The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 311 The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is easily soluble in water

Chapter 311 The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is easily soluble in water

"Well, it's a bit awkward for me to wear this outfit to meet... my parents-in-law!"

On the streets of the capital, Jin Xiangyu, who was following Xu Xin, was unusually timid and nervous. He also felt that the clothes he was wearing were a little... not good.

She was usually a carefree person, but after learning about Xu Xin's family background, she was a little... at a loss as to what to do.

A scholarly family, the son of the number one scholar. In this era, this kind of family background is definitely the most prestigious type of "high family". A woman from a worldly background like her is not a good match no matter how you look at it. Even if she is just a junior, she is …

"You don't have to be so nervous. I'm at home and I don't have the final say in everything, but my words still have weight... But I really should change my clothes, make them more elegant and polite..."

As Xu Xin said that, he took Jin Xiangyu to a clothing store, chose a dress that fit well, and asked the embroiderer to change it on the spot according to Jin Xiangyu's figure.

After a short while, the redressed Jin Xiangyu appeared in front of Xu Xin, wearing a white silk embroidered plum blossom skirt, a simple dab of powder, and held her hands on her waist to maintain her posture.

Her silky black hair is blowing in the wind, and she has a unique temperament and style. Her gold and jade foundation is not bad at all. After dressing up like this, she looks a bit like a lady.

"Just cover up your makeup a little today. Once you get used to it, you won't have to worry about so many rules... During this period, you may have to suffer..."

Xu Xin said that he personally applied makeup and eyebrows to Jin Xiangyu to make her a little "uglier" and cover up her seductive aura. After all, she was taking her to meet her parents, so she still had to pay attention to this aspect.

"It's okay. I'll be happy if you are willing to take me back."

Jin Xiangyu's smile was particularly gentle. Ever since she knew about Xu Xin's family background, she was worried that he would not want to take her home. After all, she came from a worldly background and had a bold style... Not to mention the scholarly family of the Wang family, even an ordinary peasant family, I'm afraid. Not many would be willing to marry.

Xu Xin specially called a carriage to pick him up. After gently helping Jin Xiangyu up, he also got into the carriage. The coachman drove the carriage across the street. The noise on both sides of the street gradually became less and less. When he arrived at the block where the palace is located, , there were only sporadic noisy sounds.


Xu Xin got off the carriage first. After the porter got to know his eldest young master, he quickly bent down to greet him and asked the servant to inform the old man and several ladies. As for Mr. Wang Hua and Wang... it was still early for him to get off work.

"My Wang family's Qilin is back!"

As soon as Xu Xincai entered the palace, he heard Mr. Wang's angry voice. Because he has had visions and many legendary experiences since he was born, and Xu Xin has always shown genius and ability, Mr. Wang is even more convinced that this grandson will be the hope of the Wang family.

Fortunately, there is no fight for the emperor in this world, otherwise I, Sun Shouren, would have the appearance of an emperor...

"My dear grandson, who is this girl?"

Mr. Wang soon saw the gold and jade behind Xu Xin. Although she tried her best to act like a lady, Mr. Wang's sharp eyes immediately saw some different details. Or else, having an old man in the family is like having a treasure.

Wang Huaneng can develop well in the officialdom without making too many mistakes. Mr. Wang's adviser is a very important point. The old man did not become an official back then, not because he had no ability, but simply because he never did well in the exam.

It is hard to explain why you failed to do well in the imperial examination. Our Wang Da champion, after passing the scholar examination, failed for more than ten years. In the end, he was able to become a Jinshi because of the support of his classmate Xie Qian when he was a scholar in the past. It makes me cry if I talk about it too much! "Our family's officialdom is getting bigger and bigger. I am worried that the back house will not be safe in the future, so I kidnapped a female warrior from the side. She is very skilled in martial arts. She will be a maid first, and after she gets married, she will take her as a concubine..."

Xu Xin put his arm around Mr. Wang's shoulders, and the old man and the young man chatted secretly. Mr. Wang was soon convinced by him, and his good grandson always had a good eye. He looked back and looked at it through colored glasses. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

Xu Xin has taken care of Mr. Wang, and it will be easier for the wives of the head of the house later.

Xu Xin is still very important in the Wang family. The eldest son and grandson has already achieved fame at a young age. He was admitted as a scholar earlier than Wang Hua at that time, and was praised as the Wang family's prodigy and the Wang family's unicorn son.

Wang Hua and Mr. Wang had to come to him to discuss many matters. The decision he made, and it was not to marry him as his wife, but to take a concubine in the future, was not a big deal.

Of course, although the re-dressed Jin Xiangyu was a little restrained, her appearance also added a lot of points to her, which made the ladies in the back house quite satisfied and allowed her to better integrate into the Wang family.

At night, Xu Xin and Mr. Wang were drinking tea and chatting in the hall after dinner. Xu Xin took the opportunity to explain some things, which were very different from what he said when he contacted Zhang Min.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

After hearing Xu Xin's story, Mr. Wang was a little frightened. His darling grandson had a "master" who was highly skilled in martial arts. Through a deal with the eunuch Zhang Min, he planned to arrange for him to contact the crown prince and serve as his companion, and Jin Xiangyu is the contact person.

Xu Xin is used to keeping a secret when doing things. Although he is the eldest young master of the Wang family, he has always hidden the fact that he knows martial arts. This is one of his trump cards that can always be used at critical moments.

Mr. Wang put down his teacup and said in a deep voice, "My dear grandson, this is no small matter. Can that person be trusted? What exactly does he want?"

"You can rest assured that I will not risk the Wang family. What he said is of the same mind as mine. I am in charge of the plan and all the ideas are mine."

Xu Xin casually made nonsense and said that this is the difficulty of lying. If you want to cover up a lie, you have to make up more things. If someone keeps pursuing it, the secret will be exposed sooner or later.

"That's good. With your intelligence, you should be able to grasp the overall situation. So for this matter, you only need to consider the palace and the prince's accompaniment... Is it too early to be a minister in the palace and choose the prince now? After all, the emperor still has Even at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period, Concubine Wan Gui..."

Mr. Wang still had some doubts. After all, Xu Xin went to be the prince's accompaniment. Basically, the Wang family was in the prince's boat. If something went wrong in the future, the whole family would be in trouble. Of course, if the prince succeeds in succeeding to the throne, it will be like a chicken and a dog ascending to heaven.

"The prince is the crown prince of the country, and he is orthodox. With our background in the royal family, no one can make a mistake when choosing the prince. We don't want to follow any evil ways, we just want to get to know the prince better in advance..."

Xu Xin still concealed some things, mainly related to the emperor's life and death.

Although he didn't know the history of the Ming Dynasty in detail, he vaguely remembered that the lifespan of the Ming Dynasty emperors was generally not long, and many of them succeeded to the throne as teenagers.

The contemporary prince seems to have succeeded in ascending to the throne, and is also encouraged to be monogamous and so on. There was only one son, Emperor Zhengde, who was relatively famous. His final outcome was... falling into the water. The Ming Dynasty emperor was easily soluble in water.

(End of this chapter)

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