The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 306 The Great Dharma of Absorbing Gong Reappears in the World

Chapter 306 The Great Dharma of Absorbing Gong Reappears in the World

The yellow sand filled the sky and the wind and dust covered the sun. Cao Shaoqin's figure flew uncontrollably towards Xu Xin. He tried to resist halfway and kept erupting his true energy, but in the end he was pinned on the Tianling Cap by Xu Xin's palm.

"Suck, gong...ah..."

Cao Shaoqin's energy and spirit were rapidly drained, and his whole body felt like everything was burning inside. The extremely uncomfortable feeling of losing his true energy made him extremely frightened, and even reminded him of a legendary martial art.


Cao Shaoqin's screams were extremely sad, and Zhou Huaian and others who survived the disaster felt horrified hearing them.

"You handle the rest and don't bother me!"

Xu Xin's voice gradually faded away, and at the same time, Cao Shaoqin's screams also faded away. Zhou Huaian and the others knew that Xu Xin had probably led people to the tunnel of Longmen Inn. The eunuchs who had been captured earlier were the ones he threw away. It's closed when we get there.


In the Longmen Inn, in a covered area of ​​the gold-inlaid room, the tunnel entrance was opened. Xu Xin took Cao Shaoqin in. When he landed, he had already thrown the previously majestic Dongchang Governor Cao Shaoqin to the ground.

"Ah...the Governor..."

"Sir, please wake up!"

Several Dongchang stalls who had been arrested earlier panicked when they saw Cao Shaoqin curling up and groaning like a dead dog. One or two people quickly stepped forward to help him, trying to revive Cao Shaoqin.

"It's time for you to explain the matter. Tell me all the things I want to know! Whoever explains it more clearly will have a better ending!"

Xu Xin did not say spare their lives. These Dongchang eunuchs were all ruthless people. Breaking one's word was a very casual thing for them. Such guys were even less likely to believe what others said. As for Youxin and Xu Xin, they really had no intention of saving their lives, so it would be better not to lie to others.

"Traitor, you dare to go against the imperial court..."

Jia Ting, the eldest among the eunuchs, was very angry and wanted to stand up and challenge Xu Xin.

"Who said I was doing something wrong with the court?"

Xu Xin paused for a moment before continuing: "Before leaving the capital, I specially met with Eunuch Zhang Min. You guys are acting too arrogantly, which makes the prince unhappy. Therefore, your death is inevitable. , it’s just a matter of time!”

"Prince, are you the prince's man?"

Jia Ting's voice became sharp, as if he couldn't believe that the cowardly prince Zhu Youtang actually had such a master under his command. Could it be that he was secretly accumulating strength and preparing to deal with...

"Cough cough..."

At this time, a rapid cough sounded, it was Cao Shaoqin.

"Duke! Dude, are you okay?"

Next to Jia Ting, a white-cheeked eunuch was very concerned about Cao Shaoqin's situation.

"You, you and Liu Xi, no... the skills Liu Xi practices are all incomplete. Even if he reaches the highest level, the most he can do is bully someone weaker than himself. What you practice is not the one in the palace. The practice of absorbing power is the legendary evil power."

Cao Shaoqin seems to have heard of the art of absorbing energy. From the information revealed in his words, we can know that there is another man named Liu Xi in the palace who also practices the art of absorbing people's energy. "Cao Shaoqin, I am asking you now, not you. You are experts in torture and killing in Dongchang. You should know how painful it is for people who are worse off than dead. Do you want to try my method?"

Xu Xin just pointed his finger when he spoke, and Cao Shaoqin felt a strong yang energy invade his body. The next moment, there was a special itching all over his body, and the feeling became more and more adventurous, coming like a tide.

"What do you want to ask?"

The Governor of Dongchang was not a tough person. In fact, even if he was really tough, Xu Xin had plenty of ways to pry his mouth open.

Xu Xin then asked: "What kind of suction method did you just say that Liu Xi was practicing? Let's talk about this information in detail first."

"That old guy Liu Xi got a incomplete secret book from Ouchi's arsenal. It is said that someone derived it by referring to many martial arts that can absorb people's power. After practicing to the last level, you can "absorb power from a distance", but this There are many flaws in martial arts..."

"It is said that there has been another "Absorbing Power" in the world. It is said that it can absorb power from a distance and steal people's martial arts. It is very weird. I used to... always thought it was just a legend. After all, it was too weird..."

From Cao Shaoqin's mouth, Xu Xin obtained two key pieces of information. There once appeared in the world a terrifying master who could absorb kung fu and steal people's martial arts from afar. He was probably the Tianchi Weixia.

In addition, there is another copy of the "Absorbing Kung Fu Dafa" stored in the palace. According to the information obtained by Cao Shaoqin, this Kung Fu technique is incomplete and has problems. Maybe it was someone's special deduction, trying to reach the level of "Tianchi Monster Absorbing Power", but in the end they only got a failure.

"Why is there a decline in talent in today's martial arts world? What's the secret behind this?"

Xu Xin asked the second question, and Cao Shaoqin quickly gave the answer.

Since Xu Xin came to this world, he has felt very strange. In the martial arts world, it seems that talents are withering and there are not many masters. Even the release of true energy is a legend. A "genius" like Cao Shaoqin can sweep the world by himself. The martial arts world.

This situation is very abnormal. In this martial arts world of "The Best in the World", the spiritual energy activity is even higher than in the previous world. It is more difficult to break through the "innate" threshold in this world. It stands to reason that innate masters There should be a certain number.

The answer given by Cao Shaoqin was somewhat beyond Xu Xin's expectation. It was all related to the current emperor Chenghua Emperor.

This master of the Ming Dynasty's resurgence is really very skilled. He plowed the court and swept holes several times to frighten the heroes outside the Great Wall. At the same time, he planned many "big battles" in the rivers and lakes, which taught several big sects a lesson. You can only keep a low profile and lick your wounds.

How do the various factions become cowardly when facing the emperor? They actually chose a group of "crooked melons and cracked jujubes" as leaders. The really powerful masters basically don't come out for fear of being targeted by the emperor and planning a "war" for you.

In addition, there is the "innateness" of this world, which is different from Xu Xin's previous two worlds.

The "innateness" of this world is very low, or the threshold for breakthrough is relatively low. There is no need to go through the three transformation stages of "Three Flowers Gathering at the Top" of Jingqi and Shen. As long as the zhenqi opens up the eight extraordinary meridians, you can try to break through with zhenqi. The Niwan Palace between the eyebrows opens up the spiritual realm, which is innate.

This kind of innateness... well, although it is also innate, it is very weak compared to the innateness in the first two worlds. Just like Cao Shaoqin, an innate master faced several acquired sieges, and finally... died.

Xu Xin then asked Cao Shaoqin, Jia Ting and others many things. Some things Cao Shaoqin didn't know much about, but Jia Ting, the old eunuch, knew about them.

This old eunuch was born in the Xuande period and entered the palace in the early years of Zhengtong. He experienced many things, some of which he thought were just ordinary experiences in the past, but Xu Xin was able to analyze some secrets from them.

These people who came from the imperial family had a lot of information, such as the current emperor's hobbies and hobbies, how many princes he had... etc. In the end, they even said that if Xu Xin could let them go, they would be loyal to the prince in the future.

Of course Xu Xin couldn't let go of such a knowledgeable guy in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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