The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 330: 6 Renshen dice, replacing flowers with trees, burying flowers with empty trees

Chapter 330 The Six Ren Divine Dice, replacing flowers with trees, burying flowers with empty trees...

On the path of Jiangfu Garden, Xu Xin and Jiang Yufeng were walking and chatting. The flowers were in full bloom, colorful and colorful, and the fragrance of the flowers was refreshing, making people forget to leave.

"Young Master Wang likes flowers very much, right?"

Jiang Yufeng saw Xu Xin stopping to look at the flowers and plants from time to time, and couldn't help but ask.

"Flowers are so beautiful and fragrant. I think there is no one who doesn't like flowers! However, some people like special flowers, but I am more interested in exotic flowers and plants that are full of aura."

Xu Xin answered like this, then looked at Jiang Yufeng, looked her up and down, and asked: "Miss Yufeng, I would like to take the liberty of asking if I can pick some of the flowers in this garden!"

"Young master is a distinguished guest of Jiang Mansion. Picking a few flowers is just a small matter, so of course it doesn't matter!"

Jiang Yufeng spoke softly, but she didn't even feel it. The longer she stayed with Xu Xin, the more she wanted to get close to him, and she began to be unable to refuse the request of the man in front of her.

"Thank you!"

Xu Xin thanked Jiang Yufeng, then walked around the garden, bent down and picked a delicate and beautiful red flower.

Xu Xin held the red flower in his hand with a smile on his face. He turned around and walked to Jiang Yufeng. The two were less than two feet apart at this time, but he saw Xu Xin slightly reaching out to lift the red flower, as if to put it on Jiang Yufeng.

"do not move!"

Jiang Yufeng had never been so close to a man. Her cheeks were flushed and her body was steaming with heat. She couldn't help but tremble slightly, but she froze when Xu Xin called softly.

"The country is beautiful and fragrant, and people are more delicate than flowers. Yufeng, you are so beautiful...I heard that women like men to send flowers. I borrow flowers to offer to Buddha, don't you blame me!"

Xu Xin put a red flower on Jiang Yufeng's head and slid his hand down the black hair to his cheek. This behavior was already very rude and almost teasing.

But Jiang Yufeng had no intention of evading. She just shook her head slightly and whispered: "No, how could I blame you?"

"Yufeng, I was studying for the prince in Beijing, and by the emperor's order, I went to Jiangnan to select girls for the prince... I came to Jiang Mansion because I heard about you... but..."

Xu Xin's words made Jiang Yufeng instantly nervous, but when he said the word "but", she felt a little expectant again.

"But when I see you, I don't want to send you to the palace anymore."

"Isn't it bad for a person like me to forget my own duty?"


Jiang Yufeng blurted out without thinking.

"Puppy, why are you here?"

Suddenly, a fierce voice suddenly sounded nearby, but there were two more women at the entrance of the garden. The young one was Jiang Yuyan, and the one who spoke just now was a middle-aged servant girl.

Xu Xin and Jiang Yufeng turned around and walked over, and saw the middle-aged servant girl scolding and bullying Jiang Yuyan.

"Sister-in-law Qing, who is she?"

Jiang Yufeng didn't recognize Jiang Yuyan, but instinctively felt that there was something wrong with her. Moreover, the title of the middle-aged servant wife Qingsao just now is also very problematic. Even if he is a servant, which master in the world would name his servant "puppy"? It's more like being a bitch.

"She is……"

"Yufeng, when I came here earlier, I heard from Miss Xinlan and others that Yuyan is your father's other daughter."

"You also know that men sometimes have to socialize, and when they are hanging out, they will make mistakes accidentally. Yuyan's mother died of a serious illness, leaving her alone as an orphan. She was deceived several times on the way to find her father. Fortunately, I met some kind-hearted people to help me.”

"Yufeng, there is a reason why Madam doesn't like Yuyan. I understand this! But after all, she is your father's daughter, your sister. It would be too unbecoming to be bullied by servants. If you are at home in the future, how can you be more polite? Take care of Yuyan..."

Xu Xin explained Jiang Yuyan's origins in a few words. The sister-in-law next to her wanted to interrupt, but Jiang Yufeng looked at her and shut up. “Yu Yan? Really?”

Jiang Yufeng looked at Jiang Yuyan.

"Yuyan has met her sister!"

"From now on, just stay with me!"

"Thank you sister!"

Jiang Yuyan thanked Jiang Yufeng, and when she raised her head, she couldn't help but glance at Xu Xin with a complicated expression.

She originally thought that after finding her father, she would live a good life. But she didn't expect that her father's family would have such a cruel aunt. It's no wonder that her mother never took her to find her father.

Fortunately, she has a sweetheart now.

She has decided to leave Jiang Mansion after a while and never think about coming back again.

"Master Wang, let's go over there and have a look!"

Jiang Yufeng turned to look at Xu Xin again, pointing to the small lotus pond with excellent scenery, with green leaves, lotus flowers, swaying in the wind, and endless wonderful scenery.

Xu Xin and Jiang Yufeng walked over there. Jiang Yuyan glanced at Sister-in-law Qing, then followed her cautiously.

Sister-in-law Qing looked at the three people's retreating figures, and quickly went back to report to his wife that her young lady seemed to have a romantic interest, and the object of her love was an extremely handsome young man.


There was a lot of noise in Jiang Mansion late at night, because Xiao Yu'er discovered the big iron box hidden in the secret room and suspected that it was the missing martial arts leader Tie Ruyun, so there was a huge commotion.

At this time, Xu Xin, who was also staying in Jiang Mansion, did not go out to watch the excitement. Instead, he came to Jiang Mansion's study room, which he had clearly seen during the day, and found a rather strange table.

"Dong dong dong..."

Xu Xin tapped on the table and found that his induction during the day was correct. There was indeed a hidden compartment. He fumbled for a while, only to hear a soft click. The hidden compartment opened and a strange object appeared.

This six-sided strange object is the treasure that countless people in this world's martial arts world want to obtain, the Liuren Divine Dice. It is said that it contains the supreme mental method of Yihua Palace, the ninth level of the Wedding Clothes Magic Skill, which can be practiced alone. The "transferring flowers and trees" to absorb energy from a distance.

Xu Xin's biggest goal when he came to the Jiang family was the Liuren Divine Dice, a third-order Rubik's Cube with patterns on the surface made by a foreign craftsman.

This type of Rubik's Cube puzzle is very difficult to solve if you don't know the skills, and the last step of cracking the Rubik's Cube requires breaking the rules.

The last two patterns cannot be put together, but after the pieces are put together to a certain extent, the grids on the pattern can be removed and put back together again.

Xu Xin had seen these details before, and a mere third-level Rubik's Cube was nothing to worry about for him, a man with three lifetimes of experience and wisdom.

I saw his palms turning rapidly and non-stop, and soon the Liuren Divine Dice was turned so that only two sides were different, and then there was another fumbling.


The Liuren Divine Dice split into four pieces, revealing a small dice inside. The small dice inside did not need to be pieced together. It split open with just a tap. Suddenly, a burst of colorful rays of light was about to fly out from the center of the Liuren Divine Dice, but instead It was wrapped by Xu Xin's palm.

Xu Xin carefully examined the scattered leaves, which were covered with Persian characters. These Persian words contain the supreme mental method of wedding dress, which is coveted by countless people in the world.

Xu Xin wrote down the idea of ​​grafting flowers and grafting trees, and after a while of groping, he obtained the hidden text from another angle. It was a method of burying flowers with empty trees that specifically restrained grafting flowers with grafting trees.

Xu Xin wrote down the two parts and understood them carefully. At this time, the farce outside was coming to an end. In the end, Xiao Yuer still couldn't fight against Jiang Biehe, an old fox.

(End of this chapter)

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