The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 323 The woman with air bangs who killed only the title of the play

Chapter 323 The woman with air bangs who killed only the title of the play

"Heizi, have you seen anyone?"

In the city of Hangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River, Xu Xin and Heizi's team of masters and servants were walking slowly on the street on horses.

"Sir, if the information provided by that guy Hong Ye is correct, it should be those people in front. I didn't expect Jiang Biehe, a hypocritical eunuch son-in-law, to actually give birth to two such beautiful daughters!"

Heizi pointed to a place on the street next to Xu Xin, where he could see two men and a woman walking on the street. The woman was constantly being pushed by two impatient southerners.

"I...I can't walk anymore, don't push me..."

The delicate woman in a pink dress raised her head, and her eyes happened to meet Xu Xin's. Her thin air bangs and innocent eyes could very well inspire a man's desire to protect.

"You bitch, go faster, faster!"

The two men beside her cursed impatiently.

"Jiang Yuyan!"

Xu Xin found Jiang Yuyan's traces through the Hongye Zhai intelligence network, and now he has confirmed that the information is correct in person.

He immediately recognized the woman who was said to have been killed until only her title was left. Although she was weak and frail, she looked pitiful.

But she is actually a very smart girl. After turning black, she combined this smartness with decisive actions and a vicious heart, and successfully advanced to the final big boss to complete the counterattack.

However, after she turned black, she was a little too extreme. It had nothing to do with whether she was good or bad. As long as there was a slight conflict of interest, she almost killed them all. She went too far.

With such a woman, even Xu Xin was not sure that he could completely control her. But it’s also more challenging, isn’t it! It’s not just women who like to play with fire. Men prefer to conquer, climb to the top and so on...

It's just that Xu Xin plays with fire... there is a limit. If he really finds out that he can't control Jiang Yuyan, before this woman loses control, he won't mind being cruel and ruthless and destroying the flower.

But with a high probability, this shouldn't happen.

There was a reason why Jiang Yuyan finally disowned her relatives.

She had suffered a lot since she was a child, and she was faced with Jiang Biehe, a hypocritical and ruthless father.

Every time there was a little bit of light in her life, someone would push her into the endless darkness.

In the end, the six relatives disowned her because Jiang Biehe wanted to kill her first, so she killed all the people in the Jiang family. In the Jiang family where everyone was evil, the only innocent person was her sister Jiang Yufeng. She was really a pitiful and pity person. beauty.

As Xu Xin thought, two horses had already arrived beside Jiang Yuyan and the two gangsters. With a flick of his whip, the two men were knocked to the ground.

"Bullying weak women in broad daylight..."

Xu Xin protected the delicate woman Jiang Yuyan behind him, and Heizi stepped forward and kicked and punched her, causing the two gangsters to scream in agony.

"Hey, stinky woman, do you still want me to help you find someone? If you don't, I'll kill you!"

The two people got up from the ground. Seeing that Xu Xin was difficult to deal with, Jiang Yuyan turned and cursed angrily.

When Jiang Yuyan heard this, her expression immediately changed. The two gangsters had previously told some information about Jiang Biehe and gained her trust, so even though she knew they might have evil intentions, she still endured it.

At this time, Jiang Yuyan only had one thought: as long as she found her father, all the suffering would be over.

She immediately begged Xu Xin for mercy.

"Thank you, young hero, but can you please stop beating them?"

"They are not good people!"

"I begged them to take me to find one of my relatives. If I don't follow them, I won't be able to find my relatives..."

"Yuyan, are you coming? If not, we're leaving."

The two people were rubbing their stomachs, looking at Kuroko with fear in their eyes, and backed away.

"I'll come, I'll come."

Jiang Yuyan hurriedly followed, but Xu Xin did not stop him, but instead made Heizi not have to chase.

Jiang Yuyan can be said to be a person with almost no sense of security. It is impossible to make her believe in him directly.

Although she has not turned black now, she is not some silly and sweet little white rabbit either. Girls who are too smart are difficult to deceive. If Xu Xin directly tells her life experience to gain trust, it will only be counterproductive. On the contrary, Jiang Yuyan would suspect him of evil intentions because she knew too much.

It's better to learn from Hua Wu Que and why the hero saves the beauty is an enduring classic. Of course, there is a reason for it.

Appear after she is in danger.

First of all, there is no need to waste any time.

Secondly, Jiang Yuyan will leave an indelible impression on him.

A woman like Jiang Yuyan has always been in darkness. When the first ray of light shines on her, she will definitely pursue it with all her heart.

But her concept of love is very problematic. Her mother is a "three". In this ancient background, she actually wants to kill Tie Xinlan and monopolize Hua Wuque. This idea is unacceptable. Three wives and four concubines are like this. The main theme of the times!

Of course, it's also possible that Hua Wuque was unwilling to accept her feelings at all and was too single-minded, which instead pushed her already darkened to go to extremes.

As the sky grew dark, Xu Xin and Heizi first booked a room in the inn, opposite the brothel where the two gangsters sold Jiang Yuyan.

After dark, Xu Xin took Heizi into the brothel where Jiang Yuyan was sold.

When he arrived, Jiang Yuyan had already experienced the coercion of the madam, endured the humiliation and compromised, and put on a gorgeous and revealing pink dress. After dressing up, she looked completely different from when they first met.


Jiang Yuyan was startled when the door opened slightly. She thought someone from the brothel came in to ask her to pick up a customer. She was so frightened that she fell off the stool. She seemed to be ready to hang herself from the beam just now, but in the end she could not make up her mind.

"Walk or not!"

Xu Xin didn't say much, he just said lightly, Heizi was guarding the door outside and strictly did what a smart person should do.

When Jiang Yuyan saw Xu Xin, surprise flashed through her eyes, but in the end she shook her head hesitantly and said, "I...I, I decided not to leave."

Jiang Yuyan seems to have reconciled with herself and compromised with her fate.

She had just been tricked into a brothel and ridiculed by the madam. Now was the most insecure time.

Even if someone comes to save her.

She couldn't believe it either.

Just like a cat that has been injured by someone, it will not easily trust another person who comes to heal her.

"You've decided? That's good!"

Xu Xin glanced at the pink ribbon she tied to the beam, turned around, closed the door and left.

Jiang Yuyan looked at the direction he left, her beautiful eyes filled with tears.

It's not that she doesn't want to escape the burning pit of the brothel, but she doesn't know who she can trust now.

Xu Xin seemed like a good person, but she wasn't sure if there was another pit of fire beneath that good-looking appearance.

She took out the relics left to her by her mother from her close-fitting clothes, her beautiful eyes went blank for a while, and she murmured to herself.

"Mom, I'm really afraid of being deceived by men..."

"What if I go with him and he sells me to another brothel?"

"If he really wants to save me, I believe he will definitely come back to me."

There was expectation and fear in her heart.

Because she was afraid that Xu Xin was another person who lied to her. She was also afraid that Xu Xin would really leave and would not come back. She was also afraid that the glimmer of hope in her heart would fail...

At this moment, the madam burst into the door and shouted in an ugly voice: "Damn girl, come out here, don't let Feng Daguan wait for you in vain!"

Jiang Yuyan's body trembled when she heard this voice, and her whole body trembled with fear...

(End of this chapter)

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