The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 325 Jade Yan Yufeng, heading to Jiang Mansion

Chapter 325 Jade Yan Yufeng, heading to Jiang Mansion

In the inn room, facing Xu Xin's teasing, Jiang Yuyan suddenly plucked up the courage to raise her head. At this moment, there was not only affection in her eyes, but also a bit of determination. Her voice was trembling, and she said, "Thank you, Master, for helping Yuyan escape from the sea of ​​misery." , I can’t repay my life-saving grace, little girl, I can only promise it with my body..."

After saying this, she closed her eyes, leaned her head lightly in Xu Xin's arms, and thought to herself: "God, if I can lean on this chest for the rest of my life, Yuyan is willing to give everything..."

In the Central Plains during the Ming Dynasty, ethics and ethics were prevalent. Some people even said later: "It is a small matter to die of hunger, but a big matter to be disobedient!" Such dehumanizing words.

Jiang Yuyan was very bold to say that she would commit herself to her under Xu Xin's inducement. Xu Xin didn't respond for a long time, which made Jiang Yuyan, who had her eyes closed, feel panicked and regretful. She felt that she was really crazy for saying such things.

"Young Master is dressed up like this, so he must have an extraordinary background. I am just an orphan who lost my mother. How can I be worthy of such a fairy like you?"

"Yuyan, Yuyan, my young master is a man of gods and immortals. He has a chivalrous heart. He only wanted to tease you because he saw you as a pity and saved you from the sea of ​​misery. How can you take it seriously..."

"I speak like that, sir, you won't think that I am a woman who is flirtatious..."

"So good, then from now on, Yuyan, you will be mine."

Jiang Yuyan was thinking wildly when she suddenly felt a hand pinch her chin. Vaguely, she seemed to hear a faint smile, and then Xu Xin's gentle voice sounded again.

"Mr. Gongzi..."

When Jiang Yuyan heard what he said, she couldn't help but open her eyes. Her eyes were full of affection. The two of them were no more than a foot away from each other. Xu Xin only had to lower his head slightly to take his lips and taste the love. The taste of moving beauty.

However, he felt that the progress was too fast now. This was the first time in his life that he couldn't do it casually. Besides, he was nostalgic. If he really fell asleep now and had true feelings, Jiang Yuyan would do something wrong later, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear it.

So, wait a little longer, wait until he is basically sure that he has trained this little girl well and can grasp it, and then he will fully reap the fruits.

"You will be mine from now on, so I can't hide some things from you."

Xu Xin gently straightened Jiang Yuyan's waist and asked her to change from lying to sitting, while Xu Xin himself changed from hugging to hugging, letting this fragrant and soft beauty sit on his lap, with the soft jade warm Fragrant, not to mention overpowering.

"My name is Wang Shouren, I come from the capital, and I am the prince's attendant in the palace. You must have heard about the prince's talent show! This time I went to Jiangnan to participate in this matter on the emperor's order, to select suitable beautiful girls for the prince... …”

"G-gongzi... are you letting Yu, Yu Yan, enter the palace..."

When Jiang Yuyan heard Xu Xin's words, she couldn't help but think about it.

The palace, the emperor's order, the draft girl... these keywords reminded her a lot, and she was a little scared. Could it be that she really trusted the wrong person again? Did the young master in front of him actually want to give her away to someone else?

"You can get into the palace with your appearance, but the women in the palace pay attention to the purity of their family background. Besides, I already hold a beauty like you in my arms. If I send you away again, you will be struck by lightning."

As Xu Xin spoke, he rested his chin on Jiang Yuyan's ear. The two of them were rubbing their ears together, and Jiang Yuyan's earlobes gradually turned bright red, and her delicate body, which was originally tense due to nervousness, became soft again.

Jiang Yuyan whispered: "Sir, don't scare Yuyan like this in the future, okay? They will only follow you and they will be yours for the rest of their lives..."

"it is good!"

Xu Xin agreed, and then continued: "But you also promise me one thing. You said you wouldn't follow me, so you deceived me."

"So, I want you not to hide anything from me, not to deceive me, not to tell me a lie in this life, can you do it!"

When Xu Xin said this, he stared at a pair of beautiful eyes under the light bangs.

Yin Susu once said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie.

Jiang Yuyan is a "weak woman" who is very good at deceiving others, especially after she "went dark", she became even more...disowning her relatives, and was ruthless.

"Yuyan is willing to swear with his life, in this life..." Jiang Yuyan raised her palms to swear a poisonous oath, very seriously.

"Yuyan, I come from the capital, and I have some status. My elders have made a marriage contract for me, and I have several married couples at home. I'm afraid I can only include you in the house after we get married. Do you mind!"

When Xu Xin spoke, he stared at Jiang Yuyan's eyes.

When Jiang Yuyan heard what he said, her eyes dimmed a little, and she leaned on her arms and whispered softly: "Yuyan, I'm a little unhappy. However, Yuyan knows that she is not worthy of a talent like the young master. She can be your woman. This is the blessing that Yuyan has accumulated over several lifetimes..."

What she said was sincere. After all, she was born as an illegitimate daughter, so she had some understanding of such things.

"You are so good, you are really lovable!"

Xu Xin held Jiang Yuyan in his arms and comforted her gently, then asked: "By the way, I heard you tell me during the day that you want to follow those two people to find your relatives?"

Jiang Yuyan confessed her life story to Xu Xinhe, "Yes, yes. Before she died, Yuyan's mother told Yuyan that my father was the Jiangnan hero Jiang Biehe, and asked me to find my father... However, Yuyan Now that I have a young master, I don’t necessarily want to go..."

"Jiang Biehe! I really caught up with you! I made an appointment with someone to go to Jiang Mansion tomorrow, and I will introduce you to my family then, how about that!"

"Sir, is it true?"

When Jiang Yuyan heard what he said, she immediately said in surprise.

"You really want to recognize your relatives? As far as I know, Jiang Biehe is not a simple person? Besides, don't you care about who I have an appointment with tomorrow? She is also a girl, and she is not as tall as You're bad!"

"Master, I am not..."

Jiang Yuyan hurriedly explained, and after hearing Xu Xin's words, she asked in a low voice: "Master, is the future wife I have made an appointment with you tomorrow?"

"No, she is just like you, she can be regarded as the confidante I want to take home! My mother said that a good man like me needs to find a good girl to spread his love. What do you think of this? Is it right!"

"Everything the young master said is right!"

Jiang Yuyan responded in a low voice, seeming to have calmly accepted the situation that Xu Xin had another woman. She then asked in a low voice: "Master, then, why did you go to my father?"

"I'm looking for Jiang Biehe, naturally because of... the beautiful girls from the Jiang family... I heard that Jiang Biehe has a daughter, Jiang Yufeng, who has a stunning appearance... After all, she should be your sister!"

"elder sister?"

When Jiang Yuyan heard the name Jiang Yufeng for the first time, she felt... strange. An inexplicable familiarity and another complicated emotion filled her heart.

"If you want to know this, Master, I can tell you slowly. It's late at night now..."

"Mr. Gongzi..."

Jiang Yuyan's voice became shy, and there seemed to be some...expectation.

When Xu Xin woke up in the early morning of the next day, the brocade quilt was fragrant, and his eyes were also fragrant. A beautiful figure was bending down to bring a towel exuding heat.

(End of this chapter)

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