The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 297 East Factory and West Factory, eunuchs are in power

Chapter 297 East Factory and West Factory, eunuchs are in power

On the bustling streets of the capital, many people were gathered around to watch the excitement. In front of Xichang Tiqi, who had entered the city in a majestic manner, a tall and powerful man who looked like the "King of Strength" was bowing and apologizing.

Standing in front of him was an arrogant eunuch with red lips and white teeth. He was smeared with makeup and looked neither male nor female, neither yin nor yang.

"Thank you, father-in-law, for the beating!"

As the man shouted loudly, his fists kept moving toward him, and the bang-bang-bang sound continued on the street.

"what's up!"

Xu Xin watched for a while and felt that the scene in front of him was a bit strange. Suddenly, a voice came from the restaurant next to him, and then more factory warriors appeared.

"Eunuch Yu, let's ride back to Beijing to report that this ignorant thing is just playing tricks on the road, but it dares to block the road..."

The eunuch who had scolded the "King of Power" earlier seemed to have recognized the big shot in the restaurant, and he quickly bowed and saluted, and explained clearly the cause and effect of the incident.

"That's ridiculous. We at Xichang are here to do business for the emperor and the court. We are not asking you to bully good people and go back to receive punishment!"

Suddenly a voice came from the restaurant, slightly feminine, but very pleasant.


The reprimanded little eunuch bowed his head unwillingly to accept the punishment and stepped aside.

There were slight footsteps in the restaurant, and a young man wearing a brocade robe walked out. He was very handsome, but he didn't look like a sissy. He was just a little more feminine, and he had the style of a "factory beauty".

This gentle Eunuch Yu walked up to the burly young man who was smiling apologetically and said, "You are a capable man, what is your name?"

"The little man enters the good realm!"

The burly young man quickly clasped his hands and bowed in a salute.

"Very good, I like people like you who judge the situation."

Eunuch Yu nodded slightly.

The young man knelt down quickly: "I have learned martial arts since I was young. I am willing to follow you and hope that you will succeed."


Hearing this, Eunuch Yu lightly palmed his hand, and Ma Jinliang responded quickly and raised his hand to hit him. A wave of air broke out between the two, and the crowd suddenly screamed in surprise.

"You are very good. You are willing to eat the royal food and serve the emperor. This is a good thing. Our West Factory has just been established and we are recruiting talents. You can start with a hundred households. After you have made great achievements, it will not be a problem to become a thousand households..."

Eunuch Yu's words made the people around him exclaim and comment. The people in the capital were well-informed, and all kinds of "passers-by" appeared in an endless stream. Under their explanations, everyone also knew that hundreds of households, thousands of households, that's terrible. They are all high officials.

Previously, this burly young man Ma Jinliang was performing on the street, and many people saw his impoverished appearance. Now he has risen to the top in one step and become an official of hundreds of households, which makes many people envious.

Some people also noticed that "Eunuch Yu" mentioned that when the West Factory was first established, it recruited talents widely, and an entertainer could become an official of hundreds of households in one step.

"If I go..." Many people can't help but have this idea, and many people are ready to make a move at the moment.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"Whoever dares to scare Eunuch Cao's car, get out of the way!"

Suddenly there was a burst of noise from the streets in the distance, and a large number of officers and soldiers pushed aside all the people blocking the road. The hawker stalls on the roadside were also pushed in, and a "broad road" was cleared in a short time.

People on the street were in a state of panic, and all the vendors suffered property losses. Some unlucky passers-by were beaten until they vomited blood because they couldn't dodge.

"Baby, be careful!"

At this time, a voice from the side sounded, and not far away, a child who was unable to dodge was held by an old man with a white face and a kind smile. There were several people following the old man, each of whom was skilled in martial arts.

"Grandpa, why are these officers and soldiers so domineering?" Among the Wang family's team, Wang Shoujian, the second son of Wang Hua, watched many people being beaten by the officers and soldiers until they vomited blood, and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

"Hush! Little baby, be careful that trouble comes from your mouth!"

At this time, the old man from before spoke again, reminding everyone in the Wang family.

"Thank you old man!"

Xu Xin politely apologized to the old man and directed the Wang family's motorcade to get out of the way.

He stood among the crowd on the street and watched. After the officers and soldiers opened the way, large troops passed by one after another. It looked like a team of hundreds of people.

This team is very majestic. There are people holding flags in front and behind, and there are people supporting two canopies beside the carriage. The scene is very spectacular. There was a large group of officers and soldiers leading the way, and a luxury carriage followed closely behind.

On top of the luxurious carriage was a young-looking eunuch dressed in fine clothes, with white hair and pink face.

Xu Xin, who was in the crowd, took a second look. This person... looked a bit like "a certain Zidan".

"Grandpa Yu, long time no see!"

The white-haired and pink-faced eunuch rode a gorgeous carriage to the street. He happened to stop in front of the "Eunuch Rain" and said hello. Two people are standing and one is sitting, one is at the bottom and the other is at the top. No matter how you look at it, they are deliberately provocative.

"Eunuch Cao, aren't you on an errand for the emperor?"

When Eunuch Yu saw Eunuch Cao, his expression changed slightly.

"I'm just coming back from an errand. I heard that all the three melons and two dates from your West Factory came out to perform at the gate of the capital? Come and see the excitement!"

There was a touch of sarcasm on Eunuch Cao's face, and he pointed at Ma Jinliang, who was holding his fists beside him, and said: "Is this your big boss Ma Jinliang? I heard that he speaks very nicely and has an excellent ability to flatter you. Father-in-law, you are very comfortable serving me."

"Today's "Corporal Courtesy" drama couldn't have been his idea! It's not my fault, Mr. Yu, if your West Factory needs someone, you can ask my East Factory to borrow them. My East Factory is not short of those three melons. date."

"If you deceive people into entering the West Factory like this, you will ruin the reputation of our factory guards..."

"Who gave you this idea? You should really be damned..."

In a few words from Eunuch Cao, Eunuch Yu's face turned extremely ugly.

Their West Factory was established less than three years ago. Since the emperor specially assigned them to control the Dongchang and Jinyiwei, they were naturally hostile and suppressed by the latter two and were short of manpower.

He finally thought of this "Li Xian Corporal" drama. As long as it develops normally and publicizes today's incident, Xichang's reputation will be established. But I didn't expect that Eunuch Cao, the admiral of Dongchang, would come to cause trouble like this.

"Cao Shaoqin!"

Eunuch Yu gave a cold shout, his clothes kept fluttering, and his body's true energy circulated.

"Yu Huatian! Do you want to fight me?"

Eunuch Cao just looked at Eunuch Yu with a smile, his face calm and calm, as if he was convinced of the other party.

"call out!"

Suddenly, Eunuch Yu shook his cloak behind him, while Eunuch Cao in the car did not smile.

"We are all working for the emperor. We don't want to offend the peace. Let's go!"

After Eunuch Yu arranged his cloak, he took Ma Jinliang and a group of Xichang Tiqi and left. The only thing left was the wanton laughter of Eunuch Cao.

Xu Xin and other experts in the secret could see clearly that the two had a brief trial and exchange, and naturally Cao Shaoqin had the upper hand.

(End of this chapter)

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