The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 270: Torturing vegetables with bare hands, defeating Murong

Chapter 270: Torturing vegetables with bare hands, defeating Murong


Murong Fu's hoarse screams resounded throughout Shaoshi Mountain, a black light fell from the sky and struck him, and his aura was changing.

"Huchi! Huchi! Huchi..."

Murong Fu inhaled, exhaled, and inhaled with a sound like thunder. All the muscles in his body were washed away by the power of the black-level pagoda. Ripples appeared on his body and the air was distorted.

In front of Murong Fu, the sweeping monk's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his eyes, which were like black holes, were vaguely glowing with white light.

In the black-level pagoda, the sweeping monk who unites nature and man borrowed the infinite power of heaven and earth in one thought, and the majestic spiritual energy was sucked over and turned into black-level pagoda energy, which was poured into Murong Fu's body.

The entire Shaoshi Mountain was feeling a strong and long wind. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth surged, driving the air current and turning into a long dragon, flying towards the sweeping monk and Murong Fu.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind in Shaoshi Mountain. Xu Xin, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked when he saw this scene. In his sight, countless spiritual energy gathered in a storm, rushing towards the sweeping monk and Murong Fu crazily.

The sweeping monk was actually here, forcibly helping Murong Fu to open up the entrance and achieve his innate breakthrough. This was simply unbelievable.

Xu Xin spent so much effort to break through his innateness. He spent decades in his previous life without success, but now Murong Fu... However, Xu Xin also saw something wrong. The sweeping monk passed on some of his origins to Murong Fu. , seems to be... transfer of cause and effect?
He vaguely remembered that the key trick for the Black-level Pagoda to break through the White-level Pagoda was to give up the invincible Black-level Pagoda's Qi. However, it was not just a matter of simply passing on the skills to others. There seemed to be some other conditions.

But looking at the sweeping monk's actions at this moment, does it mean that... if he wants to break through the white-level pagoda, he must also help the person being taught to open the entrance?
Xu Xin silently watched every move of the sweeping monk. The sky and the earth lost color, the sun and the moon lost their light, and the celestial phenomena changed. A terrifying storm swept through Shaoshi Mountain, and the majestic spiritual energy of heaven and earth rolled in.

"No, no, when he taught Murong Fu his skills, he seemed to have done something else... to convert him?"

Xu Xin could vaguely see more, but he was not a sweeping monk, nor was he Murong Fu who was taught the skills, so more secrets could not be explored.


A dazzling ball of light exploded instantly, and even Xu Xin had to cover his eyes to avoid looking directly at the brilliant light.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha………………"

When all the light gradually dissipated, a burst of wild laughter resounded throughout Shaoshi Mountain. It was Murong Fu who was full of power in his laughter at this moment, and his skill had reached an incredible level.

"My power is invincible in the world!"

Amid Murong Fu's laughter, everyone saw clearly what was going on in the field. They saw a dark ball of light hanging in the air, in which Murong Fu's figure could be vaguely discerned.

The sweeping monk sat weakly next to him, his face covered with sweat, panting, and his breath was weak. It was obvious that his power was greatly damaged. It seemed that there was no real energy at all. He seemed to be useless?
After the black gas enveloping Murong Fu in the void expanded to three feet, it began to slowly shrink back. Within a few breaths, it shrank to Murong Fu's Dantian, and he was also exposed.

Murong Fu was now in high spirits. Although his clothes were ragged, all his muscles were exposed. His whole body was like the most perfect statue, with a strong sense of strength.

"Murong Fu, what do you want to do to the holy monk!"

When Xuanji saw Murong Fu falling next to the sweeping monk, he was afraid that he would be cruel because of his extremely powerful power, so he slapped him with "two scattered palms" while shouting angrily.


Murong Fu slapped his hand casually, and the dark energy turned into a circle of light waves, which directly knocked away many Lin masters including Xuan Ji. "boom!"

He glanced at his palm, then struck the pavilion not far away with his palm, and saw a violent black shock wave rolling past. The huge pavilion exploded violently in an instant. When the smoke and dust dispersed, only the into a dark pit.

Although Murong Fu was deprived of his Zhenqi martial arts by the Sweeping Monk, the Sweeping Monk also imparted the powerful Black Buddha Qi to him, making him one of the few in the history of martial arts, with full destructive power in his movements.

After the Yi Jin Jing Sheng Gong is mastered, the Qi of the Yi Jin Jing can be used as the driving force for any kind of moves and exercises during use, producing the wonderful power of "turning decay into magic".

Therefore, for those who have mastered the Yi Jin Jing, even if they just use a few random attacks, each move will have great power, turning decay into magic, so they have the reputation of "the Yi Jin Jing that rules the world".

And the black-level pagoda-level Yi Jin Jing Qi is even more destructive.

Each of the black-level Buddha Yi Jin Jing is a peerless master that is rare in the world, and it is rare to find one person in a thousand years. It can float in the heaven and earth at its lightest, and can break the heaven and earth at its most severe, capable of blocking thousands of horses and thousands of armies, becoming an indestructible body.

Although Murong Fu did not cultivate to this level by himself, and his black-level pagoda could not be moved freely, but with his unique skills, he was able to sweep away the world's masters, not to mention ruling the world, and dividing the world by personal force alone. Becoming king is no problem.

"There is indeed something wrong with Murong Fu. He went on a killing spree in Shaoshi Mountain before. But now... He had no intention of killing the sweeping monk and the others just now. They were just misunderstood by Xuan Ji and the others. Even if Xuan Ji and the others took the initiative to attack him, He didn’t kill anyone either?”

"Is this... putting down the butcher knife?"

Xu Xin, who was watching from a distance, felt that there was something wrong with Murong Fu like this, but Murong Fu, who was laughing heartily, didn't realize it at all. After showing off his power, he turned into a gust of black wind and disappeared in front of the monks.

"Ha... I just want to weigh your abilities. If there is a real threat, I have no choice but to send you on your way now."

Xu Xin in the distance had a cold expression and disappeared silently. From beginning to end, no one, including the sweeping monk, seemed to notice that someone in this direction was watching everything.

"Hahaha... Duan Yu, Qiao Feng, Xu Qingfeng... I will make you pay the price..."

Murong Fu, who transformed into a black wind in the forest, already had a desire for revenge. Duan Yu, Qiao Feng and Xu Xin were all targets of his revenge. The first two made him lose face, and the latter took away his Abi and cousin. He had vowed at the beginning that he would get them back after his great cause was achieved.

"What do you want me to pay?"

A voice suddenly rang in Murong Fu's ears, and Xu Xin's figure silently stopped in front of him, just pressing his head with one hand.


Xu Xin's palm fell and he tortured the food with his bare hands, beating Murong Fu into a state of disarray. Murong Fu was knocked over and knocked over. Although he was not injured, it made him wake up instantly from his excitement.

"You bastard, go to hell!"

Murong Fu moved his hands on the side of his right waist, making a accumulation movement similar to the Turtle Style Qigong. A ball of black light appeared between his two palms and was blasted out in an instant.


As if a mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, terrible movement erupted in the back hill of Shaoshi Mountain. The diffuse smoke and dust waves instantly destroyed a forest, and the movement continued for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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