and lay on the bed for a while.

When the little witch Azi saw this, she started taunting him and said some weird things she heard from him.What... if it works, it works, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. What does it mean to slow down!

However, Xu Xin is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. He will not be fooled by the little witch teasing her. Anyway, when he recovers after a while, he will always be able to make this little girl look good.

That night, Azi finally told her brother not to do it.

And Xu Xin fell into a deep sleep after enjoying all the beauty.When the sky began to turn white, Xu Xin opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. Feeling his condition, he was afraid that he couldn't even hold on to the wall and walk away...

(End of this chapter)

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