The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 304 Re-train Yang Finger Kung Fu on Jin Xiangyu

Chapter 304 Re-practice Yiyang Finger Kung Fu on Jin Xiangyu

After Diao Buyu roughly decomposed the whole sheep, Jin Xiangyu, the proprietress, cooked the whole lamb by herself. Soon the aroma of barbecue filled the air, and the nose was filled with the alluring smell. Xu Xin's greedy mind was also attracted. I got up, my stomach growled.

"Come, try..."

Jin Xiangyu chopped off a leg of mutton and handed it to Xu Xin. Xu Xin thanked him and ate a large piece of meat. This feeling was really good.

"Diao Buyu, continue to divide and pick the meat..."

Jin Xiangyu was a good person. Seeing that Xu Xin was interested in Diao Buyu's knife skills, he asked him to continue to decompose the whole roasted lamb and remove all the meat.

Diao Buyu mumbled something and nodded.

He walked up to the roasted whole lamb, his eyes were attentive, and he waved the boning knife in his hand, like a butterfly piercing a flower, dazzling everyone who looked at it.

After a while, the roasted whole lamb was cut into only the skeleton, and the mutton was placed neatly and uniformly in size.

"Madam boss, do you have any wine?"

Xu Xin looked at the gold inlaid jade and handed over a broken piece of silver. To him, gold and silver are just garbage. As long as the problem can be solved with silver, it is not a problem.

"Mr. Diao, I admire your ability very much. I respect you for this bowl of wine."

Xu Xin poured two bowls of wine, first drank one himself, and then handed the other bowl to Diao Buyu.

Although Diao Buyu couldn't fully understand the Zhongyuan dialect, he could still understand the general meaning from the person's gestures. Facing Xu Xin's toast, he scratched his head and smiled naively, and solemnly took the bowl of wine with both hands. Also drank it all in one gulp.

"Mr. Diao, can you teach me your powerful sword skills? Don't worry, money is not an issue."

Xu Xin was very interested in Diao Buyu's sword skills. Although his martial arts skills were very high, he was indeed not as good as Diao Buyu in the field of "Pao Ding Jie Niu", so he naturally wanted to learn this unique skill.

"Grumble rumble."

Diao Buyu opened his eyes and spoke in Tatar, and made some gestures with his hands, as if he was responding to Xu Xin.

"Sir, this matter cannot be done with just money."

At this time, Jin Xiangyu spoke again. She rolled her eyes and said, "Diao Buyu is my man. If you want to learn from him, you have to deal with the boss's wife first!"

"What do the boss ladies mean?"

Xu Xin pretended not to understand what she meant.

Jin Xiangyu's hands restlessly moved up and down Xu Xin's clothes, and said with a charming smile: "This is not the place to talk. Let's go back to the house to drink and eat meat, and talk slowly..."

"Okay, let's drink wine, eat meat, and talk slowly!"

How could Xu Xin be afraid of a mere female temptress? He stretched out his hand and grabbed the water snake by the waist. He only squeezed it a few times before the coquettish landlady couldn't walk and let him drag her into the room.

Xu Xin took Jin Xiangyu out of the kitchen, and Diao Buyu and another waiter, one holding wine and the other holding sheep, followed them.

Xu Xin entered the gold-encrusted boudoir and casually threw the proprietress with a red face and watery eyes onto the bed. He didn't forget to grab a handful of her plump buttocks. Diao Buyu and the other waiter knew each other very well, so they left the drinks and food before decisively leaving.

Xu Xin sat on the bed inlaid with gold and jade, eating a lot of meat and drinking a lot of wine. His stomach wriggled and digested quickly. He was eating and drinking very happily. "Brother, you are so good at what you do. I want to light a candle with you..."

The soft and charming voice of gold inlaid jade sounded from behind him. The landlady came from behind like a beautiful snake. The lower half of her body was leaning on Xu Xin's left hand, and her shoulders and head were close to his right shoulder. This is a beautiful snake, enchanting and charming.

"Boss Boss, what can I do so that you can let Diao Buyu teach me sword skills?"

When Xu Xin tightened his belt, he was extremely tough. Even if the charming beauty was by his side, he remained unmoved. He was like a saint sitting calmly in his arms.

"Easy to say, easy to say. This matter is simple. Didn't I just say that I want to light candles with you? Do you know what lighting candles means? It's a matter of men and women. I am very capable and will serve you very comfortably... "

Jin Xiangyu whispered into his ear, and as he spoke, he did not forget to breathe hot air into his ear. When most people encounter this kind of situation, their blood will boil and they can't help but turn around and fight, but Xu Xin, who has his pants tight, is very stubborn and is not moved at all.

"Hahaha, sir, your candles haven't been lit yet, right? Are you a virgin? You're still a boy!"

Jin Xiangyu sniffed the scent of Xu Xin's body, smiled and joked, although she didn't get a response from Xu Xin, but she was sure that her judgment was correct, she smiled and touched Xu Xin's body again, and this time... He also moved the waistband of his trousers, preparing to slip them into his clothes.

Xu Xin stretched out his left hand to grab the restless little hand, and just touched it. It really made her rub the gun. Whether it was a misfire or not, Xu Xin felt uncomfortable.

"Hahaha... Master, don't be shy. I'll light a candle for you. See if your candle lights up?"

Jin Xiangyu has been in love for a long time, and her reaction to Xu Xin's behavior is very strange, and she wants to go further even more unscrupulously.

"Ah ah……"

Xu Xin had no idea of ​​having sex with Jin Xiangyu now, but he couldn't handle it if he didn't deal with the lusty landlady, so he used the previous world to learn from the King of Zhennan, and also used the Princess of Zhennan and his many mothers-in-law. The princesses of Dali who have tried Yiyang Finger Kung Fu all said that he is better than Duan Zhengchun.

"What is"

Jin Xiangyu only felt a gentle heat sinking into her body, and her whole body felt warm and comfortable. Then...she used her strength to interpret what it means that women are made of water.

"Little vixen, you fell down before I even used my real skills. With this little skill, you still want to light a candle for me?"

Xu Xin smiled proudly when he stopped his hand. After this "sweating and detoxification", Jin Xiangyu looked a little more charming and pleasing to the eye. His palm fell again, making the already bulging skirt even more bulging. , then said: "Little vixen, have you taken it?"

"Sir, if you accept my submission, I will arrange for Diao Buyu to teach you sword skills!"

Jin Xiangyu has always been disgusted with men's behavior of not eating but still pulling and pulling, but facing Xu Xin, she is convinced both physically and mentally. She is called a meek and gentle person, and she immediately called Diao Buyu to come in.

"Diao Buyu, please teach the young master swordsmanship well next. This is my honored guest, so you all must greet him well..."

Jin Xiangyu gave the order, and the waiters naturally responded.

Xu Xin now had a transcendent status in the Longmen Inn. He either drank wine and ate meat every day, or observed and learned Diao Buyu's sword skills. Occasionally, he practiced sharpening his Yiyangzhi on Jin Xiangyu, and his life was pretty good.

During these few days, there were several armed fights in the Longmen Inn. Zhou Huai'an and his party got into a fight with several stalls in Dongchang. With the blessing of the protagonist's aura, the people in Dongchang were defeated, leaving only a few stalls. Xu Xin saved his head and imprisoned him in a secret underground passage.

He wanted to wait for Cao Shaoqin to come over, catch them all in the palace, interrogate some of the secrets in the palace, squeeze out the last value of Cao Shaoqin and others, and then send them on the road together.

(End of this chapter)

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