The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 257 Something is wrong with Changchun Valley, something is wrong with Mu Wanqing

Chapter 257 Something is wrong with Changchun Valley, something is wrong with Mu Wanqing (there is another chapter a little later)
"Spirit tree? Demon tree?"

Xu Xin woke up the moment he was startled by Mu Wanqing, and instantly realized something was wrong with him. He was actually in a big tree, wrapped in countless roots and vines, with only his head exposed.

His body seemed to be losing its life rapidly. His physical body was much weaker than before, and his jet-black hair was like weeds.

However, following Mu Wanqing's exclamation, Xu Xin woke up and instantly activated his energy-absorbing technique, frantically plundering his own essence.

Behind Xu Xin, the giant tree that had grown for an unknown number of years quickly withered with lush branches and leaves, while his body was undergoing a crazy transformation, with spiritual energy entering his body, his body was crystal clear, and his spirit was radiant.

At this moment, he was in perfect harmony with heaven and earth. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth penetrated from his pores and turned into the purest vitality. Then the vitality returned to heaven and earth. As he contracted and released, Xu Xin's withered body quickly regained strength, and his long black hair The hair is scattered around the shoulders.

A ball of black Gang Qi naturally emerged and turned into a black ball, covering Xu Xin.

The Yi Jin Jing, the Black-Level Pagoda... is done.

"Wanqing, I'm fine!"

Xu Xin said to Mu Wanqing again, and then walked out of a puddle of a giant tree. As he walked out, the giant tree collapsed, as if it had been withered for countless years.

"This Everlasting Valley of Agelessness is really weird. When I saw the warning on the bark of the tree at the mouth of the valley, I thought that the so-called danger was only for ordinary people, but I didn't expect that I, who was in the innate realm, almost got killed. This spiritual demon tree, Is he the guardian of Changchun Valley? It’s really scary!”

Xu Xin jumped up, purple energy swirling under his feet, allowing him to fly higher. Looking down from a high place, he could clearly see that this "big tree" was actually a plant similar to a pitcher plant, and Xu Xin It was its "cage" that we just fell into.

As soon as he entered it, he felt that there were many strange phenomena in front of him, and his five senses were lost.

This big tree is a spiritual thing that Xu Xin has seen in his life. It contains abundant spiritual energy, but if ordinary people are attacked by it... Xu Xin can't help but look at Mu Wanqing next to him, why something happened to him, and then Mu Wanqing Is everything okay?

"Xu Lang, have you discovered anything?"

Mu Wanqing called him softly from below, and Xu Xin slowly fell down.

"I seem to have found the real entrance. Let's go this way."

Xu Xinxin had a lot of thoughts, but in the end he couldn't figure it out. He looked down at the earth from a high place, and soon found a cave at the other end of the decayed tree, and pointed the direction to Mu Wanqing below.

Xu Xin fell down and entered the cave with Mu Wanqing. After passing through a dark tunnel, when they saw the light again, everything was so beautiful.

The snow-capped peaks are steep and undulating, surrounded by cascading peaks, with a deep valley in the middle.At this time, it is early spring, and even in the southernmost part of Dali, there are no grass growing, orioles flying, and peach blossoms and willows green, but in this deep valley of snow-capped mountains, it is full of green and spring flowers are blooming.

This valley is not big, only several miles in diameter. On the edge of the valley, an invisible cover seems to rise out of thin air, covering the entire valley. The inside and outside of the valley are like two worlds.

Next to the green grass is the white snow. The two are intimate but distinct.

Every inch of the valley is covered with bright green flowers and grass. In the center of the valley, there are rows of wooden houses, covered with ivy. The morning glories in the corners are in full bloom, with lavender flowers blowing in the wind. Moving, light and cute.

There are more than a dozen trees of various types scattered beside the wooden house, each one is only about the thickness of a thigh, and looks about the same thickness.

Peach blossoms are pink, pear blossoms are snow-white, apricot blossoms are bright yellow... all kinds of flowers that do not bloom at the same time are blooming together at this moment, which is so beautiful.In the depths of the snowy mountains where no one dares to set foot, there is such a valley. It is so beautiful and strange that it makes people feel like they are in a dream. They can't help but want to keep their eyes open and prove that the scene they see is false.

Xu Xin possesses unique skills and can walk on flat ground among the cliffs. He holds Mu Wanqing's slender waist and jumps down into this fairyland on earth.

After Xu Xin fell into the Changchun Valley, his ears twitched. He seemed to hear the faint sound of gurgling water, and everything around him seemed a bit unreal.

He followed the sound to explore, and soon smelled a special fragrance, which seemed to be echoing in a corner of the Immortal Changchun Valley, but the fragrance was stronger in some places.

Xu Xin followed the fragrance and the sound of flowing water all the way to a place where the clouds were misty and misty, like a fairyland.This is the deepest part of the valley, with a mountain wall as smooth as jade, and a small stream splashing down from a high place, forming a pool.

The crystal clear water has no impurities at all and is crystal clear.

"Aura doesn't seem to be fake, but there seems to be something wrong?"

Xu Xin stepped forward and reached out to take a handful of water in his hand, and found that it did contain extremely rich spiritual energy, but like the spiritual demon tree before, it seemed to also contain some kind of hallucinogenic energy.

When he fell into that "cage" before, he felt as if his whole body was wrapped in spiritual material and was about to get drunk.

But when he finally woke up, he discovered that it was just an illusion, but he finally broke through the black-level pagoda, which was both real and illusory, making people a little confused.Therefore, Xu Xin judged that there was something wrong with the Immortal Changchun Valley.

"Wanqing, the mountains and water here are good, how about we take a bath!"

Xu Xin turned his head and looked at Mu Wanqing, but unexpectedly the girl nodded.

"Xu Lang!"

Mu Wanqing took the initiative to come to Xu Xin and threw herself into his arms. A wave of heat rose rapidly. Xu Xin's blood was racing and his lust was overwhelming. However, he felt the girl in his arms was panting softly and the fragrance was lingering. , in a confused mood, he kissed her on the lips.

Under this kiss, Mu Wanqing's whole body felt weak. Xu Xin picked her up and gently untied Luo Shang. After a while, the dress fell to the ground.

Xu Xin leaned forward, and soon raindrop-like kisses fell on her delicate cheeks, moist red lips, slender pink neck, delicate collarbone...


Two figures entered the water, with Xu Xin holding Mu Wanqing in his arms. There seemed to be something wrong with both of them.

Xu Xin sensed that something was wrong in Changchun Valley of Eternity early on, and Mu Wanqing who woke her up seemed to be wrong as well. However, the impact on her seemed to be different from hers, and it did not cause much harm. Unlike Xu Xin, who had experienced a A life and death crisis.

But so far, except for the time when entering the valley, there seems to be no other danger.So Xu Xin took advantage of this opportunity and took a mandarin duck bath, enjoying the initiative that Miss Wanqing had never had before.

Immortal Changchun Valley was suddenly filled with the breath of spring, melodious low singing sounded, and waves of ripples echoed in the water...

(End of this chapter)

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