The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 268 If I could pull up the progress bar

Chapter 268 If I could pull up the progress bar...

"I know that the protagonist and villain of Hong Kong comic style are full of muscles, even if I try to blow him up, it will be useless..."

On Shaoshi Mountain, Xu Xin watched Murong Fu continuously blasting and slashing at the monks in the Shaolin Temple. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly and he was speechless.

If this is a villain with normal thinking, like Xu, before he is invincible, it is best to keep a low profile! How can I not control myself like this?

However, thinking about the various Hong Kong comic styles that I have seen in my previous life, it seems that... it is not incomprehensible.

If you are talking about Hong Kong comics, you can understand all the images of muscular men. The first reaction of each character when encountering trouble is to fight hard, punching to the flesh. When reading comics, it is very exciting and exciting, but in the real world, especially in In the eyes of a "brain-eating" person like Xu Xin, it looks very... childish and speechless.

But probably because of this belief in the power of fists, it is common for Hong Kong comic-style characters to explode, whether it is the protagonist or the villain. So, their explosive seeds were obtained with their brains?

Xu Xin was thinking wildly here that the few people from the Sutra Collection Pavilion of Shaolin Temple were finally "late."

"You evildoer, you dare to commit murder and hurt others!"

A sharp roar came from afar, it was Qiao Feng's father Xiao Yuanshan. Although he was enlightened by the sweeping monk's manipulations, he only let go of his past hatred, not forgotten it. When he saw Murong Fu committing murder in Shaolin, he rushed towards him and struck him with a punch.

"Senior brother, please be merciful!"

Another figure followed him one after another. When he saw Murong Fu, he also shouted loudly and said, "Fu'er, you have gone crazy, stop it quickly!"

Murong Bo was enlightened, but he did not forget the relationship between father and son. He was still very concerned about Murong Fu and naturally did not want him to be harmed.

As for the many Silin monks who were killed, monks were very particular about putting down their butcher's knives and becoming Buddhas on the spot. As long as his son kneels down and worships Buddha, everything will be fine.

Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Fu started to fight, and Xuan Ji and the others immediately dispersed. Both of them had reached the ultimate level of martial arts. It didn't take long for Xiao Yuanshan to gain the upper hand, and Murong Fu was unable to fight back.

After all, Xiao Yuanshan was trained by himself, and Xiao Feng's practical talent was also inherited from him.

In the Battle of Yanmen Pass last year, he went crazy and killed dozens of martial arts masters from the Central Plains alone, scaring Murong Bo who was dormant beside him so much that he fled back to Yanziwu overnight and was in panic all day long.

Later, although Xiao Yuanshan survived the catastrophe and secretly learned martial arts from the Shaolin Temple for many years, his combat power was not greatly improved, and Murong Bo even gradually caught up with him.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is so useful. There is such a good opportunity. Poke his eyes and steal the peach like a monkey. Oh my, it's useless even if I give you a chance!"

Xu Xin watched from a distance as Murong Fu fought against Xiao Yuanshan. He was beaten to a pulp. He used all his skills to blow up trees, earth and rocks. He was so powerful but had no effective output. It would be strange if he didn't get beaten up.

Therefore, waste is waste. If it were Qiao Feng, a pervert in actual combat, he would have beaten him to his knees and "brought great filial piety" to him.

Xu Xin watched anxiously from a distance. If he could pull up the progress bar, he really wanted to skip this plot development and directly go to the sweeping monk Murong Fu to pass on his skills, and then break through the white-level pagoda realm.

But reality is not a game after all, and it cannot make progress, and some plots are also necessary connections, otherwise it will have no beginning and no end, and it will not develop to that point at all.

Therefore, he could only sit there and worry, but it was impossible for him to rush over and knock Xiao Yuanshan down instead of Murong Fu.


A cloud of blood mist exploded in the air. Murong Fu's face was slightly deformed after being hit by Xiao Yuanshan's fist, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. Xiao Yuanshan gained the upper hand and followed up with another series of kicks. His fists and kicks were even faster than Murong Fu's reaction. The last uppercut hit him and he flipped over and fell to his knees, with large amounts of blood splashing around.

Xu Xin was speechless when he saw this scene from a distance. Xiao Yuanshan was so decisive in the battle at Yanmen Pass. The cruel scene of killing scared both Zhao Qiansun and Murong Bo. Now to beat Murong Fu, without even bothering to say it, He actually didn't even try to kill him.

"Old guy, you..."

Murong Fu was beaten with a ferocious look on his face. He suddenly found an opportunity to grab Xiao Yuanshan's hands and activated the reverse training Beiming, preparing to absorb all Xiao Yuanshan's skills and kill the old guy.

However, what he didn't expect was that he had just absorbed a little bit of Xiao Yuanshan's energy, and he fell into a state of sluggish energy absorption. It turned out that Xiao Yuanshan reacted and returned to the body, and at the same time he kicked him in the lower abdomen and sent him flying. go out.

"Devils and heretics, go to hell!"

Murong Fu's fascinating evil skills finally brought out Xiao Yuanshan's violent nature. He hit Murong Fu on the forehead with his Prajna Palm, preparing to kill him under his palm.

"Senior brother, please be merciful!"

Murong Bo jumped out again at this time. This time he not only spoke, but also directly stopped Xiao Yuanshan. The two of them exchanged a few moves. They were familiar with each other and it was not easy for fellow sects to fight each other.

"Fu'er, why don't you kneel down and repent!"

Murong Bo turned around and scolded his son, while Murong Fu was kneeling on the ground holding his belly.

"Senior brother, Fu'er knows he made a mistake, give him a chance..."

Murong Bo stopped in front of Murong Fu, and Xiao Yuanshan was unable to kill him.

Suddenly something unexpected happened again. Murong Fu jumped up and hit Xiao Yuanshan's lower abdomen. A burst of zhenqi hit the Liangmen and Taiyi points in his abdomen, making him unable to breathe.

The ferocious-looking Murong Fu took the opportunity to kill Xiao Yuanshan by pressing his acupuncture points and absorbing power while hitting Xiao Yuanshan's chest repeatedly, beating him until his mouth and nose spurted blood.

"Fu'er, stop it quickly, stop it!"

Murong Bo wanted to pull Murong Fu away, but was unable to do so. At this time, a figure in gray suddenly flew over and slapped Murong Fu away.

The sweeping monk finally came. After Murong Fu made a big fuss and beat Xiao Yuanshan until he didn't know whether he was alive or dead, it was too late for him to take action again.

But, the previous incident happened so suddenly. No one expected that Murong Fu, who was beaten to death and almost killed just a moment ago, would have such ferocity, and he would violently hurt people again, killing Xiao Yuanshan. .

When Xu Xin saw this scene in the distance, he was secretly vigilant. Sure enough, he could not relax his vigilance at any time. Otherwise, he would not take action. Once he did, he would be ruthless, even if it was a corpse, he would have to hit it twice.

Anyway, he has always adhered to this principle. If something slipped through the net, he deliberately let it go and kept an eye on it. It was not considered a true slip through the net.

After the sweeping monk slapped Murong Fu, he collapsed on the ground and became a dead dog. Now he really couldn't show off his cruelty.

The sweeping monk squatted down as if to save Xiao Yuanshan, while Murong Bo walked over and carefully supported Murong Fu. This world turmoil seemed to be over.

(End of this chapter)

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