The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 259 If you have nothing to do tonight, you can also listen to the music

Chapter 259 If you have nothing to do tonight, you can also listen to the music

Bianliang, also known as Kaifeng, Daliang, Dongdu, Tokyo, and Bianjing, was the capital of the Wei State of the Warring States Period, the Later Liang, the Later Jin, the Later Han, the Later Zhou Dynasty during the Five Dynasties, and the current Northern Song Dynasty.

Bianliang ranks among the best in the world, and has great conveniences in land and water transportation. It has outstanding advantages, but its disadvantages are also very obvious, that is, it is located on the North China Plain, with no danger to defend, and the disadvantage is obvious.

In addition, the Yanyun barrier in the north has not been recovered, and using Bianliang as the capital would do more harm than good.At the time of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, he wanted to move the capital to Luoyang.The ancient capital of Luoyang, with Hangu in the west and Hulao in the east, is not very far from Bianliang. In any case, it is more suitable to be the capital than Bianliang.

But Zhao Guangyi, the governor of Kaifeng at the time, retorted: "Anti-government depends on virtue but not danger. The Qin Dynasty occupied the pass and oppressed the people with cruelty, and would perish within two generations."

Looking back later, Zhao Guangyi's words were nonsense.But it must be admitted that these words were very beautiful, which made Zhao Kuangyin speechless. Afterwards, he said to his surroundings: "The words of King Jin are indeed good, but within a hundred years, the people of the world will be in ruins!"

After the sound of the candle shadow and the axe, Zhao Guangyi succeeded to the throne. He lost face when the donkey cart ran away, and he never dared to look north again for the rest of his life.

Later, in order to defend Bianliang, the capital city, the Northern Song Dynasty could only station troops in the capital and key areas. The imperial army and local troops amounted to a million, but less than [-]% of the soldiers could fight. This was a serious redundancy of troops, which was really a policy that was destructive to the world.

Many people say that the foreign war winning rate of the Zhao and Song dynasties was even higher than that of the Han and Tang dynasties.But one thing needs to be made clear: Zhao and Song's so-called external victories were all small victories, and most of them were defending the city and allowing foreign enemies to plunder. Is this worthy of being called a victory?

At this time, Bianliang was perhaps the most prosperous place in the world.With rivers and lakes crisscrossing the country, a mild climate, and convenient transportation, there are countless merchants from various countries.

Bianliang has a population of one million and has a grand city wall consisting of an outer city, an inner city, and an imperial city, with a triple city wall and three moats.Transportation within the city is compatible with water and land, and the Bianhe River flows smoothly.

On this day, Xu Xin traveled around Kaifeng along the Bianhe River, looking at the endless bustling streets on both sides.Countless stores are crowded with customers and there are many shops.

Kaifeng is full of flowers, with countless restaurants everywhere, including 72 main restaurants, with flying bridges and sills, light and dark, bead curtains embroidered on foreheads, bright lights, and hundreds of girls sitting in the main corridor to entertain the drinkers. call.

Kaifeng is bustling day and night. At night, in the streets and alleys and in various teahouses, there are dramas, a cappella singing, puppetry, storytelling, acrobatics, shadow puppets, sumo wrestling... it is a bustling scene.

But who could know that just a few decades later, the prosperity of Bianliang City would be destroyed under the blind command of two incompetent emperors and a group of civil servants.

Huizong Zhao Ji, a frivolous and unruly person, avoided the throne and became the Supreme Emperor in the face of war, single-handedly pushing the land of China into the abyss.

Who could have imagined that when the Jin army came to the city, Huiqin and Qin were deposed, and the two absurd father and son were not thinking about how to defend themselves against the enemy, but trying to find ways to seek peace.

This was the root of the Zhao and Song dynasty since Zhao Kuangyin promoted the literati and suppressed the military generals. In the eyes of the idiots of high-ranking officials in the dynasty, generals who could fight would always make them more vigilant than foreign invaders.

Unknowingly, Xu Xin has arrived outside Donghua Gate, which is located to the east of the Imperial City. Although it is not as grand as Xuandemen and Yujie in the south of the Imperial City, it is the most popular place.

"Once Donghuamen is named, it is not in vain for a young and good man."

Donghuamen is the place where the imperial examination results were released in the Northern Song Dynasty. Beyond this is the busiest place in Kaifeng. There are Yang Tower and Fan Tower in the north and Pan Tower in the south. They work day and night and stay up all night, creating Gui Shizi, a city that never sleeps.

In the past, Prime Minister Han Qi once said that only those who call him a hero outside the Donghua Gate reveal the natural contempt that the so-called scribes have for warriors after a hundred years.And this kind of people can be found everywhere in temples today. Sima Guang, who died in the early years of Yuanyou, was even more of a weirdo among weirdos. He was given some yearly coins at most, but he took the initiative to cede the land of Xixia.

Regarding this... As Xixia's son-in-law, Xu Xin doesn't know how to evaluate it now.This man would have died early, otherwise Xu Xin would have heard about the weird things he did that made people angry, and would have gone to Beijing to kill him in person.

The shame of Jingkang laid the root of China's Lu Chen's troubles, and was even more shameful than Wuhu's chaos in China.

Zhao Song was the first to use culture to control martial arts, which left the deepest poison in the Central Plains, and even surpassed "our Qing Dynasty".Even though there had been five wars against China before, the Han people still firmly held half of the country in the south.

But it was precisely because the two brothers Zhao Kuangyin adopted the so-called strategy of using culture to control military power in order to preserve their stolen power, that the generals who suppressed them had no room at all.

Later, after the Ming Dynasty had a "God of War", it also adopted the strategy of controlling military power with culture, and finally perished at the hands of foreign invaders.Taking history as a guide, professional matters should be left to professionals.Using culture to control military force will bring disaster to the country and the people, which is a great mistake in the world!

The biggest cause of the two collapses of the land of China was the Zhao and Song dynasties. He was tired of being the emperor, and the cost of doing things in Zhao and Song was relatively high, otherwise he really wouldn't mind rebelling.

Outside the Fan Tower of Donghua Gate, Xu Xin's thoughts were spinning a thousand times. Although he despised Lian Lian for the Zhao and Song Dynasties in his heart, he remained calm on his face.

"This Fan Tower looks good. If you have nothing to do tonight, you can come here to listen to music at Goulan."

The Fan Tower outside Donghua Gate is the most famous in Kyoto, where famous prostitutes often stay, and the number of daily customers is often more than a thousand. Xu Xin finally went out, and he also had the idea of ​​​​listening to music.

However, he did not stay outside Donghua Gate for a long time. Instead, he followed the crowd and headed towards a more prosperous place ahead.

From Donghua Gate to Nanxun Gate, this is facing the Imperial Street.The emperors always passed through this gate when traveling. It is very majestic with pink and white walls, red gate tower and golden door nails.

"The official family is on a trip!"

On the day Xu Xin came to Bianjing, he didn't know whether he happened to catch it or for some other reason, but he happened to see the emperor leaving the palace to pray for blessings at Daxiangguo Temple. There were guards on the imperial street, and the mighty procession started. Traveling in the imperial city.

Xu Xin was mixed in the crowd, looking at the luxurious carriages with a strange look. They should be the concubines of Zhao Song's harem. It's not like he was lustful and wanted to do something exciting or give birth to something. This is what a man should be like.

Instead, he noticed that there was an aura in a carriage in front of him that made him feel something. Was there anyone from the Xiaoyao Sect there?
With a thought in Xu Xin's mind, he followed the flow of people and walked along the Imperial Street with this huge group of people. Soon he followed them to the Daxiangguo Temple.

He also knew a lot of things from the discussions of the surrounding people.

Bianliang is quite uneasy these days. Empress Dowager Gao, who has been in power for many years, is sick.The Tubo prince set his horse on horseback and wounded people in the capital.The adult emperor wants to rule personally...

Xu Xin listened to this one after another, and the things he was thinking about were vaguely connected.He mingled among the crowds and watched the excitement, silently locking in the auras of Jiumozhi and the unfamiliar Xiaoyao Sect master, and then found a place to rest and wait until night before taking action.

(End of this chapter)

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